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How do you deal with scoundrels as a Deception Sin?


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(Copied from another topic I posted in about the same thing)


I usually look to see if Force Shroud is off CD when I see an operative/scoundrel around me. I've done it a few times and as mentioned, their opener is tech based dmg, not only will force shroud prevent you from taking the opener dmg, it will also keep your face off the ground. Done it a few times to a few different operatives/soundrels. I assummed they were pretty pissed about that, lol.


After that its about maintaining a bit of distance and hitting them with Shock and Surging Charge's Discharge. Make sure to Jolt (interrupt) any heals they try casting on themselves. Also be prepared to break out of a Debilitate/Dirty Kick or the Flash Grenade (shroud also works well for negating these stuns) as they will either proceed to **** you, or heal themselves.


Whirlwind as Deception is not gonna be worth it. (Kinda feel like the above poster has no idea how to play Deception assassin, if he even has one...) You'll be standing in place getting stabbed/shot for that 2 seconds, and you will be giving them full resolve after you cast. You're best bet to get a bit of breathing time would be Low Slash/Eletrocute. Low Slash is also useful for interrupting heals, and fills resolve less than Electrocute, and much less than Whirlwind (which I think is pretty much instant 100% resolve itself).


Dont forget a Force Cloak > Spike combo if you're really hurting for an interrupt/small stun, or Force Cloak > Mind Trap > Unstealth > Seethe to gain some health back.


Also http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4092911#post4092911 has some great pointers in the first reply. :cool:

Edited by Katsuragisama
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Unless things changed since 1.2 when i quit playing my 50smug, make sure to wait till the second stun after the knockdown to use your CC breaker. Don't know how many people could have prevented a faceroll ganking if they knew when to break properly.


And if it's not up mash the hell out of your knock back(or shock) as alot of us try to compete with latency and squeeze in another attack in between the stuns. Get that off, force slow, toss an instant that way or force speed outta there if your trouble. Their burst goes bye bye. Make sure to LOS em, as the ranged auto shot can crit from 300-500 on a BM geared toon, with their DOT ticking about that high untalented it will drop you if your not careful. Granted that was my Smugglers damage in Champ with 2piece Rakata. Not sure how things are with the expertise changes post 1.2.

Edited by Entropicus
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You are the counters to Scoundrels as Deception fyi. You literally have an answer to all their attacks.


Actually I find that Deception Sins and Scoundrels to be about equal in counters. It pretty much comes down to gear, skill, and what is off cooldown.


The winner is usually the one who can pull off the most counters.

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You are the counters to Scoundrels as Deception fyi. You literally have an answer to all their attacks.


Guy who opens win, unless the oppenent have no ide what he/her are doing.


Spoken from an inf/Decep perspectiv.

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Guy who opens win, unless the oppenent have no ide what he/her are doing.


Spoken from an inf/Decep perspectiv.


^ OFT. But Decept Sin's should be the ones who get the first strike to begin with in most situations.


The only hard fights I have on my Decept Sin are against my same class type, Scoundrels/agents, and Marauders/Sentinals.


The reason I say Mara's and Sents is due to how much dps they can unload if given the chance. Along with their cooldowns.

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