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Marauder PVE Build?


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Hello everyone I am new to SWTOR and I am really looking forward to playing! I have a problem though, I am confused on what a great PVE build would be for the Marauder! I heard Ann. was really good but then I had someone tell me Carnage was good as well? After the 1.2 patch I'm just not sure anymore :( Please if someone can provide me a great PVE build I would be really greatful :D:D Thanks everyone!
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I'd appreciate help on this question, too. I was Rage before the update and am wondering how to apply my skill points now that they've been refunded. If Anni is better for PVE (which is all I do at the moment) I'd be interested in some help with the tree.
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Both Anni and Carnage are fine for PVE, an example for an Anni spec would be the following (it's the one I'm playing now).




you could also play with slighty more DPS (really just slighty) but you'd lose 30% dmg reduction vs ae dmg (which should be worth it in Ops on HM/NM), simply don't spec defensive forms or defensive roll and put the points into 4% extra force critical + 15% crit on VS.


For Carnage I'd say this should be the one;




Carnage has better burst imo due to Gore + Ravage + Scream after Massacre, Anni needs time to really get going with 3 annihilate stacks + bleeds but it provides self+grphealing (small amounts but you do notice it).


Edit: For leveling with a DPS companion I'd say Annihilation is better due to a little bit healing, Carnage might be more hectic here, but it's only a little thing - play what suits you better - dots or burst like crazy.

Edited by Aethyriel
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I have never tired Carnage spec, but I do run an Annihilation spec on my PvE Marauder. The heal can sometimes make a huge difference on difficult fights. But be aware that this isn't a simple rotation class to play. I know we are now the FTM class, but take some time to really think about your abilities and in what situations you want to use them.
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Both Anni and Carnage are fine for PVE, an example for an Anni spec would be the following (it's the one I'm playing now).




you could also play with slighty more DPS (really just slighty) but you'd lose 30% dmg reduction vs ae dmg (which should be worth it in Ops on HM/NM), simply don't spec defensive forms or defensive roll and put the points into 4% extra force critical + 15% crit on VS.


For Carnage I'd say this should be the one;




Carnage has better burst imo due to Gore + Ravage + Scream after Massacre, Anni needs time to really get going with 3 annihilate stacks + bleeds but it provides self+grphealing (small amounts but you do notice it).


Edit: For leveling with a DPS companion I'd say Annihilation is better due to a little bit healing, Carnage might be more hectic here, but it's only a little thing - play what suits you better - dots or burst like crazy.


That First spec is just plain bad...your skipping malice???? Bread and butter for anni spec man...a big nono....IF you like to stand in AOE and "fire" sure take the defensive talents....If your bad....If your a decent player...you dont need any defensive talents....take ravager malice and brutality in the rage tree...stay with dual wield mastery in the carnage tree and thats it....31/3/7 woops the **** out of your spec...its the best spec for a marauder hands down....Stop giving bad advice.



BUT if your healers are bad..and u like to stand in AOE....then your spec will work for you....but youll be hundreds of dps shy.

Edited by AthaniX
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Rage is quite good for leveling as well. Its strength is AoE burst which, by golly, is pretty much the best thing you'd want to be good at (followed by self-healing) for leveling. Its pointless until about 28, but once you get auto-crit Smashes and Shockwave then you do well. Be sure to leave a Strong for last, and be sure to get 3 or 4 ticks of Force Choke on it before it dies. Then when you're ready, leap to the next pack and immediately Smash them. Should knock off 1/2 to 3/4 the health of all the nearby Normal mobs and dent the Strongs pretty nicely as well. Clean-up should be quick enough that you can only do it every other pack until you get Berserk or Force Crush to let you do it roughly every pack.


All 3 specs can level just fine, and Anni will probably be the best against a tough single opponent, but for leveling overall I'd say it goes Rage > Anni > Carnage. The speed with which you finish off packs will more than make up for any additional downtime you'd have vs going Anni.


For PvP, I'd say Carnage is the way to go, but even there, Rage can be fun. Get 4 stacks of Shockwave, find a pack of opponents standing stupidly close together, pop your trinkets, leap and Smash them, and watch your screen light up with all the medals you just got.

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I'm lvl 42 now and have been playing with a mostly Rage spec under the pre-update system (was working for the 5/5/31 spec). Looking at the 31/3/7 Anni spec looks interesting, but how much of an adjustment would that be after getting accustomed to Rage? Also, I don't do any PVP (not yet anyhow), so I'm strictly leveling at the moment. Is there a recommended Rage spec for leveling, too?



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.IF you like to stand in AOE and "fire" sure take the defensive talents....If your bad....If your a decent player...you dont need any defensive talents.

I think or HM toth and Zorn defensive roll is a must have talent, or very close to one, at least at a point where the thing isn't on farm and people are still mostly in old gear, you can't avoid the stomp toth does since you have to be in melee range, in the third phase (red circles) there is unavoidable aoe dmg on the whole raid (about 300 or 400 per tick), his berserk stomp can and should be avoided


not taking a 30% dmg reduction puts quite more of a strain on your healers and uses up more of their focus/heat which would be better served on the tank


probably don't need it after that since everything is avoidable, but while still learning the first boss, defensive roll is quite important imho

Edited by Enosh_
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That First spec is just plain bad...your skipping malice???? Bread and butter for anni spec man...a big nono....IF you like to stand in AOE and "fire" sure take the defensive talents....If your bad....If your a decent player...you dont need any defensive talents....take ravager malice and brutality in the rage tree...stay with dual wield mastery in the carnage tree and thats it....31/3/7 woops the **** out of your spec...its the best spec for a marauder hands down....Stop giving bad advice.



BUT if your healers are bad..and u like to stand in AOE....then your spec will work for you....but youll be hundreds of dps shy.

It sounds like someone has never raided in SWTOR. It also sounds like someone has never made it beyond 3rd grade Language Arts class. The +4% extra critical CHANCE with those extra 2 points in Malice is nice, but it hardly the bread and butter of the spec. I'd say taking 2 points in Defensive Roll is just as useful, overall, than 2 extra points in Malice. As Annihilation, you should have Berserk up a vast majority of the time, which means you get more use out of Defensive Roll than you do out of Malice. 4% crit CHANCE increase some of the time, vs. 30% AE damage reduction all of the time is pretty comparable, and one is not necessarily better than the other.


If you'd like to compare DPS logs from your spec vs. mine, I don't mind doing so. I seriously doubt you'll be "hundreds" of DPS ahead of me on any boss fight.


Here is my PVE spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrorfsZhMMZR.1

Edited by PenoNation
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@PenoNation: No need to be rude when your spec is just as bad. You are taking points into Defensive Role yet the only bosses where you would be taking AoE damage is Toth and Zorn when they jump, which is minimal and on Warlord Kephess when you have to disarm the walker and you take the damage from his ground AoE which again is minimal. Basically taking points in Defensive Roll just says you don't trust your healers and you take more AoE damage than you should.


Annihilation Spec with Combat Logs if you need to play Carnage you aren't going to do nearly as much dps, Carnage is clearly a PvP spec with high burst and no sustain and almost all of the good PvP utility talents.


Using that spec that I just linked you will be able to stack Power/Surge which is basically the Annihilation spec's majority dps stats, Crit being the lowest because of the 100% crit chance when using Berserking. If you need any clarification, my stream is there and you can PM me.

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That First spec is just plain bad...your skipping malice???? Bread and butter for anni spec man...a big nono....IF you like to stand in AOE and "fire" sure take the defensive talents....If your bad....If your a decent player...you dont need any defensive talents....take ravager malice and brutality in the rage tree...stay with dual wield mastery in the carnage tree and thats it....31/3/7 woops the **** out of your spec...its the best spec for a marauder hands down....Stop giving bad advice.



BUT if your healers are bad..and u like to stand in AOE....then your spec will work for you....but youll be hundreds of dps shy.


Didn't read here for a while... how is Malice bread and butter for Anni? 4% higher crit chance (compared to my spec)for dots and 15% on your ragedump is hardly stronger then def. roll (there is more then enough ae dmg that you simply can't dodge and especially raiding 8 man lowering your inc dmg and making life easier for your healers is a very good thing) and defensive forms with the increased Fury generation. Depending on the encounter it doesn't make a big difference compred to Malice, when you get enough dmg in, def. forms builds fury per attack, enabling berserk to be used more often thus increasing your overall critchance with dots and making them heal your entire party.


Considering nothing else besides Denova encounters it is true that def. roll is not ideal on anything after the first boss - before I put points in malice though I'd take the acc. talent instead and trash acc. on gear if possible (haven't build something in charplaner yet) and take crit or power for it (or surge, though that's just incredibly easy to cap) which would provide an overall higher DPS then up to 6% crit on roughly 1/3 of your total dmg.

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