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Definitely one BIG problem with the event


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I miss the good old days where griefing was just part of the fact an MMO is a player driven environment, completely dynamic and constantly random. you either ragequit or you learn to adapt and have fun.


these online single player games really took the fun out of MMO's, i think EvE is the only true MMO out there, why can't developers just put on the game packaging minimum requirements: "An IQ above 60" and start ignoring the QQers who most of the time allow themselves to be griefed?


YES. Thank you! MMO = the game is not tailored to the individual, it is made for a large community. It is really sad to see how soft these "gamers" are becoming. In the old days of WoW (when it was actually good), "griefing" was the norm. Factions would literally destroy the entire enemies faction main city to the point where you couldn't fly out, you couldn't go to the mail, auction house, bank, battleground masters... you were held prisoner, for HOURS! You either took the beating, or you grew a pair and fought to the death. That is what an MMO SHOULD BE. Those crying "griefers" don't even know the meaning of the word. If you want peace/quiet/solitude - DON'T play a game that is made for WAR. In real life, my SGT always said to recruits, if you don't want to be involved in war, don't join the military. Really simple. This crying is getting pathetic.


/endrant... alt-tab back to the galaxy wide WARZONE.

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The event itself is fine. No problems with it - think it's a great idea. Bring on more, please!


Being forced into a playstyle I abhor by the actions of another player is not fine. And, on a PvE server, why should I be the one to "run away and hide"?


Because one can argue that the Environment is what caused the Player to become infected.

Edited by Kaphik
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YES. Thank you! MMO = the game is not tailored to the individual, it is made for a large community. It is really sad to see how soft these "gamers" are becoming. In the old days of WoW (when it was actually good), "griefing" was the norm. Factions would literally destroy the entire enemies faction main city to the point where you couldn't fly out, you couldn't go to the mail, auction house, bank, battleground masters... you were held prisoner, for HOURS! You either took the beating, or you grew a pair and fought to the death. That is what an MMO SHOULD BE. Those crying "griefers" don't even know the meaning of the word. If you want peace/quiet/solitude - DON'T play a game that is made for WAR. In real life, my SGT always said to recruits, if you don't want to be involved in war, don't join the military. Really simple. This crying is getting pathetic.


/endrant... alt-tab back to the galaxy wide WARZONE.


Well, it was the norm, and it was a heck of a lot of fun, but I wouldn't call it griefing. I would call it gameplay.

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Because one can argue that the Environment is what caused the Player to become infected.

Infected, yes. Flagged for PvP, no. The environment won't do that (unless I specifically go to an open-world PvP area).


Don't have any issues with the infection part - that's just part of the event.

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Infected, yes. Flagged for PvP, no. The environment won't do that (unless I specifically go to an open-world PvP area).


Don't have any issues with the infection part - that's just part of the event.


So what happens if you accidentally get flagged? You can die. That's no big problem. The absolute worst thing that can happen is that you have to go sit in a cantina for five whole minutes in order for the flag to go away.

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So what happens if you accidentally get flagged? You can die. That's no big problem. The absolute worst thing that can happen is that you have to go sit in a cantina for five whole minutes in order for the flag to go away.


The point is it's not my choice to be flagged for PvP on a PvE server. Someone else has removed that choice for me. If I was on a PvP server, no problems. But I'm not. And I don't expect to have my game interrupted and have to go and do something else for "five whole minutes" as a result of someone else's unwanted actions.


MMORPG does not mean forcing your playstyle on another on a PvE server. MMORPG means lots of people online, playing the same game at once. It doesn't mean compulsory grouping, it doesn't mean compulsory PvP.


Edit: speeling, who needs it?

Edited by TziganeNZ
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The point is it's not my choice to be flagged for PvP on a PvE server. Someone else has removed that choice for me. If I was on a PvP server, no problems. But I'm not. And I don't expect to have my game interrupted and have to go and do something else for "five whole minutes" as a result of someone else's unwanted actions.


MMORPG does not mean forcing your playstyle on another on a PvE server. MMORPG means lots of people online, playing the same game at once. It doesn't mean compulsory grouping, it doesn't mean compulsory PvP.


Edit: speeling, who needs it?


What is the difference between having your game time "interrupted" because you get flagged and possibly killed by other players during the event, and you getting killed by the mobs in the event itself?

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YES. Thank you! MMO = the game is not tailored to the individual, it is made for a large community. It is really sad to see how soft these "gamers" are becoming. In the old days of WoW (when it was actually good), "griefing" was the norm. Factions would literally destroy the entire enemies faction main city to the point where you couldn't fly out, you couldn't go to the mail, auction house, bank, battleground masters... you were held prisoner, for HOURS! You either took the beating, or you grew a pair and fought to the death. That is what an MMO SHOULD BE. Those crying "griefers" don't even know the meaning of the word. If you want peace/quiet/solitude - DON'T play a game that is made for WAR. In real life, my SGT always said to recruits, if you don't want to be involved in war, don't join the military. Really simple. This crying is getting pathetic.


Where your whole rant falls down is that if a person chooses a PvE server, they quite often do so to quite specifically and purposefully FAIL to 'join the military'. If the OP was 'crying', as you call it, because he was forced into PvP on a PvP server, where such things, along with everything you've described in your rant, should be expected, if not welcomed, then I would be right behind you telling him he's an ***.


But that's not the case.


This person is complaining, quite correctly, that, on a PvE server, because of one small aspect of this event, there is a way for a player to force another player into PvP mode, regardless of whether that player wants to or not. And it's only one extremely minor change that's needed to fix it (although it may be a bit late for this event), and that is for this to fail to flag the victim for PvP. Absolutely every other aspect of this could continue to be exactly the same.

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What is the difference between having your game time "interrupted" because you get flagged and possibly killed by other players during the event, and you getting killed by the mobs in the event itself?

I expect to get killed by mobs. The are the E part of Environment. I don't PvP and therefore don't expect (or wish) to be killed by players - the second P part of PvP.

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I expect to get killed by mobs. The are the E part of Environment. I don't PvP and therefore don't expect (or wish) to be killed by players - the second P part of PvP.


Again, I still don't see a difference. If I see someone with a yellow name I avoid them.

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What is the difference between having your game time "interrupted" because you get flagged and possibly killed by other players during the event, and you getting killed by the mobs in the event itself?


Being killed by mobs is an expected risk on a PvE server. Being forcibly flagged for PvP by another player is not.

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Being killed by mobs is an expected risk on a PvE server. Being forcibly flagged for PvP by another player is not.


I'm still confused here. You can avoid yellow named players, thereby not being forcibly flagged. You can also group up with other players on your faction, as you would if the mobs were too much for a solo player to handle (i.e. a heroic). Again, the worst thing that could happen is you die and lose five to ten minutes of your time.

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Again, I still don't see a difference. If I see someone with a yellow name I avoid them.

You don't have to see it - you just have to respect someone else's choice.


As you write very well and intelligently I do think you are now being deliberately obtuse - perhaps to engage in a forum form of PvP??

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From the help center FAQ: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/4051


Player-vs-Environment (PvE)


On Player-vs-Environment servers, you have the option to role-play as your character, and player-vs-player fights must be agreed to by both sides or conducted in PvP-designated areas.


It would seem that during an event such as this rakghoul invasion Tatooine is designated as a pvp area. If BioWare just stated as such, there wouldn't be a problem. So I guess I can see your point. I'm the type to find a way around an obstacle when I see one in my path, instead of fretting about the fact an obstacle is in my path so this doesn't bother me at all.

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It would seem that during an event such as this rakghoul invasion Tatooine is designated as a pvp area.


No, not really. In a PvE server, if you go into a PvP zone, you get clear warnings of this, along with a countdown to when you're going to get PvP flagged. This fails to happen when you travel to Tatooine. It does occur, however, when you go to Outlaw's Den, the free-for-all PvP zone on Tatooine. So it is not the case that Tatooine is a PvP zone during this event, it's simply that there is a flaw with one small aspect of this event.

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No, not really. In a PvE server, if you go into a PvP zone, you get clear warnings of this, along with a countdown to when you're going to get PvP flagged. This fails to happen when you travel to Tatooine. It does occur, however, when you go to Outlaw's Den, the free-for-all PvP zone on Tatooine. So it is not the case that Tatooine is a PvP zone during this event, it's simply that there is a flaw with one small aspect of this event.


Yes, the flaw is that you don't get an on screen warning, an email, a text with a picture attached and a certified letter from BioWare that Tattoine is a pvp zone during this event.

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This whole event about has me fed up with the game, on our server there are quite literally at any given time 50-100 people stacked at the zone in if you fleet pass. I dont care what you do in the game, this isnt about me telling you how to play. But your interfering with my play time by deciding that I need to be infected before I even load into the game and am able to move. Bioware screwed the pooch when they implemented this plauge. It obviously wasnt intended to form crowds of 100 or more on the space station infecting everyone. Hell what would happen in the real world if 100 people with some infectious disease stood in a highly populated area INTENTIONALLY infecting people? I'm thinking machine guns would be in use.
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Hell what would happen in the real world if 100 people with some infectious disease stood in a highly populated area INTENTIONALLY infecting people? I'm thinking machine guns would be in use.


More likely people would be avoiding those areas.

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Yes, I get it. Your going to keep posting trying to justify your opinion. I stated mine.


I'm sorry, I thought forums were a place to have a discussion, to exchange ideas and to debate them. That means point and counter point statements.

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I seriously don't get the complaining, there is NO WAY to have purely seperate PvP and PvE servers. To get the Containment Officer title on a PvP server guess what you have to do? PvE. On a PvP server it can be really hard to even find a group who want to fight a world boss at the same time. A cheap vaccine instantly fixes the PvP issue for PvE servers. For PvP servers we still have to do PvE focused events to get most of the perks.


If you are on a PvE server and want to do everything without touching PvP (because PvP doesn't get you the pets, mounts etc that PvE does) then think for a second how PvP people feel that they have to run Ops to get the awesome Desler mounts or run PvE to get a large number of pets/titles/materials. Ilum failed so PvP is limited to warzones really, this entire game is CENTERED around PvE and as a result PvP servers take a huge hit so maybe instead of complaining that you have to pay 2k credits for a vaccine to avoid all PvP think that our system has way more issues than PvE does so the reason why PvP people don't understand your agruments is that they come off as a spoiled child who has been protected all their life and just expose to the world.


A cheap vaccine does not necessarily fix the PvP issue on a PvE server. Seeing as there are other methods that can "accidently" flag you for PvP without your consent. Such as when you go in to attack a mob and they run up or range it just before you get to it. If they (someone who is flagged themselves) get it right before you do and you don't have enough time to stop your attack you are then going to be flagged as well. Now I've seen a few people say that Bioware fixed the AoE damage that an opposing faction member gets into from flagging you, but I'm not 100% sure that's fixed either. Unless that was a just the other day fix because it happened to me the first several days of the event and since then I've been very careful about it. Hell just trying to be a nice guy and healing or buffing someone who is on your faction, if he/she is flagged you will then be flagged. Granted you can opt out of healing or buffing them it is not an action that should automatically flag you.

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I find it kind of funny that people clamor for immersion, world events, and a living, changing game universe, then when something happens that affects everyone like this event, they complain that they are forced to do something they don't like. These events don't last long at all, and if you really, really, really have an aversion to pvp, then run away and hide, because that is what your character would do if it were real.


Actually, your logic is flawed; "if it were real" the authorities would be called, they would respond, and the lawbreakers (in this case, exploitative PvPers) would be carted off to jail and justice.


Which, essentially, is what this thread seems to be trying to accomplish.


Thanks for playing. :)

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Yes, the flaw is that you don't get an on screen warning, an email, a text with a picture attached and a certified letter from BioWare that Tattoine is a pvp zone during this event.


That would be because it isn't. There is only one place that is actually event-based PvP for this event and that's the bantha boss located smack in the middle of Outlaw's Den. The rest of the event, in its entirety, is located in PvE territory; with only consensual PvP allowed.


I think the part you're missing is that "consensual" means "both parties consent to PvP"; in context, this means both are willingly flagged. Obviously, using an exploit to force-flag a non-flagged player is not "consensual" by ANY definition.

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