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Best Pve DPS?


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you make it sound so simple, its more like:


download MOX parser


enable combat logging


specify where the combat logging folder is directed


keep an eye on combat logging as it does not automatically purge old data and thus will take up disk space


those parsers are a sad attempt at a dps meter. its like the desperate way of obtaining the data. the fights arent even that hard in this game. sure bosses have an enrage timer but does it ever really happen? gear checks are common even with a dps meter. its easy to tell where your weakest link is. as long as everyone has the proper gear, dps should never be an issue to the point where people need to gauge it religiously.


Or just make your life simpler. Select file and upload to TORParse.com. Done.

Edited by BroadStreetBully
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Overall warzone damage is a terrible measure for class DPS.




I top every WZ i play as my madness/sin.

Even when playing deception i'm still way up there,

mean's nothing rly.

Edited by arkzehhh
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  • 4 weeks later...


I top every WZ i play as my madness/sin.

Even when playing deception i'm still way up there,

mean's nothing rly.


Very true statement. Anyone can spam AOE all day on healed targets and get huge damage numbers.

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the OP clearly wants to play a FOTM class, and everyone that answered him is enabling him.


no one likes the guy that only plays the fotm classes, so why enable this guy?


okay mr. youcanonlyplaythewayiwantyoutootherwiseillgetupsetthatyourolledaclassbecauseitoutperformsotherswhatyouneedtodoisrollaclasswithoutknowinganythingthenfindoutitsucksandrerollbecausethatswhatwedidandyoushoulddothesamethingforumsarentforinsighttheyareforpolicingpeopledesiretobeenabled

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People keep putting Lethality Snipers.. I have never played a sniper so cannot comment.. But I have a Dirty Fighting Gunslinger, and would that not be pretty much the same as a Lethality Sniper as far as DPS. Since they are close to mirrior classes and a mirror tree.. I guess it is as much of a question as a statement. So that class/spec should be up there with best DPS I would imagine. Edited by Menien
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  • 1 month later...
the OP clearly wants to play a FOTM class, and everyone that answered him is enabling him.


no one likes the guy that only plays the fotm classes, so why enable this guy?


Why would anyone dislike people that want to play the FOTM class? As long as they have time and motivation to constantly re-roll I really don't see the problem.


I'd rather have a raid full of FOTM re-rollers that pull top DPS then a bunch of noobs that "play what they like" and only bring 50% or 75% the DPS that they could if they re-rolled.


Anyone saying "all classes are equal, play what you want" are either blind, ignorant or have a very selective perception of reality.


This game is totally and utterly unbalanced. Therefore, anyone who wants to min/max will want to re-roll constantly or miss out on huge amounts of DPS.

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You want some real truth about the best dps? Its Assassin Madness spec, try it out use your dps meters or anything you want to and you will see. Id also like to say that it is extremely fun and has the coolest ability graphics.


I laughed as I read that. There is absolutely no way a madness assassin can put up the numbers a powertech, merc, marauder, sniper, or even sorc can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find it interesting that every class on the empire's side has been mentioned. So therefore I can infer that all classes have the ability to gain huge numbers in a pvp or pve setting. Doesn't matter if it is a republic or empire class. Play what you want and you will get there.


As an off note. Reevaluate your gear and do your homework. You may find that you have been raising a stat that doesn't help you as much as one you may have been ignoring.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In Denova HM fights


#1) Pyro PT tops the charts (1800+ dps)

#2) Sniper(engineer or lethality), Arsenal Mercenary, Marauders (on fights condusive to mele) (1500-1800 dps depending on fight)

#3) Sorcs (highest I have seen is 1450 dps)

#4) Assasins/operatives - Havent seen enough good ones to know for sure but I doubt they are close to PTs)

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Madness sorc, marauder, lethality sniper, arsanal merc, or pyro pt pretty much hold the top. Those that think mercs cannot dps havn't met any good ones, the guy in my guild puts up massive numbers and easily competes with all of us. I run a sniper an mara and enjoy both alot, pick a class that you enjoy, learn everything you can and roll with it. Its not always about being on top as it is playing your part and helping the group which seems to be the biggest issue. Everyone likes big numbers, but that means nothing if you are dieing.
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In Denova HM fights


#1) Pyro PT tops the charts (1800+ dps)

#2) Sniper(engineer or lethality), Arsenal Mercenary, Marauders (on fights condusive to mele) (1500-1800 dps depending on fight)

#3) Sorcs (highest I have seen is 1450 dps)

#4) Assasins/operatives - Havent seen enough good ones to know for sure but I doubt they are close to PTs)


last night I did 2750 DPS against one of the bombadares in HM EC as a vig Guardian

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last night I did 2750 DPS against one of the bombadares in HM EC as a vig Guardian


That means absolutely nothing. I have done 3200 dps on a bombadier myself as a mercenary. What actually matters is the susstained dps over the entire fight.


In Denova HM fights (Each entire fight from start to finish)


#1) Pyro PT tops the charts (1800+ dps)

#2) Sniper(engineer or lethality), Arsenal Mercenary, Marauders (on fights condusive to mele) (1500-1800 dps depending on fight)

#3) Sorcs (highest I have seen is 1450 dps)

#4) Assasins/operatives - Havent seen enough good ones to know for sure but I doubt they are close to PTs)

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Why would anyone dislike people that want to play the FOTM class? As long as they have time and motivation to constantly re-roll I really don't see the problem.


I'd rather have a raid full of FOTM re-rollers that pull top DPS then a bunch of noobs that "play what they like" and only bring 50% or 75% the DPS that they could if they re-rolled.


Anyone saying "all classes are equal, play what you want" are either blind, ignorant or have a very selective perception of reality.


This game is totally and utterly unbalanced. Therefore, anyone who wants to min/max will want to re-roll constantly or miss out on huge amounts of DPS.


Still better then ppl using only abilities that look good and fit their character... so doing less dps than a tank....


madness, absolute madness

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That means absolutely nothing. I have done 3200 dps on a bombadier myself as a mercenary. What actually matters is the susstained dps over the entire fight.


In Denova HM fights (Each entire fight from start to finish)


#1) Pyro PT tops the charts (1800+ dps)

#2) Sniper(engineer or lethality), Arsenal Mercenary, Marauders (on fights condusive to mele) (1500-1800 dps depending on fight)

#3) Sorcs (highest I have seen is 1450 dps)

#4) Assasins/operatives - Havent seen enough good ones to know for sure but I doubt they are close to PTs)


measuring the entire fight is completely pointless.


there are periods where it is best to cruse and periods where it is essential to put out topp dps.


for example the polatiry droids and the trandoshan warriors = go slow

while bombadears and battle walker = go fast.


the fight is further complicated in that Kephess is the only combatant with boss level armour. ever noticed how your damage is high on all the trash prior to kephess then goes down on kephess - its because trhe rest have less armour and defence.

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measuring the entire fight is completely pointless.


there are periods where it is best to cruse and periods where it is essential to put out topp dps.


for example the polatiry droids and the trandoshan warriors = go slow

while bombadears and battle walker = go fast.


the fight is further complicated in that Kephess is the only combatant with boss level armour. ever noticed how your damage is high on all the trash prior to kephess then goes down on kephess - its because trhe rest have less armour and defence.


Look here: measuring dps based off of one 15 second fight is stupid. That's what I was responding too. The burst dps any one class can get is pointless because all the dps classes can burst for 2500-3k.


Sustained dps DOES matter. All you are doing is clouding up the conversation by pointing out how Denova is mostly mechanics based as opposed to dps based. The only point that proves is that you could do it with more tanks/healers than usual.


This thread is about PVE dps so lets stay on topic. DPS in PVE is measured as how much total damage/dps you do over the entire fight. That's what matters. That's what keeps you from hitting enrage timers.


This is a simple concept folks. We are talking day 1 of class in raiding 101.

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Hey guys.

After leveling my JK to 50 and just getting bummed out from the low dps output from him, I kinda just wanna play the best current class in the game.

Anyone have any suggestions?


roll a maurader and a PT and see which one you like better. Honestly, it sounds like you simply don't like how the Jugg plays (er...guard. same thing). in an odd note, I prefer playing my jugg over my guardian. guard just feels clunkier.


back to topic: Juggs can parse very well. I've seen them top 1800 on some fights. so your guard has plenty of capability to produce DPS. it's not as easy to get the DPS OUT of them, but it's there. Now, this has NO BEARING on your enjoyment of the game. if you want a class that is easy to get DPS out of, and can put out satisfactory numbers doing so, then you will want either Mara/sent and PT/Vanguard if its melee, or Merc/commando if its ranged. any of those will be easier to get DPS out of....IF you enjoy how they play. if you don't...then the DPS wont matter. it will be an uphill battle the whole way.

Edited by Elyx
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  • 3 weeks later...

Assuming a single target, I could probably break 1800 on my Jugg. I get around 1750 on a 6 min with him parse pretty much every time, so if you count in V.throw, it might crack that.


My PT, on the other hand, breaks 1900 easy on a 6 min parse, and also gets 30% more damage on dots during exectuion phase, which are 30% of his damage. And that's using a rakata relic and a matrix cube, which are likely not the best choices.


I've never seen a sin parse super high before. We've used one since the game came out, but he generally tops out around 1850.

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Assuming a single target, I could probably break 1800 on my Jugg. I get around 1750 on a 6 min with him parse pretty much every time, so if you count in V.throw, it might crack that.


My PT, on the other hand, breaks 1900 easy on a 6 min parse, and also gets 30% more damage on dots during exectuion phase, which are 30% of his damage. And that's using a rakata relic and a matrix cube, which are likely not the best choices.


I've never seen a sin parse super high before. We've used one since the game came out, but he generally tops out around 1850.


id love to see that, can you post it?

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all i know is in my experience, my jug puts up 1550 on a parse of 5 minutes and my mara puts up 1750. both are equally geared, fully augmented blackhole gear minus mainhand. I wanna believe jug dps is better than that but idk, 200 is just way too steep a gap between 2 dps specs...
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That's just one on the dummy, it's the 2nd one listed. 1819 over 6 min. Actually a little higher, likely, as the parser lags about getting out of combat on it.


Done in Rage, fully buffed and using and addrenal though. Also looks to be higher than normal, as I had almost a 70% crit rate on V.Slash, which should be closer to 50%.


It won't be nearly that on live combat though, as I have to focus on my rotation more than I'd like. Even talking at vent seems to mess me up, let alone having to account for position and missed GCD due to raid mechanics.

Edited by Teioh_White
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That's just one on the dummy, it's the 2nd one listed. 1819 over 6 min. Actually a little higher, likely, as the parser lags about getting out of combat on it.


Yes you have more than that if we look your torparse, make between 04:42:27 and 04:48:34 in "by time" on torparser, it's written 1836.94 on 6min and 6/7sec, congratulations :)


The same for mine, 1946 on 5min 24sec but we have to make between 18:46:32 and 18:51:57 (because i made what i do before the fight to see everything)


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