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Stealth Woes.


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Is there really any point to use it... I am 3 levels above the mobs I'm stealthing past, yet they are still able to detect me from a reasonable distance away.


Is the stealth mechanic different in this game than other games? Is it meant more as a social ability or something? Seeing little utility in using it at this stage across a range of characters.

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Stealth doesn't provide complete invisibility. You are still detectable and there are skill points that you can put in to make yourself less noticeable, but if you don't put points into it you have to stay farther away from mobs. You can't just walk through them.
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Probably one of the less insightful answers... I'm very well aware of the points I can utilise, and have done so... as I said I haven't simply tried to walk through them... honestly, if you can't contribute beyond making generalized, uninsightful comments, just move on. Don't post.
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I don't know why so many people have such difficulties with it. Stealth is easy to use very effectively.

(speaking mostly in pvE point of view)


Just learn to use it right.


1. It takes only a little bit practice to learn at what distance normal mobs detect you. After that it's easy to use effectively. Also, if you keep your eyes open, you can see a warning as they usually react in some way just before they are about to detect you, so you have time to get back.


2. They detect you only if you're in front of them. From behind their back you can go as close as you like.


3. Use BLACKOUT when you want to get past a group where you have no choice but to go really close to them. It makes you completely undetectable in most cases for 8 seconds, which is more than enough time to get past just about anything



4. Also use MIND TRAP on the mob you are going to get closest to, and again, it can't detect you at all, when mind trapped.

If it is only single mob, not a group, you can mind trap it and even come out of stealth and it can't see you.


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They changed the stealth mechanic in 1.2.


It used to be very strong, u had to be stood on top of some1 b4 they noticed u were there. Now it is far weaker from the front.


From the side and rear, the stealth is still very strong and u can get right on top of ppl/mobs b4 they gain awareness of ur presence.


However, if approaching some1 from the front they are able to detect u from a considerable distance. This was introduced primarily because of pvp and all the ppl that kept crying about being killed by stealthers.

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I agree with Eternal.


Stealth is one of the most useful non combat skills end game imho. With it i can solo all my Belsavis dailies quickly and easily (including the 2 mans), CC the crap out of things if i want to harvest a node nearby a mob, just plan jump someone in pvp, etc.


No offense OP but it sounds like you just don't know what you're doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Probably one of the less insightful answers... I'm very well aware of the points I can utilise, and have done so... as I said I haven't simply tried to walk through them... honestly, if you can't contribute beyond making generalized, uninsightful comments, just move on. Don't post.


Surprisingly, your OP is even less informative and contributes even more nondescript generalized statements. Taking your own advice you shouldn't have made this thread.


What level are you? What are you trying to stealth by? Where are you? Certain NPC's have excellent stealth detection. I rarely have any trouble and can sneak through high level dailies.

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