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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Inspect people


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If you could add options to see what level and class people is by rightclick in the chat that would be awesome. And also inspect their gear if they're beside you.


Also make it so that you can rightclick on the names that've whispered you.


Many thanks.

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I don't see why people need to near your to inspect them. Sure WOW does it like that but LOTRO let's you inspect any player anywhere and it's one of my favorite features in the game.


I don't really care one way or another. I just went with what I'm most familiar with :)

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I don't see why people need to near your to inspect them. Sure WOW does it like that but LOTRO let's you inspect any player anywhere and it's one of my favorite features in the game.


This is especially nice when someone is asking for help or you catch them on chat and you would like to see if you can bring anything to the table. Sometimes you just don't need multiple healers or tanks.

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I would prefer if no inspect was ever implemented so I can keep my gear & talent choices to myself. A magician never reveals his secrets.


As for seeing a persons level, class, etc. by way of clicking their name in chat I would fully support this.

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actually you can inspect other players... *target face - right mouse click and you can find it there*




Select a player, right-click their portrait, it's under 'other options' or something....can't remember the wording exactly. At any rate, it's there....explore, people, explore.

Edited by photoheathen
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Select a player, right-click their portrait, it's under 'other options' or something. Can't remember exactly. At any rate, it's there....explore, people, explore.


He's not talking about this... If you see someone in chat, there is no option to display further information on that person like class and level. For example in WoW you can Shift click a person I think and it shows you the level, guild and class.


*Edit* He is partially asking about this sorry.


The first part of his question is still good and should be there.

Edited by eXes
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  • 6 months later...
If you could add options to see what level and class people is by rightclick in the chat that would be awesome. And also inspect their gear if they're beside you.


Also make it so that you can rightclick on the names that've whispered you.


Many thanks.


I agree with this post. You should be able to see someones class/lvl/guild in chat if you shift click them.

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I would prefer if no inspect was ever implemented so I can keep my gear & talent choices to myself. A magician never reveals his secrets.


As for seeing a persons level, class, etc. by way of clicking their name in chat I would fully support this.



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He's not talking about this... If you see someone in chat, there is no option to display further information on that person like class and level. For example in WoW you can Shift click a person I think and it shows you the level, guild and class.


*Edit* He is partially asking about this sorry.


The first part of his question is still good and should be there.


I wonder what is so hard for some people to undestand about the Who panel.

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I would prefer if no inspect was ever implemented so I can keep my gear & talent choices to myself. A magician never reveals his secrets.


As for seeing a persons level, class, etc. by way of clicking their name in chat I would fully support this.


In principle, I agree. However, when running group content that is very difficult, players need to ensure that all members of the group meet specific requirements. I really don't want to run a hard mode with 3 people in level 48 gear.


I think a good way to solve this problem might be to add a feature to the group finder that specifies minimum stats of group members. Such as "endurance =< xxx" or "main stat =< xxx".

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you can inspect people when they are next to you just target them then right click their portrait and find the option inspect player.

i do not think however that someone should be able to see your class and level from clicking on your name in chat, all that will do is lead to a bunch of "shut up noob your only level x" in chat

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