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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware sort out open world pvp!!


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Currently the state this game is in There isnt any pvp to speak of really




World PvP could literally save this game from utter mediocrity. I want to see gank fests! Lowbies getting killed by geared 50's, fellow guildies coming to avenge their fallen noob brethren, surprise attacks from superior numbered forces, using terrain to gain a tactical advantage! All the things that make PvP exciting and dynamic!


Warzones should NOT be our PvP. Screw all this controlled environment borefest, give me some chaos!

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You mean the world pvp that people clamor for in every MMO but then never actually do world pvp and just stick with the instanced pvp? The world pvp that people get flustered with because its the same in EVERY mmo where it just turns into two big crowds gathering in one spot aoeing each other?


Ya no thanks.

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