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Merc is useless now


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-Tracer missile crits under 3k, check

-DFA hitting for 500-700 each tick and ridiculous area, check

-Heatseeker Missile only worth the cast because its instant, same damage as TM, check

-Unload crits do not vent heat through Terminal Velocity, making it unefficient, check

-Healing specc overheating issues, check

-Pyrotech being a lot better to PTs


My merc is level 41 and a 4 pack of NORMAL mobs from Belsavis destroy Mako and leave me at 30% HP, even burning medpacks, relics and all kind of CDs available.


I understand from an altaholic PoV that TM spam was an issue, but instead of encouraging new rotations, the latest changes encouraged rerolling to something else. Before 19s HSM fix i thought "ok, they put TM damage into HSM" but noes, it was a bug.


Time to shelve this class until some fix comes.

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Im ok with the damage if TM could be instant cast with a CD. That would not encourage, but force different rotations. Mercs are the only class that has to cast his main attack, exposed (snipers have interrupt immunities while in cover)


Lets say TM is on 5s CD and instant. Mercs could TM, then Unload channel, then HSM or RS.

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+1 old anima

+1 tracer instant, that would make this handy cap more tolerable.

I was worthless last night, I actually apologized to my team last night. I wasn't even an extra body. Arsenal should be the tank killers, unfortunately, I'm now fodder for anyone. I've never respecd my Arsenal but I'm very much considering pyro even though I don't know jack about it.


I'll admit, we were hitting too hard with the stacks going on, but something didn't work out with this change. Either base dmg needs raised on Seekers if maybe make Tracer instant or .5 sec anima? Somethining does need to be done because we are way out of balance right now. Assassin/ shadow is way too heavy right now, where is their nerf(this isn't because I suck)? I'm shelving my BH and rolling my assassin until a fix, which I would prefer my BH, maybe pyro?

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meh, they need to fix what they broke with HSM (i want my stacks to apply, not other stacks) but last night i was competing for top dps in HM FP (the new one) with a rakata geared marauder (even with my heat signatures not doing anything for HSM) so we are far from gimped.


*edit* I was using MOX DPS meter so real time I was seeing that my DPS isnt half as bad as this thread implies*

Edited by Yazule
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meh, they need to fix what they broke with HSM (i want my stacks to apply, not other stacks) but last night i was competing for top dps in HM FP (the new one) with a rakata geared marauder (even with my heat signatures not doing anything for HSM) so we are far from gimped.


*edit* I was using MOX DPS meter so real time I was seeing that my DPS isnt half as bad as this thread implies*


So let me get this straight, after the HSM "fix" our own heat signatures aren't even working? I haven't raided and I play Pyro in pvp so I don't know about this.


Can you confirm this?

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My merc is level 41 and a 4 pack of NORMAL mobs from Belsavis destroy Mako and leave me at 30% HP, even burning medpacks, relics and all kind of CDs available.


In case you are actually seeking an answer:

1) HSM may be bugged to not include your TM stacks.

2) Belsavis is generally level 41-44. Are the quests you are doing at your level or above it?

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In case you are actually seeking an answer:

1) HSM may be bugged to not include your TM stacks.

2) Belsavis is generally level 41-44. Are the quests you are doing at your level or above it?


I used to destroy a 4 normal mob pack of my level or slightly above with DFA alone, any merc can tell

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If HSM really is "working as intended" right now, I'm really disappointed. Merc BH is the only class I really enjoyed playing. I have other characters but I only play them when I want to take a break from my Merc BH. Now? Not really feeling the impulse to play at all.


Not going to cancel my subscription or anything (at this point, since the next billing cycle is the end of May), but I see myself losing interest in this game by then. Kinda sad, it's the first MMO I've played for more than a month since SWG.

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I used to destroy a 4 normal mob pack of my level or slightly above with DFA alone, any merc can tell

DFA is changed. Deal with it.


My point is that if this is true:


My merc is level 41 and a 4 pack of NORMAL mobs from Belsavis destroy Mako and leave me at 30% HP, even burning medpacks, relics and all kind of CDs available.


Then you are doing something wrong and I'd be happy to try to help you fix it. Or did you just want to QQ?

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I shelved my BM Merc as the nerf bat swung a bit too far. Luckily I have a Maurader BM alt and a Sorc. So long as those dont get nerfed any time soon I'm good.


I figure by the time they nerf those two the Merc will be rebuffed again.


That's just how these mmo's work. Buf/Nerf, Buf/Nerf. Just roll some alts and be ready to switch when they nerf yer class.

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