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Marauders your days are numbered and u know it :)


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Just looked at your sig. You have a sentinel. Now it all makes sense. :D


Yeah, and I destroy people with it, because I'm good. I also destroy people with my Powertech, because I'm good. I destroy Mara/Sents on my Powertech, and Powertech/Vanguards on my Sentinel. See a trend here? Good players will destroy you no matter what class they play and no matter what class you play. Accept it or play something else. Forum whining just makes you look like a tool.

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Your logic assumes you can make up the class imbalance with skill. You play the two absolute strongest pvp classes at the moment. I'd like to see you destroy a moderately skilled Powertech with a sorcerer. I've played all 3 and post nerfs there's no way sorcerer can compete 1v1 especially with Powertech.
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Yeah, and I destroy people with it, because I'm good. I also destroy people with my Powertech, because I'm good. I destroy Mara/Sents on my Powertech, and Powertech/Vanguards on my Sentinel. See a trend here? Good players will destroy you no matter what class they play and no matter what class you play. Accept it or play something else. Forum whining just makes you look like a tool.


It clearly has nothing to do with you playing tanking classes in DPS gear for pvp, clearly.


Go ahead and roll a sorc or merc, I'd love to see how your tune changes.

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It clearly has nothing to do with you playing tanking classes in DPS gear for pvp, clearly.


Go ahead and roll a sorc or merc, I'd love to see how your tune changes.


I wasn't aware marauder was a tanking class.


Anyhow, coming from someone who's pvp'd with a dps-tank shadow, an arsenal merc, an annihilation marauder, and is currently leveling a pyrotech..


There isn't an issue. It's all lrn2play.

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I wasn't aware marauder was a tanking class.


Anyhow, coming from someone who's pvp'd with a dps-tank shadow, an arsenal merc, an annihilation marauder, and is currently leveling a pyrotech..


There isn't an issue. It's all lrn2play.


Coming from someone who has pvp'd as a dps/tank sin, a lethality sniper, a watchman sentinel, and is currently leveling a gunnery commando.


There is an issue.


C wut i did thur?

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The clamoring on the forums has already begun. Marauders are in need of a HUGE nerf and you guys that play marauders know this already. Enjoy being FOTM while it lasts cause the nerf bat is coming down hard. Just like sorcs/sages before you, you guys are way to Overpowered I would say even more overpowered than sorcs were. Luckily for me I play a Shield Tech Vanguard :D



Just this...


Whenever you see someone crying , ranting and whining for a nerf, they're just letting you know, they don't have a clue as how to play their class.


It's that simple.


Another thing, the only "clamoring" I see in these forums is from the OP.

Edited by RikHar
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I wasn't aware marauder was a tanking class.


Anyhow, coming from someone who's pvp'd with a dps-tank shadow, an arsenal merc, an annihilation marauder, and is currently leveling a pyrotech..


There isn't an issue. It's all lrn2play.


Ok, I'll humor you.


What level are all your characters? What valor rank? How much expertise do they have?


I have, in order in which I created them, 50 Merc (pre 1.2 healer, post aresenal) valor 68 full BM, 50 Assassin Darkness valor 58 (flawless reenhanced champ gear prior to 1.2, gear reconciliation put him way, way back) currently 400 expertise in non-optimal gear, and 50 immortal Juggernaut valor 45 who I rarely pvp with anymore (not for any particular reason, just not as geared - recruit gear)


In my experience, Mercs are not playable anymore in PvP, Sins fall way behind the other tanking classes in pvp, and my Jugg is actually my strongest pvp character and he doesn't even have any advanced gear.


So does my anecdotal evidence offset yours or how does that work? To say there is no issue with PvP is just moronic. It's just a matter of how significant the issues are, which clearly, is a subjective analysis, not objective.

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This post deserves an infraction. Reported.


If you're going to just spit venom at people, just don't post. You don't know anyone's skill level, and your calling everyone else bad just makes you look ignorant.


I'll keep killing people in PvP, you keep forum PvPing.

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Just this...


Whenever you see someone crying , ranting and whining for a nerf, they're just letting you know, they don't have a clue as how to play their class.


It's that simple.


Def. Def that simple.


That explains why there were so many nerfs and buffs this last patch.


It had nothing to do with any of the changes being required for the game's success, it has everything to do with people other than this guy needing to L2P.


Whenever I see someone saying that other players need to L2P instead of screaming for nerfs, I see someone that is afraid of being nerfed and needing to L2P himself.


It's that simple.

Edited by Celebrus
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Ok, I'll humor you.


What level are all your characters? What valor rank? How much expertise do they have?


I have, in order in which I created them, 50 Merc (pre 1.2 healer, post aresenal) valor 68 full BM, 50 Assassin Darkness valor 58 (flawless reenhanced champ gear prior to 1.2, gear reconciliation put him way, way back) currently 400 expertise in non-optimal gear, and 50 immortal Juggernaut valor 45 who I rarely pvp with anymore (not for any particular reason, just not as geared - recruit gear)


In my experience, Mercs are not playable anymore in PvP, Sins fall way behind the other tanking classes in pvp, and my Jugg is actually my strongest pvp character and he doesn't even have any advanced gear.


So does my anecdotal evidence offset yours or how does that work? To say there is no issue with PvP is just moronic. It's just a matter of how significant the issues are, which clearly, is a subjective analysis, not objective.


Wait, you play an Assassin and you're complaining about other classes in PvP? Lolololol.

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Def. Def that simple.


That explains why there were so many nerfs and buffs this last patch.


It had nothing to do with any of the changes being required for the game's success, it has everything to do with people other than this guy needing to L2P.


Whenever I see someone saying that other players need to L2P instead of screaming for nerfs, I see someone that is afraid of being nerfed and needing to L2P himself.


It's that simple.


But screaming for nerfs is what the cool kid/good players do? Mmmmmkay. I've been nerfed. My main is a Powertech. And... oh, I still destroy people. :cool:

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Wait, you play an Assassin and you're complaining about other classes in PvP? Lolololol.


The fact that he plays an assassin invalidates his opinion but the fact that you're terrified of having your sent tuned a bit doesn't?



Edited by Celebrus
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Undying rage is the only issue with marauders at the moment. Their damage is right where it needs to be. If anything, other classes need shorter cds on similar abilities (IE Blade ward on a 2 min CD for juggernauts)
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The fact that he plays an assassin invalidates his opinion but the fact that you're terrified of having your sent tuned a bit doesn't?




I've come to the conclusion that you shouldn't waste anymore time with this guy. Just let the moderaters deal with him.


Edit - the guy you quoted, not you.

Edited by JustTray
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I've come to the conclusion that you shouldn't waste anymore time with this guy. Just let the moderaters deal with him.


Edit - the guy you quoted, not you.


Follow me around and report all my posts imo! The fact remains that you play one of the best classes in PvP, yet you're whining on the forums for nerfs for other classes. Pretty sad.

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The fact that he plays an assassin invalidates his opinion but the fact that you're terrified of having your sent tuned a bit doesn't?




I'm not the one crying for nerfs. I play a good class, and I'm good at it. He plays a good class, and cries about other classes. What does that tell you? Seriously. Answer the question.

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I'm not the one crying for nerfs. I play a good class, and I'm good at it. He plays a good class, and cries about other classes. What does that tell you? Seriously. Answer the question.


What you're doing is frankly worse than crying for nerfs, something I have yet to do, yet you continue to attribute it to me. You're actually taking away from the discussion, and yet you don't even realize it.


What your above quote tells me is that other players are much more informed about the intracacies of balancing than you are.


For the record, the only thing I think should happen to marauders is to lower their defensive capabilities minorly.

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What about mercs lmao they are even more op then sentinels and powertechs i agree sentinels dots need nerfing and combat needs buffing but other then that are balanced

Fully pvp geard lvl 50 sentinel and outdpsd by bounty hunters everytime >> by like 50% of my total dps


O also in combat spec i am tanked by standing still healers and when they die versus a dot spec they cry op klol

even happens in dot spec when your fighting a healer thats being heald by another

Edited by Razuache
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You mean the way the WZs were filled with Sorcs and BHs only 4 wks ago? Marauders and Sents haven't changed WITH the exception of the 15% dmg buff to Ravage/Master Strike. Other than that its the same class unchanged since launch.


Sorcs have all but evaporated on our server which is one of the biggest populations. And yes there are a ton of marauders now. But you can't keep people from playing the FOTM characters. Who knows maybe in the near future they will make changes to the classes again and there will be different FOTM classes and you can cry to the heavens about that too.


Luckily BioWare seems fairly thick skinned about all the ranting. Truthfully if I was a dev I'd have a hard time reading these forums. Its a barge full of tears and insults.


p.s. 99% of the FOTM zombies are horrible at playing a marauder. There WZ scores are dismal at best.


People are entitled to opinions whether you agree with them or not. I may well be incorrect and everything might be perfectly balanced in your mind, but equally you may be wrong also and things will require adjusting. This is the nature of mmos.


Its immature to assume every player that has an issue with the current state of pvp, and would like to suggest what they feel is causing the said issue is a scrub/noob, or needs to learn to play. I would say that depends alot on what classes you are currently playing in pvp at the moment. So where as you may feel maras are fine, certain classes will feel maras are not fine and the disparity between both class and anti-class has actually widended somewhat. If you cannot see that as a potential problem for balance then that is your preference but it seems pretty obvious to me that balance has indeed changed, because it did not feel anything like this pre 1.2. So things require adjusting, whether its nerfs to x class or buffs to others, changes to expertise who knows, but currently Maras stand out (in my opinion).


To apply the same logic that anyone that says "retune xx class" is a bad player etc is just lazy in my opinion. It is entirely possible that this game is unbalanced for certain classes, because the devs are constantly adjusting as they go along, and 1.2 was quite a severe change.


Im not gonna get into a pissing contest about pvp or my valor level or anything, because quite frankly I dont need to justify my skill level in the game to anyone I know where I'm at , I'm an astute adult with alot of experience in pvp in mmos, I don't pve - I'm not a nerf caller by nature, I just dont think the game is currently balanced, and I dont think maras are balanced. That is my perception from playing pvp recently, I don't want to ruin anyones class, but equally I don't think things are a in good place right now, balance needs alot more work before rated.


I respect your opinion, but I'm not going to make assumptions about you based on some ranting on the internet, some of the people in this thread though, are indeed making assumptions about others level and experience. You make assumptions I cry for nerfs about every fotm class, which is simply bollocks. Its got nothing to do with fotm classes, it is how said class is performing in comparison to others, I don't know why you would have a problem with people that have a different perspective.


Just remember there are three sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth.

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What you're doing is frankly worse than crying for nerfs, something I have yet to do, yet you continue to attribute it to me. You're actually taking away from the discussion, and yet you don't even realize it.


What your above quote tells me is that other players are much more informed about the intracacies of balancing than you are.


Lololol. The intricacies of balancing.


So when someone comes to the forum and says "OMG X CLASS NEEDS TO BE NERFED INTO THE GROUND!" they understand the intricacies of balance?


When someone comes along and tells that person they are bad, because non-bad players are doing fine against these 'grossly overpowered' classes, I just don't understand what balancing in MMOs is all about?


LOLk got it.

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People are entitled to opinions whether you agree with them or not. I may well be incorrect and everything might be perfectly balanced in your mind, but equally you may be wrong also and things will require adjusting. This is the nature of mmos.


Its immature to assume every player that has an issue with the current state of pvp, and would like to suggest what they feel is causing the said issue is a scrub/noob, or needs to learn to play. I would say that depends alot on what classes you are currently playing in pvp at the moment. So where as you may feel maras are fine, certain classes will feel maras are not fine and the disparity between both class and anti-class has actually widended somewhat. If you cannot see that as a potential problem for balance then that is your preference but it seems pretty obvious to me that balance has indeed changed, because it did not feel anything like this pre 1.2. So things require adjusting, whether its nerfs to x class or buffs to others, changes to expertise who knows, but currently Maras stand out (in my opinion).


To apply the same logic that anyone that says "retune xx class" is a bad player etc is just lazy in my opinion. It is entirely possible that this game is unbalanced for certain classes, because the devs are constantly adjusting as they go along, and 1.2 was quite a severe change.


Im not gonna get into a pissing contest about pvp or my valor level or anything, because quite frankly I dont need to justify my skill level in the game to anyone I know where I'm at , I'm an astute adult with alot of experience in pvp in mmos, I don't pve - I'm not a nerf caller by nature, I just dont think the game is currently balanced, and I dont think maras are balanced. That is my perception from playing pvp recently, I don't want to ruin anyones class, but equally I don't think things are a in good place right now, balance needs alot more work before rated.


I respect your opinion, but I'm not going to make assumptions about you based on some ranting on the internet, some of the people in this thread though, are indeed making assumptions about others level and experience. You make assumptions I cry for nerfs about every fotm class, which is simply bollocks. Its got nothing to do with fotm classes, it is how said class is performing in comparison to others, I don't know why you would have a problem with people that have a different perspective.


Just remember there are three sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth.


Very well put.

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