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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.3 eta?


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WoW was the mmo of it's time...


SWTOR is the mmo of this generation... It will just keep gaining more and more people and get bigger and better. PLUS it's in a GALAXY that is Star Wars. Not just one world. Blizzard screwed themselves on that one. Different worlds > one world


I totally agree with the fact that I believe this game will grow. The initial surge of people who wanted to play it is over. Now we'll see a slow but steady increase for at least a few years in my opinion.


However, I do have to say that the one world in WoW did at least have a lot of variety in it I think. But I do like having my own ship that I can travel to different Star Wars themed worlds with.

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Nothing up on the PTS means no 1.3 in May like they said. Another broken promise.


How do you figure? It's only may 7th. They have already said 1.3 is a smaller content patch, it may only need a week of testing. We still have over 3 weeks left in the month.

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It is slated for release by the end of June, and is the only remaining content update planned for the current fiscal quarter.


They never said 'slated for release by the end of June'. They said that they were releasing 2 content patches in the quarter. One, 'Legacy' or 1.2 has been released and they plan one more release for the quarter. Could be anytime in the quarter.

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They never said 'slated for release by the end of June'. They said that they were releasing 2 content patches in the quarter. One, 'Legacy' or 1.2 has been released and they plan one more release for the quarter. Could be anytime in the quarter.
... Yeah ... released at any point in the quarter means it will be released by the end of June ....
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I love how ppl in this thread were calling GW2 P2W. Those same ppl most likely did NOT play the beta to know for themselves what is in the cash shop. I on the other hand did and know for a fact that 98% of the cash shop is for account only.
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