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Commando/Merc Nerf


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Hello there Bioware, the current post is just make you realize that the nerf on the commando or so called "house keeping", just made it the most useless class on the game which I'll clarify on the following points:


1.- Gunnery is and has been DEAD in PvP; Not only we cannot maintain combat 1v1 against any class on PvP but we can't get around it, though the point of PvP is made based on the sole purpose to organize a group of people to play against another group, the warzones you designed require players to sometimes hold a position, now making that statement if a commando tries to hold a capping "node" against any class with a interrupt we simply cannot be more that the beating bag of that class/player. you might actually say that the player paying the commando can have a play style to avoid being interrupted or sustain effective combat against the other player, but is just plain stupid, when the other classes have so many crowd controlling abilities and we only have 1 stun on a minute cooldown, and two worthless push backs vs all the other scenarios that you can put with less than a minute interrupts/stuns.


2.-Gunnery is worthless on Operations; although i do not have the charts myself players are reporting to be plain low dps on operations, with only beign able to reach constant 900 dps on single targets and other classes being able to reach constant (not peaks) of 1500, we are the new sentinels of this game, yeah the other classes needed a tune down but nerfing to the ground our main ability to deal damage and regenerate ammo, by 10% wasn't the answer to the pvp balance that you wanted to implement, why not making that new talent "Muzzle Fluting" be more useful as putting an increase damage to each target that has 5 STACKS of Gravity Vortex(the 10% you took from the ability), not only reducing the burst damage that you tried to manage on PvP but balancing it for PvE orientation.


And not only taking your time for the next patch to fix it, the more faster it is the better, i don't think i can manage to play a nerfed class on this game for that long. and sincerely i am not willing to reroll.

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do like commandos do...unsubscribe...i just did. allthough i was only valor rank66 and had 1k expertise. i was still a freekill to melee.


Commandos are like wizards.....just lacking burst dmg, crowd control, and any means of escape.


in short...a completely failed class by bioware.


And like you im not willing to reroll any more(already rerolled from a dead server)


if they want everyone to play jedi/sith, and troopers/BH's to be some random flavor chars, than they should jsut make their preferred classes more fun, not insanely op facerolling machines.


ah tonites whine...i spent so much time on getting this pushed down my throat......and i even paid for it.


bioware know how stupid we are....better to not pay them anymore :p

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do like commandos do...unsubscribe...i just did. allthough i was only valor rank66 and had 1k expertise. i was still a freekill to melee.


Commandos are like wizards.....just lacking burst dmg, crowd control, and any means of escape.


in short...a completely failed class by bioware.


I find it very amusing how the only way commandos can briefly get close to other classes sustained dps is when nobody is caring about them. One would think they would be ****** worlds but no, apparently that's not how it's supposed to be according to Mythic.

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I'm an arsenal merc and had to come to your guys side of the house, and I see the same gripes from mine. Know you are not alone. We flat out got hosed. I never post on forums or complain, but I was worthless last night even just trying to be an antagonist. I'm rolling an assassin/ shadow now because it seems that's the way they want everyone to go.
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I personally play a 50 Commando, since the 1.2 patch I have chosen to play my other classes since the initial "nerf"., only using him when DPS is the last spot to fill and needed. Now, with 1.2c, I have shelved him for the definite. Two others from my guild, playing troopers, one being fully specced in Rakata and Battlemaster gear, has chosen to reroll over playing their classes now.


We play in a small guild where positions are needed, having two of them reroll due to lack of any dps now, will hurt our guild in terms of further exploring end game and also frustrated many other players.


My example is likely quite true for many other guilds in the same situation.


Please BW take a look at the overal dam spec of Gunnery again. An investment in a 31pt skill needs to pay off in terms the class's overal role.

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I'll have to say I was more than a little surprised by the effect of 1.2c. I've read other posts about how BW just fixed some bugs to make commando work the way they've always intended. Unfortunately the 1.2 nerf we received was based on stats before they fixed the bug. It now seems that we got a second (perhaps unintended) nerf that further reduces damage output while leaving survivability as-is. I played a bunch of warzones where I performed quite well and I have a good idea of what my numbers should look like. The bottom line is that damage is down to the point where I feel like I'm hurting my team. Replace me with a quality sentinel or gunslinger and I don't think anyone can argue that the team is better. I'm rerolling but still do a little with my commando and hope that he'll be useful again some day. I guess I can still escort lower level guildmates through FP's. That's useful......right? :confused:
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The commando and mercenary AC's are broke, plain and simple.


Three choices..


1) Deal with it and hope bioware fixes it (given their track record, I /salute those who choose this path)

2) Roll a sent/mara or sorc/sage

3) Unsub and wait for TERA, GW2 or whatever tickles your fancy..


I'm at #2 right now, however foot is on the pedal and the car is on it's way to #3.

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The commando and mercenary AC's are broke, plain and simple.


Three choices..


1) Deal with it and hope bioware fixes it (given their track record, I /salute those who choose this path)

2) Roll a sent/mara or sorc/sage

3) Unsub and wait for TERA, GW2 or whatever tickles your fancy..


I'm at #2 right now, however foot is on the pedal and the car is on it's way to #3.


I suppose. These same arguments and types of posts appear in every MMO over time. The fact is that things can do change constantly in MMO's and if you have no patience to wait it out when your turn for the nerf bat comes then you're constantly going to be unsatisfied because that time will come.


It's also true though that what goes around comes around and troopers will again have their time in the sun. I personally am just going to wait it out because it might suck now but I'll endure and it will get better........some day.


To me this all has the feel of inevitability. Whatever class you play, your turn will come to be OP'ed and then nerfed...............OP'ed and then nerfed. Those that play those OP'ed classes now and are laughing at troopers will find the shoe on the other foot soon enough.

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I suppose. These same arguments and types of posts appear in every MMO over time. The fact is that things can do change constantly in MMO's and if you have no patience to wait it out when your turn for the nerf bat comes then you're constantly going to be unsatisfied because that time will come.


It's also true though that what goes around comes around and troopers will again have their time in the sun. I personally am just going to wait it out because it might suck now but I'll endure and it will get better........some day.


To me this all has the feel of inevitability. Whatever class you play, your turn will come to be OP'ed and then nerfed...............OP'ed and then nerfed. Those that play those OP'ed classes now and are laughing at troopers will find the shoe on the other foot soon enough.


I used to have your opinion on things like this.. now my view is more like this..


I pay every month to have fun playing the game. Bioware isn't patient about receiving my money, if I don't pay my access gets cut off.


Why should I have to be patient to have fun playing a game that I pay a monthly fee, to have fun.


There is an easy solution to the revolving FOTM syndrome, have a 50 of each class.

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I used to have your opinion on things like this.. now my view is more like this..


I pay every month to have fun playing the game. Bioware isn't patient about receiving my money, if I don't pay my access gets cut off.


Why should I have to be patient to have fun playing a game that I pay a monthly fee, to have fun.


There is an easy solution to the revolving FOTM syndrome, have a 50 of each class.


There is an even easier solution...thats takes ALOT less effort and time....


cancel subscription!


Leveling a char or 2 to 50 is ok...but im god damn bored of all the cutscenes now. i made a Assassin and merc on


a now dead server. so 3x50.


Since i alrdy had the merc i made a commando to get new story and new look but still keep the playstyle i liked.


but now i just dont feel like bioware cares for the people who pay them money....so im not gonna keep on paying


them for this fraud. (btw....anyone remember reading the flavor text on commandos/mercs from before release? the class is definetly not what they advertised)

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I am not really happy with the game post 1.2 myself. I've noticed a crazy TTK uptick which made an average experience in PvP almost deplorable. These sweeping class changes have made it even more so important to roll in PvP with an outstanding premade. Otherwise, the game is simply the SUCK.


I don't know what tank class it is on the Empire side, but I was being chain interrupted on grav rounds. Explain to me what in God's name does a Gunnery Commando with ZERO interrupt mitigation do while being chain interrupted in the only ability I have to deal out any dps?


Seriously, tell me what I am doing wrong and Ill change it. I've scoured my abilities page for ideas.

Edited by rsomazzi
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I know you were talking about the Gunnery spec of Commando, but as a Combat Medic, I feel less than enthusiastic to log in with my character. The PvP damage buff certainly didn't stem my waning interest either.

The commando and mercenary AC's are broke, plain and simple.


Three choices..


1) Deal with it and hope bioware fixes it (given their track record, I /salute those who choose this path)

2) Roll a sent/mara or sorc/sage

3) Unsub and wait for TERA, GW2 or whatever tickles your fancy..


I'm at #2 right now, however foot is on the pedal and the car is on it's way to #3.

I've been following The Secret World quite a bit recently, looks pretty interesting. Assuming there is decent content past the first 20 levels, unlike Conan.
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I am not really happy with the game post 1.2 myself. I've noticed a crazy TTK uptick which made an average experience in PvP almost deplorable. These sweeping class changes have made it even more so important to roll in PvP with an outstanding premade. Otherwise, the game is simply the SUCK.


I don't know what tank class it is on the Empire side, but I was being chain interrupted on grav rounds. Explain to me what in God's name does a Gunnery Commando with ZERO interrupt mitigation do while being chain interrupted in the only ability I have to deal out any dps?


Seriously, tell me what I am doing wrong and Ill change it. I've scoured my abilities page for ideas.


Nothing you can do. It would be nice if grav round worked as it should... that is if people saw it charging through dots they had to go interrupt or risk massive dps... but instead with your grav round stacks up you put up mediocre dps.

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After playing my Sentinel and Gunslinger a lot more as of late, since my rank 7X Commando has been relegated to that of target dummy, I have been doing a little "spitballing" if you will:


1. Gunslingers/Snipers are uninterruptable when in cover, why not give Commandos the same type of ability? They cannot be lept to as well by Sents/Mara/Guard/Jugg which makes sense. Keep it real as far as the military theme is concerned and call it "Barricade" or something, I dunno.


2. If BioFail will not give Commandos more CC or defense or even DAMAGE (crazy I know) then Grav Round either needs to be instant cast or give it a cast time but allow it to be cast on the run if it would be too OP to fire off 5 in 5 seconds or w/e.


3. We need more CC or more damage or more mobility. That is that. And since they "fixed" Demo Round, our damage is lower and therefore our survivability is lower as well. This needs to be fixed, maybe we can call Blizzard to fix this game, just no pandas please.


This is all going to fall on deaf ears so I just wasted my time, like I have putting time into my Commando. God knows that George Zellor clown who is STEALING MY MONEY only wants lightsaber users to be OP, no one else so I wouldn't want to ask for too much, like: being able to do massive damage as a tank specc'd Assassin or have insane survivability as a medium armor wearer like the Marauder or be a tank class that does over 600k damage in WZ's like a Juggernaut... I'd be a fool to ask for those things...


My Gunslinger is low level right now but hitting people in WZs for nearly 4k and have been doing so since I hit level 10. I know its sub 50 pvp but I don't remember doing that on my Commando till closer to 50. If you like the ranged gun thing, I say level a Slinger. My Sentinel, while easy to play and fun just makes me feel like a sellout since it is so faceroll so I'm just messing around till the subscription runs out. I'd rather be playing my Commando, but now I'm just waiting till GW2. Bioware needs to give those of us that prefer the Commando a reason to re-sub. :(

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Very unhappy also.


Right after 1.2 hit, my guild started running HM ops, and within a few days I was able to finish gearing my commando in full rakata (except the mainhand which never seems to drop), with the other commando dps not far behind me.

I finally got my stats and gear to where I had wanted it and was looking forward to the new EC op (which I got to run on my emp side main, an arsenal spec BH, which now looking back might not have been the best choice). Crafted up a bunch of augmented gear, and was just waiting for the fix to match the chest color to the helmet and I was good.


I also was liking the 1.2 pvp better, even if I was being melted down in seconds while in full BM gear, I was having fun blowing people apart with 6k+ demo round crits and liked the faster game play.


Now add in 1.2.0.C and let the, s u c k, begin. The damage reduction across the board (solo, ops, pvp) is very noticeable. For a ranged damage class, it just seems like I'm not doing that much damage anymore. Add in all the other problems with a commando/merc (overall lack of utility) and that pvp feels like it was pre 1.2, except that I still melt in seconds (but can't return it anymore).


The other dps commandos in my guild feel the same way. We're going play through some ops this weekend and see how bad it fully is, but all of us are looking at re-rolling.

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I am not the type of person to generally complain about patches, changes to mechanics and waranted balancing of classes. My main character in swtor is a commando. Which is now working on warlord (rank 90 valor, all BM gear and several pieces of the war hero eliminator set, including warhero eliminator assult canon). I picked this class to play understanding entirely that they do not have shields, force leap, grapple, bubbles, stealths or any of the other survivability skills that the other classes have.

While specced for dps, the only way they survive is by doing massive amounts of damage and killing their enemy first. That is the original intent for such a class. They are essentially "Glass Canons". They are fragile because of all the lacking formentioned skills and I accepted that, knowing that the objective is to kill at range and not let the fight get hand to hand. Since the patch 1.2, commandos no longer have the ability to kill like they should. They are now just easy targets without any way of stealthing, bubbleing or getting out of trouble with speed boost and they cant shoot their way out of a paper bag. So my point is, look at what the character is supposed to do and build it as such.


One more thing, if you queue solo and then you are forced to do 6 games in a row of huttball, without any of the special move skills (force leap, speed, or invunerable for a few seconds) and you can not kill the ball carrier because you are so damned nerfed, it is enough to make even the most diehard fans of the game, consider going back to another game. I hope they have this fixed before long and if they do not , then somthing with BioWares understanding of game mechanics is broken...



Please fix the commandos, they are broken.

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I admit it, we are broken. I have been saying we have been fine for a while...but guess it takes getting your *** consistently kicked in damage on a raid meter to actually put it into perspective. I don't PVP much (not at all on my commando any more), so this is purely from a PVE stand point.


Pre-1.2 Commando DPS was at least close to the top if not the best. Life was good, solid survivability, grav round stacking, the benefits of ranged DPS, and a fairly simple rotation that attracted a lot of people.


1.2 came and grav round nerfed by 10% somewhat offset by full auto (but IMO not completely so). But more than that some other classes got some huge buffs (Sentinels in particular. Instead of a Sentinel being great DPS, often times hampered by movement and unfriendliness of melee...they are now god-like, brought down to simply amazing DPS when heavy movement in needed.). But at this point the class is still workable. Demo round is hitting like a ton of bricks, and since vortex stacking hasn't been fixed, each additional commando is adding about 5% overall damage to each other.


1.2c came and while I saw it coming, don't think I fully processed the impacts. Demo round change (fix I guess) was a straight 5% overall damage decrease. If you there were two gunnery commandos you ran with (was often the case for me) overall damage is now down 10% over-night. Melee classes will be equal damage wise when their damage is heavily interrupted (i.e. having to hide behind pillars for Annihilation droid), but far higher in most cases. I am ranged, have a CC, and decent AOE abilities (with the nerf to MV range I can't say we are the best). Basically I make trash pulls easier.


Some experience with limited use of raid meters:

A slightly less geared Sentinel can out single-target DPS me by 20%.

My columi geared shadow on the target dummy can out DPS my rakata geared commando by 10-15% (guessing close to 20% if gear was the same).

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The worse thing so far is that, the sorcerers/sages whined so hard they managed to not get THAT nerfed and because most of the player base plays that class, when are we gonna get heard? this was my try to start a civilized post telling them some of the greater damage and thanks to everyone who took their time to contribute in it.


But really, when are we gonna get fixed? 1.3? f**k that sincerely, I'll be long gone before that, not paying for a game that is not delivering me a satisfying fun, im not asking to be the OP class, rather the balanced one we were before the nerfs. instead of bringing us down with the nerf bat, it should had been increased the others that weren't balanced enough to keep up.

Edited by DanteNuve
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Things are not changing for the positive fast enough in this game. They take to long and test very poorly the content they release. Only PVE raid testing was done with 1.2...on bad numbers since they didn't fix the stacking issue we all knew was there...they seem to be the only ones not knowing what is going on...and then rather then fixing the class they nerf the only ability that is working to make gunnery viable.


Assault commando has never been good when compared to vanguard...now CM is garbage and gunnery is way underproducing for the lack of utility the class has. Way to fail BW.

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Honestly after 1.2, I wasn't that happy with the grav round nerf (seemed closer to a 25% nerf) but a change in rotation seemed to bring us back to what I figured was acceptable and hell, my guild was still managing to down stuff just fine.



Then 1.2 comes out and here's where I'm starting to get mad. It certainly feels (hard to say since I have no real data from before 1.2) that Demo Round is now back to pre 1.2 levels when it was supposed to be part of the "rebalancing" that BW was trying to do and all I can say is ***? I understand that we needed a fix to the vortex stacking issue, but seriously what the hell happened that cause my normal demo rounds with no additional commandos in group to be nerfed? That just makes no damn sense.


I've already felt our lack of interrupt in the new patch (LR-5 sentinel droid seems almost impossible if you try to bring two commandos as DPS).


For now I still feel like I'm contributing to my guild's hardmode runs, but this crap is getting pretty ridiculous.

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some of these comments make me lol. really useless? you sure dont know how to play your commando. if your going pvp with a commando dont go gunnery if you are, your just asking to get whacked on by melee. gunnery is a pve skill tree its obvious on that since its a lot of channels and the shared skill tree is pvp thats why it has tick damages and so forth. if your looking for pvp thats obviously the way to go because gunnery is a stationary fight thats is ment to hold down heavy hits on bosses in ops not on players. now going to the pve area. if you think we shell out only 900 a second you gotta have a bad rotation i shell out maybe 1.25 a second and thats good for a class not dps spec its really good. if your talking bout comparison to gunslingers and sentinels then of course were going to be a bit short but of course what commandos help in operations is putting our gravity vortex on enemies and helping lower there armor to damage overall. so if you think commandos are useless after 1.2 im sorry to say you just cant play. oh and i know this facts ebcause i have a level 50 commando with almost full rakata for my heal spec and full columi for myd ps and i am awesome and everytime i run operations you bet we dont wipe :) Edited by rjavig
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