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Medics are broken beyond repair. The game is no longer fun.


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Why would you some healing? You spawn really quiclky in PvP. In less then ten second you are right back in the middle of th action, killing the guys who kill you in the first place... unless he received some healing first... (humm maybe you do need some after all)


What amazed me is the reaction some people gets when their class is not like what they wanted to be.

My class suck. so I quit this game! I mean there so many options (8 class, 2 Ac per class, 2-3 Specialty per Ac) If you don't like one choose another!

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"it still means they are tanking the enemy.". A DPSer could be tanking that damage with said utility so the "support tanking" argument could be applied to everyone else anyways. And, of course, it's very questionable that a healer (or dps for that matter) should be balanced around having a pocket tank.


For the record, although I think we were overnerfed, I don't think it's as bad as the OP and a few others have stated it. It's the hypothetical that healers should never win a duel 1v1 equal skill/gear that makes me want to drink.


Yes, the company that made an MMO fun enough to almost singlehandedly cause the genre to go mainstream is "shady".


You're mistaken. Against terrible pugs I still have good numbers in wzs and win duels. Against a legit guildy that knows what they're doing (namely interrupts and cc) and has some gear, I can't afford to use very many GCDs for anything but heals, what little damage I can output is largely or entirely covered by their mild self-healing, and I'm whittled down with my nerfed regen.


The state of things will really become apparent, IMO, when rated WZs come out. Against pugs and reasonably talented players playing in a casual/careless manner (jumping into a pack of players or targeting a particular enemy over and over again) rather than playing more objectively we still do alright. Against a team of serious players target switching immediately (often with vent), and laying on their CC, interrupts, and burst, we're dead in seconds. PvP gear increases healing less than damage, we have no good defensive abilities and one decent one, we have no spammable instants or instant casts on a trivial cd, and (largely as a result of the previous issue) we have terrible mobility while healing. Instant casts are godly in PvP and we'll suffer soon for a lack of them.


The class needs a decent but not strong HoT, a stronger reactive shield (something like either 50% damage reduction or 35% reduction and 35% of damage is retured to the attacter; it is a "reactive shield" apparently and some of that 35% will be mitigated by the given attacter's armor/talents,) and MP's ammo cost lowered back down to 1 after AMP is casted, and some sort of buff to TP (maybe 5-10% more healing to targets with TP on it) to make it feel meaningful (i.e. fun) to press instead of a 1m trivial HpA boost or ritualistic pre-fight cast.


No a dpser would go down much faster while "tanking" the enemy without a healer healing him. The healer stands there, soaks up the damage while healing himself, fullfilling his duty in one way or the other. If a dps was soaking up the damage and the healer wasnt focused then he would heal the dpser taking damage. It doesnt matter which way the healer prolongs the fight aslong as he does it.


Healers can very well win a duel, they just need to be ready to take their time. What would be the point rolling anything besides healers if you killed fast and could stay alive without trouble?


It is a shady company that ruined a once very great genre by enforcing new mandatory mechanics i.e god like healers and so on. That is acting shady, because it sets a new foundation for what MMOs should be like because they rode the gravey train that was the Warcraft frenchise. Then *********** up the MMO community in the process. Blizzard made many selfish bad bad mistakes throughout WoWs history, or well since the introduction of arenas.


Duels mean squatdiddly. In a WZ if you get pinned into a fight and stay its your own problem, there are 7 other members on your team, you should stick with them as a healer. There is no excuse really to getting jumped alone, because the spawns are just that silly close to the objectives that you cant really get lost (hopefully).


Yes healing is increased less than damage and abs. However, heals cant miss. They can get debuffed yes, but so can damage by the same amount. Its a balance thing, live with it.


You want a STRONGER shield??? You are not a tank, you already get immunity to interrupt/pushbacks when its up. You also want it to return damage to the attacker??? While absing more? So you pretty much want a bubble that makes you immune to interrupts/pushback, increases the healing done to you, absing 35% damage AND returning it to the attacker?


They just balanced your class and you want it to be buffed back to an even better state than before. And still at the same time many commandos/mercs have no problems with playing as a healer with the 1.2 changes. It sounds more like a L2P issue.

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firstly you shouldent be basing your opinion on a class on pvp alone . but saying that you are at a disadvantage to a certain healing class in that quite simply you have no way to sheild yourself or your team mates the way a sage can .i cant stress enough how OP the sage and inquisiter bubble is , untill trooper gets an equivilant you allways come second best for group invites , anyway thats my humble opnion on the matter
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I have to post because I can't believe someone made the comparison to DAOC. True in DAOC healers healed, but a healer in daoc could easily heal through 2-3 dps on one target if they were left alone. True they were shutdown rather brutally if interrupted, which could be done fairly easily by most classes. But the big point is they could heal through multiple dps's if left alone. That is not true in SWTOR. Which makes healing in 1.2 fail.


Commandos saving grace wasn't the ability to kite, ability to heal on the move, it was being able to throw out some great heals while being attacked. This is no longer the case in 1.2. Not much else to say.

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Stopped reading there. Come back when you try a Hard Mode or Nightmare with full Rakata.

he should its fun and so do able :) good tips for future troopers your an inspirtation telling them to try hardmode ops and nightmare, they do need to try them because there really fun to heal especially when you beat them.

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Stopped reading there. Come back when you try a Hard Mode or Nightmare with full Rakata.


My friend, if you had taken the time to read what I wrote , you would had seen me acknowledging that its a whole different ball game at 50 ( 3rd paragraph) but since you didnt, im sorry to say this my good sir , but that may makes you a trololololol =P.


On a different subject , im no stranger to HM fps/op. I have a lvl 50 heal operative that been put to work on lvl 50 events prior to 1.2 patch and that was a hard challenge to do as a healer. Im expecting 50 combat medic to be marginally better than pre 1.2 opreative healer. With BW improving the Ops/Smugg healing , I have faith that BW will refine commando medic down the road.


meanwhile im gonna continue having fun with my medic.

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