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50 active auctions on AH limit are you kidding me?


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There are far better and more elegant solutions to economy exploiters and single stack sellers than this atrocious 50 item limit.


Allow us to ignore sellers. That way, we can save ourselves the annoyance of weeding through their postings, and they lose their ability to move product. Legitimate sellers will still be able to post as many auctions as they like, and nobody gets punished with poorly thought out artificial limitations.


If you want to try to claim that a posting cap is somehow absolutely necessary to curb economy exploitation (I don't necessarily concede the point, but for arguments sake I'll pretend for the moment) then howabout we throttle postings rather than place an outright cap? Perhaps 50 posts per 2 hours?

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Haha, no more filling AH pages with 1 ore auctions, for you.


Except that mats, and gold, are sooo easy to come by, there won't be farmers for raw materials cause there will be no real market for them. Let alone the synergy of having 1 crafting, 1 mission and 1 gatherer combo.


We don't want to list up 50 ore ... we just want to list up 1 of everything we can make, for each flavor, for each level .. and that alone is closer to 400+ ... that's just for 1 listing of each flavor of each level.


50 total listings doesn't even start to cut it.

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WoW only had AH houses in the main cities.


This was because the AH is where people would gather and they wanted to "force" people to gather in particular places. That is pretty much the same here. At least banks are in most major cities on the planets so you can "unload" to your bank, till you can get to the fleet / wherever for a GTN.


There are GTN's on some of the planets as well ...


Still, 50 item list just doesn't work ... I now have 40 skills up in crafting I could make, but AH is full of previous skill ups ... not to mention 40+ BoEs in the bank collecting dust instead of being on the AH.


Terrible TERRIBLE idea limiting the AH to 50 ... worst MMO decision I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of TERRIBLE mmo decisions ... including the one that killed SWG.

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People seem to be divided (albeit heavily in favor of the removing the 50 cap crowd) due to the idea of single stack sellers. The issue there is that although they clutter up the AH, they are there for a legitimate reason. If one guy posts 17 of an item at 100 per and another guy posts 12 at 120 per, who is the person who needs 12 going to buy from? He saves 260 credits buying from the guy selling at 20% more per item, and he may very well do that, punishing the first guy simply because his stack was too big for the occasion. The bigger the stack, the bigger the risk of that happening. The guy who posted 99 for 90 a piece sure as heck won't be selling his to many people.


What would kill 2 birds with one stone would be to learn a lesson from EVE's AH system, and be able to purchase parts of stacks. If you could post 99 of an item for 9900 by marking it as 100 per item, you could then allow people to purchase a portion of the stack prorated for how much they take. The guy who wants 12 would pay 1200 credits and leave a stack of 87 marked at 8700 credits. It's more work than the other options to code, but it would be a great feature and give a legitimate way in which the SWTOR AH beats out WoW's. Given that it would remove the single stack incentive, you could then freely remove the 50 cap, saving people the trouble of making AH alts to share the load. I know I have my cap of 50 posted, but probably only about 10 of those are materials (mostly Underworld Metals posted in stacks of 4). As a treasure hunter, I have to sell of a lot of random greens and blues from lockboxes, and the AH makes that really hard to do, especially combined with the crafted blues from synthweaving I occasionally put up.

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I think 50 helps prevent monopolizing. Prevents people from buying an entire market and relisting everything at a higher price. Good move on BW's part I think.


My god you people are... not well versed in economics. Whenever someone tries to monopolize part of the market, it's easy as pie to just undercut them. If they buy up the stuff you undercut with, you undercut more. This kind of market manipulation *doesn't work* over anything but the incredibly short term (a day or so.) People who haven't run the AH shouldn't be posting in these threads.

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  • 1 month later...
My god you people are... not well versed in economics. Whenever someone tries to monopolize part of the market, it's easy as pie to just undercut them. If they buy up the stuff you undercut with, you undercut more. This kind of market manipulation *doesn't work* over anything but the incredibly short term (a day or so.) People who haven't run the AH shouldn't be posting in these threads.


Exactly. You can only have a production monopoly and that doesnt exist on a economy where products can be generated by anyone anytime. If he tries to buy your product to repost just make more and sell to him, he is givin you money. If anything the limit on the auctions makes so the market have less offer so the prices tend to go up.

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Stop placing offers with 1 rare craft mat, use stacks of 4 or something usefull which fit to recipts.


And 50 offers where the limit is 2 days? ROFL, do you play the game or just sit at the Kiosk with a level 1 toon to trade and push inflation?


Before there is any need for more then 50 offers the 2 day limit must be rised to 7/14/21/28 days. This would actual help the market much more as people could place stuff bejond overpriced offers and so regulate the market.

Edited by Jahor
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Well, I never liked when people bought out all items that were cheap in AH and then sold it for twice the prize. For this, I am actually happy for the 50 limit.


If you do not do buy-resell exploit, then I have no idea what you are selling in such quantities.

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Are you joking? In WoW it was normal to have hundreds even thousands of auctions up at one time.


Not unless you used something like Auctionator, which really just created a HUGE divide in player economic standing, and making worthless things worth $ and useful things worth nothing.


If you have enough time to list hundreds of auctions on GTN, then you probably ought to reconsider what you're doing with your time, as far as life goes. In my opinion anyways.

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meh, I rarely ever go to the GTN, basically I go there to buy Red light saber crystals every 10 levels or so. What can I say, I'm a traditionalist, I prefer red light saber for my Sith. The game gives me everything I want either through the commendations, quest rewards, or Flash Points. /shrug.


So I guess I wouldn't care if they increased the limit. I do wonder how many people are like me, and if they increased the limit, how much of this stuff would just end up not being bought?

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As a crafter I found this cap a pain. I can only make a couple mods for each level and not of each kind. So I rotate maing all aim mods level 1-45. I would like to be able to have enough to make a few of each mod for each level range and of each type. Wis, aim, str etc. Add a few rare drops into the mix and what I pick up from my missions and I cant put them on the AH. As someone who likes to spend a lot of time crafting. I would like to see 150-200 AH posting limit.
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I find it amusing that people in favor of the cap thinks that the GMT only purpose is to post craft material ... I actually try to post all my green equip for 50% base item price so i can have a little more profit than vendoring and people can use it to equip alts / companion for a lower price. Guess what, i cant post most of it because of this stupid and useless cap.
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I usually have about 35 things on the market, but it is all weapons/armor/mods that I either made or got out of item roll chests. I usually sell about half the stuff I post on there. I don't bother buying or selling crafting materials...I have alts to get them for me.
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Well, I never liked when people bought out all items that were cheap in AH and then sold it for twice the prize. For this, I am actually happy for the 50 limit.


If you do not do buy-resell exploit, then I have no idea what you are selling in such quantities.


As a cyber tech I make 5 types of gernades, mods for 3 types of stats, aim, str, wil. I make droid armour. I make armouring mod for 3 types of stats aim, str and wil. I have missions that reap augments for aim, str, wil, defence so on and so forth. Then you take that gear for each few levels and just putting up a set for each level set of each kind of item as I crafter I make on one char and thats about 150-200 AH slots I would need. Now take someone who loves to craft as their main source of fun and 150-200 is a modest number. You cant judge that its enough when crfters are saying its not.

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So this tired argument is still going?


I agree that a bigger cap on the number of auctions would be nice. That said, I won't support a larger cap until we can sort auctions by price per unit and queue up to buy multiple auctions at once like with the auctionator addon in WoW.

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So this tired argument is still going?


I agree that a bigger cap on the number of auctions would be nice. That said, I won't support a larger cap until we can sort auctions by price per unit and queue up to buy multiple auctions at once like with the auctionator addon in WoW.


Thats for the community to decide. You do that by buying an item at X price or waiting for it to be cheaper. Saying that, the more items you put on the AH by supply and demand it will automatically lower the overall cost of items on the AH. Its better for the buyer and the seller.

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