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Did the Republic EVER discover Dromund Kass?


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It's canon to the game, therefore, it is canon for the sake of story.


For the sake....so I'll take that as an actual no. I don't mean them being there cuz that's what they thought up JUST for the sake of a character's mission.


I mean cannon, actually, etc. So I'm assuming not then.

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For the sake....so I'll take that as an actual no. I don't mean them being there cuz that's what they thought up JUST for the sake of a character's mission.


I mean cannon, actually, etc. So I'm assuming not then.


There is almost no story from this era, so "canon" is whatever is developed.

By designing the era, Bioware made it canon [as there was almost nothing in existence prior to this game].



If it counts, Revan took himself and his fleet (I believe his fleet) to Dromund Kaas at one point.

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There is almost no story from this era, so "canon" is whatever is developed.

By designing the era, Bioware made it canon [as there was almost nothing in existence prior to this game].



If it counts, Revan took himself and his fleet (I believe his fleet) to Dromund Kaas at one point.


Wasn't the in Holonet timeline. That is the kinda example/proof I was looking for. But whatever.

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Wasn't the in Holonet timeline. That is the kinda example/proof I was looking for. But whatever.


It was in the Holonet that he went to Dromund Kaas.

So it is clear the Republic knows where Dromund Kaas is, I'm sure.

Especially if they are able to send troopers and jedi there.



I'm not sure what kind of an answer you want. The only story that exists is what BW put together. Since there is no precedent, and LucasArts supports the game, in my opinion, the story beyind SWToR = Canon.

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It was in the Holonet that he went to Dromund Kaas.

So it is clear the Republic knows where Dromund Kaas is, I'm sure.

Especially if they are able to send troopers and jedi there.



I'm not sure what kind of an answer you want. The only story that exists is what BW put together. Since there is no precedent, and LucasArts supports the game, in my opinion, the story beyind SWToR = Canon.


I guess that's so then.

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Yes, jedi knight gets to go there. There are also a couple conversation options during quests that relate to dromund kaas. One was finding bombs as a side quest, and it was mentioned one of the bombs could wipe out kaas city, again, this was as republic.
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Something I find funny about the game's representation of the galaxy is relevant to this.


In the Return trailer, we see a Jedi/Republic space station over Korriban, presumably serving as a monitoring post. This is the first place that the sith attack, which the Jedi don't see coming.


For the last thousand years, the sith empire was rebuilding in isolation on Dromund Kaas, of which the Republic and Jedi were ignorant.


In the game, if you take the interfleet transport from the imperial fleet station to one of the imperial ships like the Ziost shadow, you can see both Korriban and Dromund Kaas from quite close, implying that these planets are in the same system and almost adjacent.


So the implication of all this is that the jedi have monitored Korriban all these years, but didn't notice the sith empire rebuilding when all it would have taken is someone on that Republic space station saying "hey, what's the deal with that big blue planet over there?"


Obviously this isn't really the case in the canon, but you have to wonder who made that moronic decision. Would be nice if the guys doing visuals didn't blatantly contradict the story team.

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Something I find funny about the game's representation of the galaxy is relevant to this.


In the Return trailer, we see a Jedi/Republic space station over Korriban, presumably serving as a monitoring post. This is the first place that the sith attack, which the Jedi don't see coming.


For the last thousand years, the sith empire was rebuilding in isolation on Dromund Kaas, of which the Republic and Jedi were ignorant.


In the game, if you take the interfleet transport from the imperial fleet station to one of the imperial ships like the Ziost shadow, you can see both Korriban and Dromund Kaas from quite close, implying that these planets are in the same system and almost adjacent.


So the implication of all this is that the jedi have monitored Korriban all these years, but didn't notice the sith empire rebuilding when all it would have taken is someone on that Republic space station saying "hey, what's the deal with that big blue planet over there?"


Obviously this isn't really the case in the canon, but you have to wonder who made that moronic decision. Would be nice if the guys doing visuals didn't blatantly contradict the story team.


this is basicly a bit it. Korriban was know as the Sith home world so yea they will keep almost all the eyes on that. and the point that Dromund kaas holds a lot of storms it would be pretty easy 2 hide there and it would be hard 2 be scanned.

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Dromund kaas holds a lot of storms it would be pretty easy 2 hide there and it would be hard 2 be scanned.


Having an entire world spanning civilization based on a planet that is literally right underneath the nose of a republic fleet is stupid though. It isn't like the sith were hiding in caves on the surface. They colonized other worlds, built the imperial navy, and constructed Vaiken station. That imperial fleet that attacked during the return trailer wasn't hidden on the surface for a thousand years.

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Something I find funny about the game's representation of the galaxy is relevant to this.


In the Return trailer, we see a Jedi/Republic space station over Korriban, presumably serving as a monitoring post. This is the first place that the sith attack, which the Jedi don't see coming.


For the last thousand years, the sith empire was rebuilding in isolation on Dromund Kaas, of which the Republic and Jedi were ignorant.


In the game, if you take the interfleet transport from the imperial fleet station to one of the imperial ships like the Ziost shadow, you can see both Korriban and Dromund Kaas from quite close, implying that these planets are in the same system and almost adjacent.


So the implication of all this is that the jedi have monitored Korriban all these years, but didn't notice the sith empire rebuilding when all it would have taken is someone on that Republic space station saying "hey, what's the deal with that big blue planet over there?"


Obviously this isn't really the case in the canon, but you have to wonder who made that moronic decision. Would be nice if the guys doing visuals didn't blatantly contradict the story team.


Dromunk Kaas is in the Dromund system, while Korriban is in the Horuset system. I had not noticed DK and Korriban being displayed on the Ziost Shadow, but the two possible explanations I can come up with are that the two planets are shown on display screens that make them look close together but whihc actually show different systems, or that whatever system the Imperial Fleet is staging in (assuming they are not staging on deep space) has two planets that closely resemble Korriban and Dromund Kaas.

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"Space, is big, really big. I mean you may think its a long way down to the corner drug store but that's just peanuts compared to space..." - Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Remember also we're talking the span of an entire galaxy here. Even "close" worlds are likely to be hundreds, or perhaps thousands of parsecs apart from each other. The only two worlds that are literally next to each other are Nar Shadda and Hutta (the former being the moon of the latter).


Given the "real" distance between Korriban and Dromund Kaas is probably in the hundreds of parsecs a lot would depend on whether or not the Republic was out exploring or looking into the unknown regions. Apparently for over a millenium they either weren't or just didn't happen to go in the direction that would take them towards the Empire.


Conversely while the Republic doesn't know about the Empire the Empire definitely knows about the Republic and more important than that they know where NOT to go so as to not reveal themselves to their enemies.

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There was a Dev post about this once before the boards were all wiped and the site made anew prior to the game launch. Basically what the post stated was that the Galaxy Map shouldn't be taken at face value as the distances in space are quite vast. Also the map is a mostly two-Dimensional rendering of the galaxy. In that context, Korriban and Dromund Kaas may look very close together the X,Y axis but could be vastly far on the unrepresented Z axis.
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My understanding is that until Revan found Dromund Kaas it was unknown to the republic, and even then he did not revealed or kept any records of it's location so the republic remained unaware until the Korriban assault, during the Great War at some point the republic found the location of Dromund Kaas and by the time of the game it's location is well known.


Also the reason why Revan found Dromund Kaas to begin with is stated by Canderous in KOTOR, in one of his dialogues he says the Mandalorians where "approached" and incited to attack the republic, who approached them is not revealed, Revan went looking for these instigators after the war and found the empire


By the time of the SW movies Dromund Kaas is still know to some, Kyle Katarn travels to the Dark Temple in Mysteries of the Sith and falls to the dark side there thanks to the sith spirits that still linger there.

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In that context, Korriban and Dromund Kaas may look very close together the X,Y axis but could be vastly far on the unrepresented Z axis.


For clarity, what I was talking about was not that Korriban and Dromund Kaas are close on the galaxy map. You can physically see both planets looming large while traveling between Vaiken Station and one of the capital ships at the Imperial Fleet.

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They do find out. The JK even gets to visit Kaas City.


Yea. Our final confrontation leads there. What i'm surprised about is that somehow, Governer Saresh mysteriously became Supreme Chancellor. Without the player, in the Jedi Knight's case, a prestigious Jedi Master, ever hearing about it.

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Revan did go to Dromund Kaas, but he was a captive of Lord Scourge and Darth Nyriss at the time. Meetra Surik, AKA The Exile, went there as well, but only because she followed the path the Emperor took the Sith people on after the end of the Great Hyperspace War in an archival building on Nathema.


The only way Dromund Kaas gets rediscovered is after the Sith Empire reveals itself and declares war on the Republic. I'm assuming that SIS or Jedi will discover its location, as there are Republic infiltrators as part of the DK global storyline, and for the JK storyline when you go to face the Emperor.

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