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So... is anyone else sick of hearing people asking for us to get nerfed?


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I just love how you sentinals are trying to justify yourselves. Enjoy the fun while it lasts because the nerf bat cometh. Can't wait to see these forums fliled with QQ and OMG Bioware REVERT CHANGES OR IM GOING TO UNSUB booohoooo.


Cant wait!

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I just love how you sentinals are trying to justify yourselves. Enjoy the fun while it lasts because the nerf bat cometh. Can't wait to see these forums fliled with QQ and OMG Bioware REVERT CHANGES OR IM GOING TO UNSUB booohoooo.


Cant wait!


The class hasn't been significantly boosted, you just don't have a bunch of sorcs spamming heals now since they can't stomach being a pure healer and that's why you die. They moved one Sweep ability over to the Focus tree. I didn't see anyone complaining about Guardians who were and are capable of almost the same damage output as well as having more survivability than a Sentinel. I still don't see it, but they can do the damage. Well built focus builds on average get about 500 more damage per Sweep and Master Strike is so easy to deal with it's funny anyone cries about it at all. Maybe you should just stop sucking. As far as the revert or I'm going to unsub, you sound far more like someone who would pull that childish crap.

Edited by RoyFokker
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The class hasn't been significantly boosted, you just don't have a bunch of sorcs spamming heals now since they can't stomach being a pure healer and that's why you die. They moved one Sweep ability over to the Focus tree.


For one that one talent is +20% damage -15% cooldown for that ability ... but anyway, people are upset because Mercenary/Commando and Hybrid Sorcerer specs were rightfully nerfed but Marauders who were just as strong were left untouched ... even slightly buffed.


It's not that Marauders are suddenly stronger than the rest of the damage dealers, they're just the only ones who were in the top tier and weren't nerfed and that pisses off a lot of people.

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For one that one talent is +20% damage -15% cooldown for that ability ... but anyway, people are upset because Mercenary/Commando and Hybrid Sorcerer specs were rightfully nerfed but Marauders who were just as strong were left untouched ... even slightly buffed.


It's not that Marauders are suddenly stronger than the rest of the damage dealers, they're just the only ones who were in the top tier and weren't nerfed and that pisses off a lot of people.


bu the real issue is the bad players who cannot play a maraurader/sentinel well are QQing because the players out there good enough to play them roll over them like they are nothing.


Just today i was tlaking about how focus is a worthless spec only played by bad players (which is 100% true) and this battlemaster/war hero geared sentinel dueled me to try and prove me wrong. in 0 PvP gear 0 expertise i killed him before he took 5k hp from me because focus is terrible and he did not have a clue what he was doing. Too many people use gear as a crutch rather then skill.


The reall QQ is from bad players crying that someone better then them beat them, however they are too lame to admit they were simply beat by someone better, they get it stuck in their head that the class was OP not that they are terrible.

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The reall QQ is from bad players crying that someone better then them beat them, however they are too lame to admit they were simply beat by someone better, they get it stuck in their head that the class was OP not that they are terrible.


How is this or anything else you wrote an actual response to my post?


1 - I didn't say anything about PvP specifically or any spec but Annahilation.

2 - Duels and PvP without PvP gear are of even less intrest and are out of place in a balancing discussion

3 - There is no class that's hard to play, the game is easy as they come and it's fun but anything but challenging

4 - Nothing of the above has to do with the fact that one out of eight classes has a ~15% higher damage potential than the other 7 ones, this is a simple fact that can't be argued away

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How is this or anything else you wrote an actual response to my post?


1 - I didn't say anything about PvP specifically or any spec but Annahilation.

2 - Duels and PvP without PvP gear are of even less intrest and are out of place in a balancing discussion

3 - There is no class that's hard to play, the game is easy as they come and it's fun but anything but challenging

4 - Nothing of the above has to do with the fact that one out of eight classes has a ~15% higher damage potential than the other 7 ones, this is a simple fact that can't be argued away


except its not 15% higher. its 15% higher then bad players when a good player is playing one. You put a good player on a Sorc or an oprative or even an AP powertech and they will out DPS a bad maraurder. People are mad that bad players are getting beat by good ones, thats not class balance that people being bad.

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There's a 15% gap between Annahilation and the next best damage dealing specs when looking at theoretical possible damage. This means perfect execution that wouldn't even be possible by a human being. 0 millisecond delay on skills and zero mistakes.


And it's the same when looking at my raids parses. Our Marauder is at 1350-1400, I'm a Merc at 1250-1300 and after another 50-100 dps comes the Sniper. Damage fluctuates depending on the encounter and specs we play (Marauder always sticks with Annihilation out of obvious reasons) of course, but given the fact that every Marauder has a group wide damage buff the dps should be lower then those of the others, than anything else.

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but also take into account you can drool on your keyboard as a merc and do that damage, that marauder is doing 10 times the amount of work for his DPS. There is NOTHING wrong with the highest skill cap class out damaging the others.


If you think you should be able to drool on your keyboard with a merc and out DPS the hardest class in game to play then go play WoW, the easier a class is to play the more damage it does in that game.

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The people who say QQ and L2P are the ones benefitting from the imbalance. I understand your reluctance to admit your class is OP. Once your class gets hit with the nerf stick (and it's surely coming in a future patch) you will be the ones crying for nerfs. That my friends is what they call poetic justice.
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The people who say QQ and L2P are the ones benefitting from the imbalance. I understand your reluctance to admit your class is OP. Once your class gets hit with the nerf stick (and it's surely coming in a future patch) you will be the ones crying for nerfs. That my friends is what they call poetic justice.


i have been playing this class since July back in beta. I have been playing since it was considered the "worst class int he game and useless"


i have been dominate in both PvE and PvE with troopers sentinels marauder juggs and snipers. There is a reason the good players say L2P because this game has to do with skill not gear. Sents/Marauders are a PURE class and even Zeoller said they will do a bit more damage then non pure classes. Thinking a 3 button class like a merc should equal the DPS of a class that manages over 15 abilities is beyond stupid. If you think the class is so easy and OP play it. When you suck at it then you can stop the QQ.


Not to mention even if it is nerfed, i will still play and i will skill kill players that complain about balance. There are 2 type of players in MMOs, the ones who adapt to changed and the ones who cry on forums.

Edited by Hizoka
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Damn ... I was about to ask whether you read the posts you answer, but apperantly you don't even read the stuff you write yourself. However your posts are sort of entertaining.

i read your post it was QQ i play a faceroll class and should out DPS the classes that take skill QQ

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i read your post it was QQ i play a faceroll class and should out DPS the classes that take skill QQ


good to know i never have to take your opinion seriously anymore based on this post.

what laughable disgusting internet elitism. worse than the kids on xbox live.

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I would have to disagree that bads play Focus spec'd sents...I play both Focus and Watchman..depending on the mood I'm in and I do very well with both trees...I don't touch Combat, never liked it and never will.


On the contrary, I would say I'm one of the top Sentinels on my Server..but I would have to assume our class is a tad over tuned compared to other classes. We didn't really get a buff from 1.2, just mainly fixes that should of been in the game since Launch.


However, the dismantling of healing along with the expertise changes have brought the sent/mara AC to the top. Is the class harder to play than others...I wouldn't really say that. Watchman and Focus are easy to play. They have been easy to play since Launch..Maybe it's just me. The poster above is right about us having to Micro-manage to maximize our output, but it comes naturally now after playing so long.


So hopefully BW doesn't take to much off the top. I know it's coming, but doesn't matter to me...To many horrible pvp'rs in the game to really have any effect.


2 cents are 2 cents

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My first toon was a 50 mara and I haven't played him since early February but I dusted him off and went annihilation and this is what I found, its pretty much the same, the tweaks to obfusicate/pacify and dispatch were definitly nice, master strike/ravage does need to get nerfed, just keeping it real, I just lolled when I saw the numbers roll it was quite hilarious. Guarded by the force/undying rage needs a slight nerf, with the state of the game the way it is now with the expertise changes 5 seconds is way to long, it was nice popping it and 1v2 2 war heroes another lol momment.


Bottom line, keep everything the same except remove the changes made to master strike and just make it a talent high in the combat tree and change guarded by the force from 5 seconds to 3 seconds which would make it the same scoundrels dodge.


And ultimately in the next patch I think these are the changes you see, now its time to shelve the Marauder again and get back on the balance shadow and scrapper and own all of the bad fotm rollers

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I personally as a Guardian find you guys fine and I have about a 50/50 1v1 against you.


If you get our Master Strike nerfed... Imagonnachargemalasers...


You want MS nerfed fine for you guys... not fine for Guardians.

Edited by VoidJustice
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I get beat by sins/sorc lower lvl than me all the time. We are fine. When that bubble is up they cant be stopped. And its nearly always up. And if not I get stunned and they dissapear.


We are not even close to OP we have high dps once we are on target that is what the spec is supposed to be. But it can be hard to stay on target.


The Inquisitor Consular class is by far the most OP or at least has WAY too much utility.


We have like zero utility. No displacement, hardly any stuns or interupts... All we do is DPS if you take that away the class is defunct.

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Thinking a 3 button class like a merc should equal the DPS of a class that manages over 15 abilities is beyond stupid.QUOTE]


One of the most ridiculous statements I have heard. So a class' DPS should be proportionate to the amount of abilities one has to manage? LOLOL if that's your justication as to why a class should be doing higher dps.

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I get beat by sins/sorc lower lvl than me all the time. We are fine. When that bubble is up they cant be stopped. And its nearly always up. And if not I get stunned and they dissapear.


We are not even close to OP we have high dps once we are on target that is what the spec is supposed to be. But it can be hard to stay on target.


The Inquisitor Consular class is by far the most OP or at least has WAY too much utility.


We have like zero utility. No displacement, hardly any stuns or interupts... All we do is DPS if you take that away the class is defunct.


you get beat because you are bad TBH... We have mo interrupts then any 2 other classes put together, the highest utility of nay DPS class. The caveat is it takes more ability to play this class then any other 3 classes together to play CORRECTLY.


THe class is not OP, its certain GOOD players easily kill bad players. it is not hte classes fault that good players beat bad ones, its the players fault. You can NEVER balance a game aaround the playerbase, you must balance around the match of the game, bad players will always lose to good players regardless of classes played, that does not make one underpowered and another overpowered.

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Honestly, I have a Scoundrel, Sage Healer, and Sent. The big issue here is Sent/Mara didn't really need the buff in PvP. A goo Sent/Mara did fine prior to 1.2 as long as they knew what they were doing.


Scoundrel/Ops needed a nerf but three times? Really? Scrapper is still fun to play I wont lie. But do I expect to kill someone? No. I expect to make their life a living hell though by being the most annoying to Mara/Sents. Keep them on their back combat break go invis pop my "You can't see me!" skill and do it again when they hit the healer. Hopefully by this time I have help because Im not squaring up against one 1vs1 because then Im hamburger and there is no way I'm going to survive.


On my Sage, forget about it. Pop Bubble they eat through it. Wait for them to leap to me hit them with a stun. They come at me again knockback, slow them down, and then force run away. If they get to me after that my *** is toast and no healing is gonna get done the entire game. I do like watching them pop their stun break and lifting them though.


But to say they don't need toned down is pretty dumb. I cant tell you how many times I have heard my Mara/Sent friends talk about how bad it sucks to be where they are now because any button masher can be good in PvP but the real sent/mara's always out shined them and they were just fine prior to 1.2 and still able to wreck folks they just had to have some skill in order to do it.

Edited by Newsinz
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Honestly, I have a Scoundrel, Sage Healer, and Sent. The big issue here is Sent/Mara didn't really need the buff in PvP. A goo Sent/Mara did fine prior to 1.2 as long as they knew what they were doing.


Scoundrel/Ops needed a nerf but three times? Really? Scrapper is still fun to play I wont lie. But do I expect to kill someone? No. I expect to make their life a living hell though by being the most annoying to Mara/Sents. Keep them on their back combat break go invis pop my "You can't see me!" skill and do it again when they hit the healer. Hopefully by this time I have help because Im not squaring up against one 1vs1 because then Im hamburger and there is no way I'm going to survive.


On my Sage, forget about it. Pop Bubble they eat through it. Wait for them to leap to me hit them with a stun. They come at me again knockback, slow them down, and then force run away. If they get to me after that my *** is toast and no healing is gonna get done the entire game. I do like watching them pop their stun break and lifting them though.


But to say they don't need toned down is pretty dumb. I cant tell you how many times I have heard my Mara/Sent friends talk about how bad it sucks to be where they are now because any button masher can be good in PvP but the real sent/mara's always out shined them and they were just fine prior to 1.2 and still able to wreck folks they just had to have some skill in order to do it.




Sentinels DID NOT GET ANY REAL BUFF... Watchmen was nerfed, which is what every good sentinel plays. Combat got fixed because ti was broken but still weaker then watchmen, focus has always beena dn still is a noob spec played by bad players who cannot see past the crit of a skill with a 12 second cooldown.


The only real buff was to masterstrike, which is not really anything special if you are smart enough to RUN AWAY. sorry but if you lose to Sentinels now because you are not smart enough to run away from master strike then that make you dumb not the sentinel class OP

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