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What are your favorite planets?


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Dromund Kaas (planet steeped in the dark side and emperors power, and you can see it)

Korriban (simply because its the other Sith planet)

Nar Shaddaa (I really like a planet that feels like a big city)

Tatooine (the dune sea is so beautiful, and it gives the sense of open space better than other planets except maybe Hoth)

Alderaan (same as Tatooine and nice scenery)

Edited by Karkais
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Honestly, there are only a few I truly like.


Balmorra on the Republic Side is a ton of fun, not full of colicoids, great fun missions helping the resistance. I even stuck around for the Bonus Series. The scenery is pretty neat too.


Nal Hutta is my favorite of the origin planets. The skeevy Hutts and environments were believeable and fun. We had never really experienced the Hutt worlds in such detail, and given how much of a snoozefest Nar Shadaa is, this is just a great planet. The Evocii and everything are just fun.


Corellia is fantastic and the best of the city planets. Huge sprawling Tokyo-like landscape is just awesome.


Alderaan is okay. I hated the quests there, but as a planet it was neat.

Edited by jhartel
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I absolutely love Hoth and Tatooine. Both iconic from the movies and my absolute favorites. Honestly, I wish there were loads more to do on the planet because I would spend many many hours completing more content and solving puzzles.



Belsavis, Balmorra and Corellia fall into the "great concept" category, but fall flat in my opinion. Belsavis is beautiful and mind-blowing for its almost Tim Burton-esque art direction and the hidden prison theme was quite fun, but I hated how the story panned out nearing completion and I became rather disappointed in the Esh'ka (sp?).


Balmorra was fun because it offered the brief vision of a planet in turmoil and the Inquisitor storyline supported this as you end up crushing a rebellion with an ironfist. The Consular storyline was entirely opposite and failed to have the same effect in my opinion. There were too many dry spells in questing on the planet and wished to see more of the utterly sensless destruction occuring in the final zone.


Corellia is quite like Balmorra in theme and completely pulled it off, however it felt too linear and rushed as you near completion. Art direction was incredible and story tied it in well. To make it even more exciting, I would like to see "random" incursions of enemy mobs in certain areas to create a bigger sense of a living battlefield and include little things like propaganda calling out on speakers throughout the city and blast zones for bombing runs, artillery and mines.



As for the other planets, I felt like they were too rushed, suffered from art direction, had horrible storylines, were too linear and lacked content.

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I don't know what my favorite planet is.


I just hate Belsavis. I think I've enjoyed every other planet quite a bit, but I just cannot stand doing the story on Belsavis. I rushed my BH through it but my agent and SI have been there for about a month because I just do not want to put myself through it.


I also disliked Quesh because it seemed so pointless.


I know I liked Ilum, Corellia, and Hoth quite a bit. Maybe those are my favorites, but I couldn't really tell you.


EDIT: Balmorra and Corellia, the war-torn planets. Those are the two I like the most. I like the feel of war in a game, and only these planets offered that feeling. Taris didn't feel like that for me, but I can't place my finger on why.

Edited by zeekaran
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I don't know what my favorite planet is.


I just hate Belsavis. I think I've enjoyed every other planet quite a bit, but I just cannot stand doing the story on Belsavis. I rushed my BH through it but my agent and SI have been there for about a month because I just do not want to put myself through it.


I also disliked Quesh because it seemed so pointless.


I know I liked Ilum, Corellia, and Hoth quite a bit. Maybe those are my favorites, but I couldn't really tell you.


EDIT: Balmorra and Corellia, the war-torn planets. Those are the two I like the most. I like the feel of war in a game, and only these planets offered that feeling. Taris didn't feel like that for me, but I can't place my finger on why.

I liked Belsavis. The BH story there was pretty forgettable (of course It all was once you got rid of Blood), but the planet story was pretty cool,

uncovering the republic experiments and rescuing the ancient Sith guys (can't remember their names right off).



All in all, i thought it had one of the better stories. Certainly more unique than the normal "help your faction get the upper hand in the battle" stories of the other planets.

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Overall favorites would be,


Hutta - strange

Quesh - stranger

Korriban - very strange

Ilum - strangest


Hutta and Quesh are so polluted and have a light haze. Korriban and Ilum have peculiar features and seem the most alien-like.

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Hutta and Quesh are so polluted and have a light haze. Korriban and Ilum have peculiar features and seem the most alien-like.


I'm all for strange as well. I hope BW adds some of the more bizarre worlds from the Star Wars universe. I'd love to see a Mustafar-type planet, or water planet like Mon Calamari. Anyway, that's a different subject.


I'm fond of Nar Shaddaa. Hoth and Tatooine are a close second (only loosing out because they're so overused in games).


Actually, the only planet I dislike is Taris...not because it's poorly done, but because it is so well done in its depressing, ravaged state that it makes me depressed to play there.

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Hoth (despite the fact I think there are way too many snow planets compared to the others)


Voss to an extent (because while it's largely an open space there are enough mobs to nullify the benefits of open exploration)

Coruscant looked alright, but playwise is too much of a corridor and the entire planet is a city, and has overly bulky and utilitarian architecture in most places.


Balmorra (Empire only, though on Republic it's like Voss but with more mobs per meter)

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For playing I like Balmorra, Nar Shadda, Hutta, Tython, Alderaan, and Hoth the best.


For scenery/ atmosphere I like Dromund Kaas, Korriban, Alderaan, Hoth, and night time Taris the best.


Gotta keep them separate because I've played through Dromund Kaas six times and am sick to death of it, and I didn't like playing through Taris even the first time.


If I only had to go to Tatooine for the rakghoul plague event, and never had to level a character through there again I'd be so happy. I hate that planet with a passion.

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I loved Tatooine. Hoth was probably my second favorite. They both had a completely expansive and epic feel to them for me. And strangely, when I first went through I couldn't stand Taris but as I've gone through it a few more times on both Imp and Pub side and it has really grown on me. I do like Korriban as well, it has this great intriguing historical feel inspite of it being a bit short. On the flip side Tython Ord Mantell and Belsavis could blow up and it would be no great loss to me.
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Overall favorites would be,


Hutta - strange

Quesh - stranger

Korriban - very strange

Ilum - strangest


Hutta and Quesh are so polluted and have a light haze. Korriban and Ilum have peculiar features and seem the most alien-like.


I didn't like Hutta because it seemed polluted (apart from the easter egg with the droid playing a game with a wookie with his head and arms removed) and it was a drag, and Quesh was tolerable.


But my absolute favorite planet was Ord Mantell because quests and combat seemed to flow seamlessly, and the aesthetics were good.


Also, why can't I mine desh on Quesh? ^_^

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On the flip side Tython Ord Mantell and Belsavis could blow up and it would be no great loss to me.


What's with you Sith and always wanting to blow up our Republic planets? :p

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