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So... is anyone else sick of hearing people asking for us to get nerfed?


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Alot of hate here for the recent "buff" to sents. Did we need a buff? i wouldent really say so, but then again was the buff really this significant? no. As a i only play watchman i feel very little change, if anything i would say some good things where lost (100% dmg resistance for force cammo down 50%, 1 focus cost force sweeps up to 3).

and some nice things where added (yeah master strike is worth using now, and "usually" doesent leave you frozen like the abbility is being cast when in reallity its not, effectively making it a self snare). Just to name a few.

But again i only play 1 of the 3 builds.


We are pretty powerfull in 1v1 fights, but dont forget in wz's atleast the goal is to win, not cruise around solo killing everything in sigh.

But keep in mind ranged classes are marginally easyer to play in most cases, simply by having long range. ( yeah i know what your thinking, his playing the "Its a hard class" card, but take a look at what that really means)

Less travel time from keeping a bomb planted on that voidstar door.

Being able to stand next to any wz objective while you fight.

Less time going from target to target, since you dont have to pyshically travel to the player your dps'ing

In pve most bosses are not melee friendly at all, phases where you have to move away from the boss, all in all results in a dps loss. But thats no exuse i know that.


I know it sounds like im making sents look like its hell to play when its not, just want you guys to look at all the angles. Just saying that it takes more effort and that goes to all melee classes. But harder dosent mean its impossible, walking is harder than sitting on a chair, but its still easy..


Its allways someone who will complain about something.. I enjoy the class now and did likevise pre 1.2 if theres a nerf bat somewhere along the way, well... ill still enjoy my sent.

But im not sick about hearing people saying we're Op, i mean, sorcs and BH have had alot of complains and now we can help em share some of the load, besides im sure their happy by having someone to [>Insert curse word<] at to =)




Oh and btw congratulations to myself for my first post on Swtor forums :D:wea_03:

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I posted this in another thread, but I'll leave it here as well:


I think some of the biggest problems are that people read nerfs for most other classes and one buff coupled with a few -small- quality of life improvements for sent/maura and instantly became upset. Sent/Maurader damage didn't get some crazy increase. The issue is, as Bioware recently stated, that people are still wearing their champion/centurion gear without realizing that gear is now trash considering how important expertise is atm.


The only thing 1.2 "hard" buffed was Master Strike/Ravage, everything else was small quality of life improvements to normalize sent/maurad with other classes, as well as moving centering/fury generation to tier 1 and thus making all three trees viable. The most popular tree (watchm/anni) was slightly nerfed.


When a Sent/Maurader is in your face it's obnoxious and you 100% know it. The sound and the flashy lightsabers are aggravating. What you don't realize is the Sent/Maurader is not "instajibbing" you from 100% in 3 seconds (or if the statements in this thread are true then everyone is wearing lvl 47 greens in 50 pvp), it's the ranged classes which are subtly assisting said lightsaber dancer. You ONLY notice the sent/maurader cause they are swinging bright, noisy lightsabers and jumping all over. Everyone is overlooking ranged classes. Check the WZ scoreboards, top DPS can be almost any class. If Maurad/Sent was truly OP damage they would be far ahead every match. Their defensive CD's allow them to be on par with other classes, that is all. Take away their defensive CDs and they would be way below other classes every match, which shouldn't be the case for a -pure- dps class. Sure they are strong 1v1, but pvp in this game is not based on 1v1. Last I checked PvP in this game is 100% objective based, which means melee classes are typically forced to position near objectives, thus allowing ranged classes to fully unload from 30/35m.


In every other MMO I've played (SWTOR included) ranged classes dish out serious damage, but once a melee is ON them it's gonna go in favor of the melee. That's the trade off. You want to do your damage from 30/35m then fine, but when a class whose only damage can be done within 4m (a few 10m abilities) is within that range you better expect to take some damage. Ranged classes in SWTOR have far more defense/utility than in other games I've played.


I do think Bioware should make the animation bubble on GBTF/Undying -much- more visible so players know to just disengage and count to 5. This would go a long way in helping people effectively play vs dual weilders. Personally having a lvl 50 Sentinel I still waste cooldowns on invul sent/maurad because the animation is FAR too subtle. Once I notice I'm not doing damage I either reposition/kite or just wait a few seconds then finish them off. The 5 seconds is not game breaking, although organized PvP could potentially necessitate a healing debuff being implemented during the bubble, but no way in PvE.

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The buff to Master Strike / Ravage needs removed, other than that some classes need to be buffed rather than Sent/Maras being nerfed. Assassin, Powertech and Snipers are just as good, the rest could do with beefing up especially the poor Scoundrel/Operatives.


You know that if Bioware give in to the whining they'll over nerf us just as they have with other classes, if people get their way all pvp will be is mediocre classes vs other mediocre ones.


This is exactly what happened to Sorcs/SAges, welcome to the club, you are the FOTM now, and recieved a much needed buff, but rather than give other classes a slight buff to match/rebalance, and or revert some of the over nerfing they did, they will likely just slam your class in a few months.


Bioware certainly follows the QQ.


Needless to say my main is still a IMP sorc, but im enjoying destroying everything with my Sentinal Alt

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If a raver dude in robe jumps in your face and start wiggling his little light sticks... who are you going to notice first?


Him or the guy behind him, mixed in the crowd spitting at you?



People are just bitter because they don't like the idea that 1 on 1, Sentinels and Marauders are the dominant breed. They want to be the king of the hill and most whine post is clearly aimed at that. I do not agree that we're overpowered at all. I've been playing a smuggler SS lately and I can tell you, Sentinels or Marauders are not a problem. I know the class by heart, I can with ease predict what their going to do. They will rarely win a 1 on 1 against me :)

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Sentinels DID NOT GET ANY REAL BUFF... Watchmen was nerfed, which is what every good sentinel plays. Combat got fixed because ti was broken but still weaker then watchmen, focus has always beena dn still is a noob spec played by bad players who cannot see past the crit of a skill with a 12 second cooldown.


The only real buff was to masterstrike, which is not really anything special if you are smart enough to RUN AWAY. sorry but if you lose to Sentinels now because you are not smart enough to run away from master strike then that make you dumb not the sentinel class OP




The change on force camo turned the balance table imo. No more last minute dps and then vanish. Its just dont work any longer.


Watchman tree got no buff at all in pvp, just a nice big nerf with the camo change. *** do u want more from us guys?

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The change on force camo turned the balance table imo. No more last minute dps and then vanish. Its just dont work any longer.


Watchman tree got no buff at all in pvp, just a nice big nerf with the camo change. *** do u want more from us guys?

I also miss the +30% trascendence speed buff on huttball, the other trees got a good buff with Valor moved to first tier of watchman, and are still worst than watchman (at least combat), focus at least has better aoe dps. Edited by nicolatron
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The change on force camo turned the balance table imo. No more last minute dps and then vanish. Its just dont work any longer.


Watchman tree got no buff at all in pvp, just a nice big nerf with the camo change. *** do u want more from us guys?


You're joking right? Watchman got boosted because combat and focus got boosted.


Force camo being nerfed is pointless. If you need it to survive you're playing wrong.


Honestly, this class earned the hate train. I'm not afraid to say it's a well earned badge of honor that everyone hates on our DPS. When you can beat output on a ranged character in a fight involving lots of movement on your part, you know something is awesome.

Edited by FadedSpark
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