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I am quite pleased with the 1.2.0c rewards change.


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Yes, because it needed another thread...


The change made to 1.2.0c made me pretty satisfied with the rewards implemented in warzones. It's really rather comprehensive. A few points:


  • A win still gets rewarded as a win, you get a buttload of commendations and credits, and it's scaled to your performance in the warzone.
  • A loss still gets rewarded as a loss, and scales quite well... but the rewards are very reasonable now.
  • Credits gained in PvP is back to pre-1.2 levels. I can not begin to say how awesome this is now - seeing ~5000 credits for a win makes it worthwhile.
  • There is very little reason to leave a freshly started warzone, win or lose now.
  • Even in a crushing defeat (really bad pug versus full premade for example), rewards are acceptable - I saw 40 commendations for a blowout loss where most of our team struggled to even get 4 medals while shorthanded.
  • You can still end up with 0 rewards being drawn into a losing warzone.


The warzone queue still desperately needs enhancement to avoid situations such as the last point. I also firmly believe that there needs to be the ability to ensure you don't end up matched against full premades when queuing solo.


I also believe that Novarre Coast needs a bit of fine tuning. The southern emplacement is far too accessible and as such 90% of the match revolves around who controls it. It's a very similar problem to Civil War.


Other than that, despite the really overtuned damage and the de-emphasis on healing, 1.2.0c has made PvP pretty satisfactory again. Once the queue issues previously mentioned gets fixed, it will be just about 98% perfect. The remaining 2% involve tweaking damage output to make healing and defense slightly more relevant.


Good job, Bioware. No more knee-jerk sweeping changes again... please.

Edited by Kheg
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I had canceled my sub out of disgust after 1.2 dropped. I just re-subbed right now. This should never have happened in the first place, but now that things are fixed it's fun again.


Well sort of. My class is still gimped to hell, my end game PVP gear looks absolutely hideous, lolMaras are kinda dumb, and there is still the occasional ridiculous premade unbalance (the 2 premades at once, ugh). But I can deal with all of that. I hope they don't bungle the next major content patch like they did this one.


I'm absolutely certain my class will get buffed in the next patch and Maras will get nerfed into the ground, so I'll wait that out. I hope 1.3 gets here sooner rather than later so I can work on some alts, I really want the exp boost.

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I had canceled my sub out of disgust after 1.2 dropped. I just re-subbed right now. This should never have happened in the first place, but now that things are fixed it's fun again.


Well sort of. My class is still gimped to hell, my end game PVP gear looks absolutely hideous, lolMaras are kinda dumb, and there is still the occasional ridiculous premade unbalance (the 2 premades at once, ugh). But I can deal with all of that. I hope they don't bungle the next major content patch like they did this one.


I'm absolutely certain my class will get buffed in the next patch and Maras will get nerfed into the ground, so I'll wait that out. I hope 1.3 gets here sooner rather than later so I can work on some alts, I really want the exp boost.



I also cancelled my sub after 1.2


Reading the forums now, I'm re-subbing to see if they mostly fixed things.

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Last night was great. Played a couple more hours, and really am starting to feel the rewards are in line with where they should be now. Wins can get upwards of 150 commendations for an honest match. A blowout win can net you 100+. Losses can net you 0 to about 80 or so depending on how hard your team tries, and personal effort also makes a pretty hefty difference.


Much, MUCH better now. I actually feel like I'm progressing again instead of being landlocked on a server with a huge population imbalance.

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I play mostly on imp side but post 1.2 I have been spending more time on repub. Repub pvp is just as bad as when I started swtor in december. Too many matches which are missing players. I honestly believe bioware should allow companions to fill missing slots.


FWIW, some tard was bragging in a forum on a different website about a quick win. If you check his scorecard it was 8 vs 5. I image it was 8 vs 5 with a few lowbie (ie. lvl 10-15s) on the repub side. Why do I say 10-15? Well, after about lvl 15 they say, "oh skip this. I like to pvp but I am not going to pvp on a losing faction where I get steamrolled 9/10 games."

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What they need is peneltys, like -50 comandation if you leave a warzone. Same if you lose to fast, say if you lose a hutball with 6-0 in less the 3min or something like that, but then they need to fix when your players short, 1 short buff the players 2short 10sec countdown no new player end game without penelty for losing side.
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First off I did not cancel my sub but I was about to. I mostly PVP and was one of the ones screaming the loudest about the credit nerf.


TY BW! I now can get back to my WZs and not worry so much about people rage quitting because of lack of rewards on the losing end!

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...I also believe that Novarre Coast needs a bit of fine tuning. The southern emplacement is far too accessible and as such 90% of the match revolves around who controls it. It's a very similar problem to Civil War.


This isn't a problem it's the tactical design of the map and I quite like it.

Having every objective be equaly important in a Wz is:


1) pretty much impossible as almost any non symetrical terain features will unbalance a Wz.

2) and if it were possible the Wz's would be bland and uninteresting.


I would like to see even more organic and less balanced / anticeptic Wz's.

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I also believe that Novarre Coast needs a bit of fine tuning. The southern emplacement is far too accessible and as such 90% of the match revolves around who controls it.


This cracks me up and is the reason sending 1 person to your closest northern point, 5 people to theirs, and 2 to southern wins the match.


People are just drooling over the southern point, even if you don't send two to distract them, half the time 3 or 4 noobs will sit there anyway. Lol, it's like they think southern gives more credit or something...I love it.

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This cracks me up and is the reason sending 1 person to your closest northern point, 5 people to theirs, and 2 to southern wins the match.


People are just drooling over the southern point, even if you don't send two to distract them, half the time 3 or 4 noobs will sit there anyway. Lol, it's like they think southern gives more credit or something...I love it.


Your tactics are fun until you get the team that rolls the southern emplacement that takes YOUR side emplacement away before you can react.


It's not that the emplacement does more damage, it's about the tactical advantage of it. Same thing in Civil War. I've only been in a handful of matches at best where a team successfully controlled right and left while wholly ignoring mid and won the match. I've been in a lot more matches where this was attempted, and failed miserably after mid gets capped immediately and then the opposing side is taken from that faction's control. Accessibility is the problem, which makes it more valuable.

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They changed how you earn medals now.


It was changed from 8 medals to 15 max. You earn 4.5~ per medal and gain 100% for winning and an extra 33% or so for losing.


The max you can earn is 140 in a win and 90 in a loss. The change rewards performance.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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