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Everything posted by NicholasMB

  1. Thrantas as flying mounts. BEST. MOUNT. EVA!
  2. Revan did go to Dromund Kaas, but he was a captive of Lord Scourge and Darth Nyriss at the time. Meetra Surik, AKA The Exile, went there as well, but only because she followed the path the Emperor took the Sith people on after the end of the Great Hyperspace War in an archival building on Nathema. The only way Dromund Kaas gets rediscovered is after the Sith Empire reveals itself and declares war on the Republic. I'm assuming that SIS or Jedi will discover its location, as there are Republic infiltrators as part of the DK global storyline, and for the JK storyline when you go to face the Emperor.
  3. IMO, Malgus had a really good grasp on how the Empire should've been run. The Sith Empire allows its prejudices against aliens get in the way most of the time, and even though their use of slavery gives them a military advantage over the Republic, it still weakens them to a certain degree. In Malgus' "New Empire", one climbed through the hierarchy due to personal feats and strength of arms, not by whether they were human or not. In my mind, that's a smart way to go, because it's similar to the Sith Order when it was first founded: It was founded in direct contrast to the Jedi Order, to break free of the chains of servitude and self-restraint the Jedi practice via gaining power. The entire Sith philosophy leaves no room for weakness, as all those who are too weak to advance are killed off by the strong. That is why in a straight up military confrontation, the Sith will win most of the time because their entire order (for the most part, there are rare exceptions) consists of strong and powerful Force users, whereas the Jedi force themselves to uplift the weak and say "good job. You suck at this, but we'll make you a Jedi Knight for believing in our cause". It's too bad that Malgus' "New Empire" was torn down, because he had the right idea about how to run the Empire. For instance, BURNING CORUSCANT TO THE GROUND instead of using the Sacking as leverage for the Peace Treaty.
  4. Malachor V is just a debris field after it was destroyed by the Mass Shadow Generator, so there's no way of going there. Dantooine is comprised of settlers, a Jedi Enclave in ruins, and grasslands. BOOORING. Lehon is in the Unknown Regions, and the Republic has been keeping the truth of what happened during the Battle of Rakata Prime away from public view, so only a small number of people know of its existence.
  5. The Sith and Imperial way of life glorifies one of the ruling principles of life: The strong shall prosper, while the weak wither and die. Natural Selection at its finest.
  6. I'm almost certain (as is most of my guild) that The Emperor will be the Arthas/Deathwing (AKA Overall ****** with sweet backstory and role that will eventually become a Raid boss) of TOR.
  7. Here's what I want to happen: The Empire gets new leadership through bloody takeovers and inter-fighting (it's expected of the Sith). The new Dark Council then decides to make sweeping, but popular reforms which will allow aliens to fully join the military and Sith, rather than some rare cases like the SI when he/she starts out on Korriban, go on the offensive against the Republic, actively seek out new allies to aid them in their struggle, and others like that. The Empire would then conduct many military raids and attacks in several sectors, which would spread the Republic army and navy thin, and Sack Coruscant (PROPERLY), burning it to ashes and leaving no survivors. Unexpectedly, the Republic armed forces, along with the Jedi, would fight back so viciously that the Imperial Military would be pushed back, and all the territory they gained would be taken back until the Dromund system and its close neighbors would be all that's left of the once great and mighty Empire. The entirety of the Imperial Navy, Army, Sith Order, some of the Chiss Ascendancy's forces, and all Imperial Intelligence personnel would regroup on Dromund Kaas for a glorious final stand. The battle would be EPIC BEYOND ALL MEASURE, with the Imperials making the Republic pay for every single inch they took. Eventually, their numbers would be whittled away, as the Empire's numbers were never as great as the Republic's, until the Dark Council and all leaders of major military branches would make their stand in the Imperial Citadel. Fighting like Sith Spartans, they would fight to the last man, woman, alien, and droid, until at last, the remains of the Sith Empire, which had lasted for almost 4000 years, would be finished. The victory would be so costly that the Republic would take centuries to rebuild, making it a Pyrrhic Victory. THAT is how SWTOR should end.
  8. You're absolutely right about the whole Sith being the ruling class issue. Here's my ten cents: When the Empire was created, right up until the Treaty of Coruscant, everything was fine. They were created and united for a singular purpose: to exterminate the Jedi to gain vengeance for the failure of the Great Hyperspace War. The entirety of the Empire was focused on killing Jedi, therefore they were doing a good job. After the Treaty of Coruscant, the Empire began to regress back to their roots: subterfuge, betrayal, scheming, war on each other, etc. At that point, the Empire lost its way. The Sith have gotten so used to there not being a war going on, even though there's a Cold War for ten years, that they are focused on warring with each other instead of warring against the Jedi and Republic, THEIR ORIGINAL PURPOSE. After the Emperor, (who needs to get off his *** and re-assume command of the Empire) there are certain Sith Lords, such as Lord Praven, Darth Marr, Darth Decimus, and others like them that are actually fit to rule the Empire in my opinion. They are military leaders, and don't consume themselves with the power plays of the Sith, although they have to in certain cases, as they would perish if they did not. Military Sith Dark Lords, working in concert with Imperial Military leaders, as well as Imperial Intelligence, are the kind of leadership necessary to rule the Empire and see it to its glory days. BTW, Jedi are evil:rak_smile:
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