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What spec is fun in pvp now?


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Pre 1.2 I was alternating between BG and pyro, mostly BG so I could heal my brothers in WZs (jugg and assassin tanks). I had only full champion gear, but still felt that I didnt suffer from any gear disadvantage. I was imply loving playing my merc.


Now, in 1.2 I cant find a single spec that I enjoy.

BG. Cant keep myself alive, how can I spare heals for my teammates.

Arsenal: Too low damage and too stationary

Pyro: Too low damage and much too easy to become heat starved.


Should I just shelve my BH and level my OP (very fun and mobile healer) and sorc (both hybrid spec and healer is fun) ?


Or is it just down to gear disadvantage, that BM gear is now far superior to champion so that I have to start at the bottom and suffer the "gear up grind" all over again?

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Pyro are not difficult to keep the heat down and is much more effective than arsenal. First of all, use thermal sensor override every time it's up (the cooldown is lowered by a skill in the tree). I have it marco'd to incendiary missile on my keyboard. Next, you can spec into reduced heat when stunned or incapacitated. Happens all the time in PVP. Finally, rapid shots for pyro are very effective.


It's pretty much the best pvp spec. Sadly Powertech pyros are better (I won't go into it all since I have done so in many other threads) and merc pyros are certainly not the best dps in the game. Yet it can still be an effective class.

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Pyro are not difficult to keep the heat down and is much more effective than arsenal. First of all, use thermal sensor override every time it's up (the cooldown is lowered by a skill in the tree). I have it marco'd to incendiary missile on my keyboard. Next, you can spec into reduced heat when stunned or incapacitated. Happens all the time in PVP. Finally, rapid shots for pyro are very effective.


It's pretty much the best pvp spec. Sadly Powertech pyros are better (I won't go into it all since I have done so in many other threads) and merc pyros are certainly not the best dps in the game. Yet it can still be an effective class.


Prior to 1.2 I almost never got heat starved as pyro, but that is probably because I almost never used powershot before. Now, with the increased chance to proc rail shot I use it too much. but, 45%? really? I once spammed powershot an entire RS cd, and it didnt proc... Thats nearly 10 shots. RNG is RNG, but it sure doesnt feel like 45%.

And still, the damage is too low now, but that might be because BW ****ed me over in 1.2 so I am now at a gear disadvantage again.


Too bad I like rockets and explosions, as arsenal still sucks in pvp.


Merc just isnt as fun for me as it was prior to 1.2, and I am not sure if its the changes to gear or the class.

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Short and best answer after yesterday..... Another class/ character. (That comment makes me sad, I love my merc)


or a completely different game. pandas and pokemon might not be such a bad idea since they broke my arsenal BH main.

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Ignore the crying whiners. All specs are still fun and very powerful. I actually still feel OP as bodyguard healer.


So get full BM/WH and everything is back to pre-1.2? The only reason I now feel like a crisp cookie is that my gear sucks (champion/BM) ?

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So get full BM/WH and everything is back to pre-1.2? The only reason I now feel like a crisp cookie is that my gear sucks (champion/BM) ?


No you'll still get torn asunder by maras/sents and you won't be able to out dps tank shadows/assassins. Though Arsenal is still a really good support spec if your playing with 2 or 3 other people in premade groups.

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