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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sigh... gear gap


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So I play a maurader, and before 1.2 i was pretty decent, and could hold my own against battlemaster's (me being in centurion/champion), because they were just bad and farmed for their title. That isn't my issue. My issue now is i no longer can compete in warzones because of the huge gear gap from champion gear, and full bm gear. And to add insult to injury, you make it almost impossible for me to catch up to them unless my team wins the warzone. So is it just me, or did 1.2 break pvp a bit more?
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Sounds like you've been pvping at 50 for at least 2-3 weeks ( i imagine its more tho) so no reason at all why you don't have a few BM pieces by now, and if you even played a moderate amount of games you should have half to full BM. For all the parts you're missing, replace with recruit.


Not really sure what your issue is ( oh, and they changed losing comms again so you get billions even if you lose AND you only need 1 medal).

Edited by Phuzz
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for the love of god. BUY RECRUIT GEAR


im a getting really tired of people complaining about the gear gap after bioware made it so blatantly easy to get PvP gear and compete.


300k is not a lot of credits, especially now that rewards arent gimping people in warzones.


even the devs in their stupid Q&A said that the gear gap people are complaining about is because theyre improperly geared for pvp now. in case you havent heard, EXPERTISE MATTERS MORE NOW! stack as much of it as you can and you will be able to compete.


its not bloody rocket science.........

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So I play a maurader, and before 1.2 i was pretty decent, and could hold my own against battlemaster's (me being in centurion/champion), because they were just bad and farmed for their title. That isn't my issue. My issue now is i no longer can compete in warzones because of the huge gear gap from champion gear, and full bm gear. And to add insult to injury, you make it almost impossible for me to catch up to them unless my team wins the warzone. So is it just me, or did 1.2 break pvp a bit more?



  • War zone rewards are now the same--if not better than pre 1.2 for winning.
  • Expertise matters more than it did pre 1.2. Champion gear may have better stats, but those stats are irrelevant if you're rocking 600 expertise compared to 950ish recruit and almost 1200 BM.
  • Buy recruit gear. You'll be capable.
  • BM gear takes only a few days assuming you pvp for 2-4 hours a day.

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Recruit gear SUCK.

You get expertise... fine.

But you lack the basic stats that make expertise actually worth it.

You don't do **** damage. And if you had 17% damage to **** damage it's still **** damage.


Yes the gear gap between Recruit and BM is 3 times bigger then centurion was to BM. And back before 1.2 BM was the end game gear now Recruit vs War hero? Just forget it.

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Recruit gear SUCK.

You get expertise... fine.

But you lack the basic stats that make expertise actually worth it.

You don't do **** damage. And if you had 17% damage to **** damage it's still **** damage.


Yes the gear gap between Recruit and BM is 3 times bigger then centurion was to BM. And back before 1.2 BM was the end game gear now Recruit vs War hero? Just forget it.




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Recruit gear SUCK.

You get expertise... fine.

But you lack the basic stats that make expertise actually worth it.

You don't do **** damage. And if you had 17% damage to **** damage it's still **** damage.


Yes the gear gap between Recruit and BM is 3 times bigger then centurion was to BM. And back before 1.2 BM was the end game gear now Recruit vs War hero? Just forget it.


It's the damage reduction that matters most of all from Expertise. Yes, your DPS may be slightly lower than in Columi but you'll stay alive much, much longer.

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It's the damage reduction that matters most of all from Expertise. Yes, your DPS may be slightly lower than in Columi but you'll stay alive much, much longer.


Slightly lower? Twice lower is more like it. 17% damage reduction is **** compared to having 100% more DPS. T_T

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Gear gap is one of the reasons that Warhammer Online never stabilized in subs once the game had settled down and improved, not the only reason but one of the main ones why it continues to bleed the few remaining subscribers. TOR is already bleeding subscribers from the PvP segment for other reasons and this can only compound things.


Cross server queues, proper open world objectives, merge servers and then a valor 60+ bracket should have been introduced to rectify things but sadly with the removal of valor requirements from gear that likely won't happen. It still should but it's hard to see it on the horizon with the direction Bioware are currently taking.


I say this as someone who's two toons i play are both fully geared. I'd prefer to fight other geared people and i'd prefer the pvp population didn't dwindle any further.

Edited by Kabaal
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