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No Refund for Cancelled Subscription


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I think that BW should include a free month of gameplay with the game's purchase so that people can have ample time to try the game before deciding on a subscription plan. If they had done this, then posts like the OP's would never happen.




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I wouldnt ask for a refund from other game companies. Other games I've quit due to burnout only.


SWTOR is a poor quality product, I want my money back


You can't get the money back for your paid time. You paid to access the server. You can access it until the time runs out. You may try to get a refund from the game store you purchased the physical game from, though it will be depreciated because you had it for a while.

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Game time is a service, not a product. You don't get refunds on services. You paid for the 6 months, you're getting 6 months. If you payed for 6 months and decide you don't want to continue with the rest, that's your problem. It doesn't matter how you feel about the game, you could have paid for 6 months of pong, you still forked over the cash, and they gave you 6 months of play time, how you use it doesn't matter.


this is the fact same for your internet same for your pay tv if u dont want it any more u still pay for the contract

main point game wasnt advertised in a bad way your just thought it was somthing else 6 months sub for a game u hadnt even played saiz u made a bad move not bw

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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This thread has made me laugh so much. Waaaayyyyy better than most of the negative filth you find in every 4th thread or so in these forums.


OP.. as has been said many times..you had 30 days to decide for free... you decided you liked it enough for 6 months..not only that..but the game has only gotten better as it has gone along..adding many things that were missing and even adding some original features like the legacy... apparently you for some deluded reason feel these upgrades have made things worse.. that is your opinion and you are entitled to it


but you should not be surprised by the reaction of most here as you are simply just ranting and being unreasonable.. maybe when you take a few breathes and stop responding whilst in an angry mood which tends to limit rationality, then you will get better responses as you will be more rational


till then..learn to chill a bit or don't be surprised when no one sympathizes with you


I wish you the best in the future OP


as for the rest of you..thanks for making my day ;)

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The last game I payed for more than a month was wow payed for 90 days everyone told me how great it was, I could not wait for those 90 days to be over after 30 days, to me the game was so boring, 90 days felt liike 90 years...LOL

After I dropped that terd of a game I have never payed for more than a month at a time.. /shrug I did not bother to ask for a refund, because I knew gaming companies just don't do that..

They'd probably charge you just for asking for a refund. Because the man holding Blizzard's strings isn't exactly the most generous person...

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