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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You want cross server LFG tool?


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My point exactly :sul_grin:


The whole "Community" argument is 100% false anyhow.


The Devs had said back in beta they were worried about the community when it was brand new. So people have held onto this ridiculous argument because they think the devs are listening to them.


FP finder is coming, X-server will follow. Its good for the game and its good for business. It's as simple as that.

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Cross-server will take away consequences and allow people to get away with negative behavior. It will make flashpoints a worse place.


Single-server is a good compromise.


No, as is nicely stated (one of many by the way) above in the quote.


BoneEater you are not answering yes/no and why not, but are just attacking people who do not agree to your demands of answering yes only. You should be ashamed of yourself, acting like the reason people describe, that which shows the negative behavior that can spread and run much too rampant.


People do want to interact with other players. If you do not want to interact with others, perhaps you should try a console type game setting where there is no interaction with people.

Edited by Esproc
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No, as is nicely stated (one of many by the way) above in the quote.


BoneEater you are not answering yes/no and why not, but are just attacking people who do not agree to your demands of answering yes only. You should be ashamed of yourself, acting like the reason people describe, that which shows the negative behavior that can spread and run much too rampant.


People do want to interact with other players. If you do not want to interact with others, perhaps you should try a console type game setting where there is no interaction with people.


So you either don't have trouble getting runs or you don't do FPs?


What is the definition of interaction to you? Are FPs the ONLY place you can talk to people or something? Your argument is completely flawed in many ways.

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So you either don't have trouble getting runs or you don't do FPs?


What is the definition of interaction to you? Are FPs the ONLY place you can talk to people or something? Your argument is completely flawed in many ways.


Actually, I make friends in the game and do content with them. I also do PuGs and do content. It's not a tool that I hit a button and then wait as a group is made for me with no effort on my part what so ever. I have had to work to get some groups together, and it doesn't take that long, if you are actually willing to do something to make it happen.


So to me, it is your argument that is completely flawed, and lack of interaction to making a group is part of it. As stated by a previous poster, why reward bad behavior? I do not wish to see people sitting around waiting for a group to be made for them while they, bored, are trolling, flaming, being rude all because they can. Always such a nice fine example of how great the XSLFG tool lets people be, shows their inner beauty.

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Actually, I make friends in the game and do content with them. I also do PuGs and do content. It's not a tool that I hit a button and then wait as a group is made for me with no effort on my part what so ever. I have had to work to get some groups together, and it doesn't take that long, if you are actually willing to do something to make it happen.


So to me, it is your argument that is completely flawed, and lack of interaction to making a group is part of it. As stated by a previous poster, why reward bad behavior? I do not wish to see people sitting around waiting for a group to be made for them while they, bored, are trolling, flaming, being rude all because they can. Always such a nice fine example of how great the XSLFG tool lets people be, shows their inner beauty.


I want to be able to run more flashpoints, more often.


I did this thousands of times in WoW. I did sit around and wait a bit, but I didn't troll, flame, or act rudely to anyone while waiting (or not waiting, for that matter).


Saying XLFG causes bad behavior in people is like saying automobiles cause senior citizens to plow through farmers markets at 60 miles per hour. It's not caused by the tool.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Actually, I make friends in the game and do content with them. I also do PuGs and do content. It's not a tool that I hit a button and then wait as a group is made for me with no effort on my part what so ever. I have had to work to get some groups together, and it doesn't take that long, if you are actually willing to do something to make it happen.


So to me, it is your argument that is completely flawed, and lack of interaction to making a group is part of it. As stated by a previous poster, why reward bad behavior? I do not wish to see people sitting around waiting for a group to be made for them while they, bored, are trolling, flaming, being rude all because they can. Always such a nice fine example of how great the XSLFG tool lets people be, shows their inner beauty.


Because people don't sit around flaming and trolling now?

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Nope, i do not want a cross server LFG tool, this game doesn't need it, what this game does need however is a cross world LFG channel, so everyone on every single planet can see the LFG messages instead of going to the imperial fleet everytime they get a new flashpoint quest just to see if anyone is there looking for a group to it.
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This game needs a LFG tool or it is going to lose even more subs.


People say it will ruin communities, if anything not having a LFG tool is ruining more communities. As more people cannot find HM groups for PvE, they are leaving their old servers and going to Fatman where you can actually pug and find a group.


"Join a guild" Give me an OPTION! Simple as that. I'd rather be able to PUG cross server anytime I want than hope we can makea full team in guild at the random time i log in.


Without a cross server LFG, this game will continue to lose subs.

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Also those that say "no consequence for bad players"


Well that is an easy fix. Bioware makes a LFG system in which players are punished for bad behavior. Fix the loot system so you can only roll need if the piece fits your class (and spec if possible). Put in a rating system for players, so you can see if they are good or not before you even start the FP. Make it an hour wait if someone quits out of a FP. etc.. etc...


This delusion that "community will be destroyed" is completely wrong and off base. The exact opposite is happening right now. Communities are getting destroyed and servers are dying because the mass migration of players who don't want to spend 2-3 hours looking for a group on a non-highly populated server.

Edited by Monorojo
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This game needs a LFG tool or it is going to lose even more subs.


People say it will ruin communities, if anything not having a LFG tool is ruining more communities. As more people cannot find HM groups for PvE, they are leaving their old servers and going to Fatman where you can actually pug and find a group.


That actually isn't what people are saying. Most are saying they want a LFG tool, just limited to same server.


Without a cross server LFG, this game will continue to lose subs.


Your proof seems to have gone...missing.


Also those that say "no consequence for bad players"


Well that is an easy fix. Bioware makes a LFG system in which players are punished for bad behavior. Fix the loot system so you can only roll need if the piece fits your class (and spec if possible). Put in a rating system for players, so you can see if they are good or not before you even start the FP. Make it an hour wait if someone quits out of a FP.


Player based rating systems will never really tell you if someone is actually any good as players can game the system to artificially inflate their rating.


This delusion that "community will be destroyed" is completely wrong and off base. The exact opposite is happening right now. Communities are getting destroyed and servers are dying because the mass migration of players who don't want to spend 2-3 hours looking for a group on a non-highly populated server.


Servers dying because players are moving to more populated servers doesn't indicate what you think it does.

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No way Jose! Mostly because there is no accountability when games cross server anything. Just like in WoW, people abuse the system with relatively no repercussions for being rude, ninja looting and or cutting out in the middle of a fight. Sure these things happen now, but its less likely to happen if the offender knows he/she can be called out on General chat.
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That actually isn't what people are saying. Most are saying they want a LFG tool, just limited to same server.


And on a dead server? How does this help the situation whatsoever?




Your proof seems to have gone...missing.


How is any logic missing? People are leaving the game because of a lack of fundamental features. A LFG system is one of these features. I know of several individuals who have left already and only plan on coming back when this feature is finally implemented. It is a difficult task for anyone to leave behind their original server, where they have already established significant legacy levels, to start from scratch. People are going to this extreme because they cannot find a group in PvE. A single server LFG system will not help anyone on a dead server.




Player based rating systems will never really tell you if someone is actually any good as players can game the system to artificially inflate their rating.


How can people game a system we are hypothetically talking about? What loopholes will they use, and if you are so wise to these loopholes, then inform the developers so they can close the loop?




Servers dying because players are moving to more populated servers doesn't indicate what you think it does.


Blanket statements like this are not productive in the slightest. What exactly does it indicate? Why would people move from a dead server to a more active one? Because they cannot find a group to do flashpoints is the most obvious answer here...


You people against this system have no ground to stand on.

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No way Jose! Mostly because there is no accountability when games cross server anything. Just like in WoW, people abuse the system with relatively no repercussions for being rude, ninja looting and or cutting out in the middle of a fight. Sure these things happen now, but its less likely to happen if the offender knows he/she can be called out on General chat.


This logic is flawed. Why can't the developers add substantial repercussions or make the possibility of ninja looting impossible? They can, you assume they won't for some unknown reason. Make the possibility to need on gear tied directly to class and spec if possible. Make the punishment for leaving in the middle of a flashpoint substantial.


Someone who ninja loots and quits on groups will do it regardless of getting yelled at in general chat.

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Cross server LFG PVE or PvP is something that will make some happy, some not so happy. It would make Que times much shorter, for sure.

If they put these in the forum will explode with all the "Why do all the people from [insert server name here] server suck at PvP" threads. We've all seen those lol

Same for the dungeon finder threads. Ninja looters and L2P threads

I would rather they merge servers, although the rage quit over losing my name threads will start then.:rolleyes:

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No. This will kill definitely the game like did with WoW.


The last time I checked WoW was doing alright.


I think the LFD in WoW was implemented really well. I have been fortunate enough to have been in some really nice groups. I rarely have the ninja issue and I have not been plagued with very many elitist's.

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Yes, I have been playing since launch and only able to play 2 flashpoints so far. I play at weird times and don't have all day to wait for a group. If no cross server queue, then atleast do a queue for your own server.
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Like a LFG x-server tool is going fixed all this...how naive.

LFG x-server is going to make a wonderfull game.

"push a button and lets wait till the group is together"

BOING there we go doing a FP/FP HM

When its done

"push the same button again"

This over and over and over..

Wonderfull game isnt it?

With LFG x-server you get way more peeps only using that. Thats a fact.

Hell...why not rename this game "LFG x-server Swtor".

There is more to do in this game then only push a single button.

Without LFG x-server you will force more peeps for looking for a guild or peeps in chat then when you have a LFG x-server. Thats a fact.


Whats the next thing you will cry about "Wheeeeee wheeee i want LFO x-server"

Christ....spoiled children

In wow before LFG system we did a lot of dungeons/heroics....but sinds LFD came...peeps got spoiled.

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Like a LFG x-server tool is going fixed all this...how naive.

LFG x-server is going to make a wonderfull game.

"push a button and lets wait till the group is together"

BOING there we go doing a FP/FP HM

When its done

"push the same button again"

This over and over and over..

Wonderfull game isnt it?

With LFG x-server you get way more peeps only using that. Thats a fact.

Hell...why not rename this game "LFG x-server Swtor".

There is more to do in this game then only push a single button.

Without LFG x-server you will force more peeps for looking for a guild or peeps in chat then when you have a LFG x-server. Thats a fact.


Whats the next thing you will cry about "Wheeeeee wheeee i want LFO x-server"

Christ....spoiled children

In wow before LFG system we did a lot of dungeons/heroics....but sinds LFD came...peeps got spoiled.


What a silly argument.


My WoW guild met after the LFD, we quest, run 5 mans, raid, and hang out all the time in vent.


How does making a FP run faster to find diminish any of that?


You either don't run FPs or are with a group that does them when you want, either way you have no stake in the matter. Just another pointless nonsensical argument.

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