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rakghoul plague ... ends all server activity save socializing


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Could be worse. On a PVE server trying to actualy do the quests. Toon at level 30 and a couple of level 50 imps keep kililng you over and over then follow you out killing you over and over.


I'm surprised more PVE server folks aren't more upset about the forced PVP.

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Are you kidding? There is an overflow of activity on Tatooine. As someone who is into world PVP, Im loving it. Tatooine's been a lot of fun, and Ive only started doing the dailies yesterday. You should by happy that it is actually causing community activity... even if part of it is inactivity.
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Could be worse. On a PVE server trying to actualy do the quests. Toon at level 30 and a couple of level 50 imps keep kililng you over and over then follow you out killing you over and over.


I'm surprised more PVE server folks aren't more upset about the forced PVP.


Not to laugh at your in-game problems but this is amusing. I play on a PVP server and imps and reps are just ignoring each other on tatooine all together. Interesting how that works out I think. Anyone else on PVP servers finding this to be true as well?

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Not to laugh at your in-game problems but this is amusing. I play on a PVP server and imps and reps are just ignoring each other on tatooine all together. Interesting how that works out I think. Anyone else on PVP servers finding this to be true as well?


Must admit that I've been feeling the same on mine as well.

Plenty of World PvP during the first couple days; but now is just mostly "be aware and continue doing your dailies."


Regarding the OP.. haven't seen such thing happen in my server. Sure there are a couple infected people afk'ing in the Fleet. But hardly as much of a problem as you make seem in your Server's situation. I feel for it - even tho' I sense some exaggeration involved.

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Must admit that I've been feeling the same on mine as well.

Plenty of World PvP during the first couple days; but now is just mostly "be aware and continue doing your dailies."


Regarding the OP.. haven't seen such thing happen in my server. Sure there are a couple infected people afk'ing in the Fleet. But hardly as much of a problem as you make seem in your Server's situation. I feel for it - even tho' I sense some exaggeration involved.

It bloody takes me 2 hours to hunt down 2 Reps. Only to find out I wasted it all to kill them in less than 2 mins alone... Both were two levels above me... PvP in general on PvP server open-world is a joke.

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It bloody takes me 2 hours to hunt down 2 Reps. Only to find out I wasted it all to kill them in less than 2 mins alone... Both were two levels above me... PvP in general on PvP server open-world is a joke.


Yay me for picking up an healthy Server, I suppose. There has never been a shortage of Republics for me to, possibly, kill.


(Around the Event area, since it started. As I assume that's what we are talking about, since I'd say it's common knowledge that SWTOR doesn't offer that great quality World PvP.)

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Must admit that I've been feeling the same on mine as well.

Plenty of World PvP during the first couple days; but now is just mostly "be aware and continue doing your dailies."


Regarding the OP.. haven't seen such thing happen in my server. Sure there are a couple infected people afk'ing in the Fleet. But hardly as much of a problem as you make seem in your Server's situation. I feel for it - even tho' I sense some exaggeration involved.


Oh believe me - there is no exaggeration. On my server (shadow hand), they call it "the orgy." It's this massive group of people just standing right in front of the cargo (conveniently next to the medical droid) - a lot of them don't even have clothes on (hence the name). And they just stand there (well, some of the naked ones dance) and they just infect each other and explode! For hours! Like popping balloons! As for anyone who gets too close, their FPS takes a bit of dive (along with their health)....


thanks for letting me know it's forced PVP - won't bother to get involved now considering some of the PVP types of players

Technically - it isn't "forced." You can still participate in the majority of the event without getting flagged for pvp. It's just the one world boss that's located in Outlaw's Den (if you kill all 3 bosses on Tatooine, you get the achievement "Containment Officer"). But you can still do the daily quests without going near the pvp zone (i.e. you won't get flagged / forced to pvp).

Edited by JAVAjedi
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I am sorry you dont like how others choose to play the game. Me on the other hand likes this event, I think it's great. I guess that makes me a "fanboi" and thus none of my opinions matter in the least. However I shall explain something to you. During the days I can't play TOR because I have two toddlers here that constantly need attention. Standing in "the huddle", however, walking past the computer once every 30 minutes to ress is certanly doable with or without crazy twins. Also, the reason "the huddle" is right next to the medical droid is not, and I cant emphasise this enough, to annoy you personally. The reason is that there is where you respawn after using the "med center" option after exploding.
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I play on a PVP server and imps and reps are just ignoring each other on tatooine all together. Interesting how that works out I think. Anyone else on PVP servers finding this to be true as well?


Yep. Am a lvl 40 Imp on a pvp server, but don't pvp :p (there at the request of friends). I summoned and killed a quest named for the plague. As I stood recovering hp, a Rep ran up, summoned the named. He had let me live so I counted myself relieved and took off.


On a somewhat related note, this was the first time since early release that I've even seen anyone from the opposite faction. Even as a non-pvper, that's fairly disappointing as I imagine it's a bit of a bummer for those looking for open world pvp..

Edited by Lunazen
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Not to laugh at your in-game problems but this is amusing. I play on a PVP server and imps and reps are just ignoring each other on tatooine all together. Interesting how that works out I think. Anyone else on PVP servers finding this to be true as well?


This is true on my server as well. Though to take it one step further, I even had a Rep help me out with a kill once (and I'm Imp). It's been bizarre but I kind of like it. We're all just there to do our dailies and no one messes with one another.

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Not to laugh at your in-game problems but this is amusing. I play on a PVP server and imps and reps are just ignoring each other on tatooine all together. Interesting how that works out I think. Anyone else on PVP servers finding this to be true as well?




It is really weird how there is this uneasy truce in effect. Last night I'm at the crash site and I'm the only pud (Sab lvl 44). All around me were 9 imps - most level 50s and they just ignored me. But I'm a smuggler and I'm a low down, devious, back stabbing smuggler. So any chance I get, I layith the smackith down. I gank left and right.


I really love this event because it does bring out a lot of world pvp.

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