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Too many servers


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There are too many server light populated, they should close em down and let ppl transfer to more populated server, this way the game becomes more fun, more people, which i think it lacks at the moment, my server used to be high populated but now, its standard... :(
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I think SWTOR is a victim of its own initial success. During december 2011 and january 2012, the average daily playtime was something like 8 hours! 8 hours!!! They had no choice but to create a lot (120+) of servers to satisfy the needs and not end up with too many ridiculous queue times. Five months later, some server populations dropped and of course that was expected. I can't predict what Bioware will do about it but I see 2 realistic possibilities:


1. A unique and free character transfer from one server to another. It would be available for 2-4 weeks.

2. A servers merge where they'd merge 2-3 low populated servers together.


The thing is I have no idea how they'll resolve the issues about character names and legacies. Any ideas?

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I suffer from a depopulated server as well as the shunned faction (republic). When I first started playing each planet I was on had 70+ people on it. Now (even in the newbie zones) I never see more than 10 and most times under 6. I initially joined a guild that had at any given time 35+ people on; however, the past 2 weeks I've been the only person on. Everyone either stopped playing or switched to the imps. This is not a complaint because I could always either switch to playing one of my imps or switch servers but I choose not to because I freaking love my smuggler. Hopefully, they will reduce the servers and offer transfers because ti would be nice to be able to run more than 1 heroic a week due to lack of players.
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Well alot of people got fet up with the WZ system and som of the minor/major bugs. So fewer servers and mybe fix the match making system.


Plus i think people whine to much, this is a MMO it never stop evolving(onless people stop playing). Thoughs who get angry are proberbly right at be angry, but quiting the game insted of telling the people about it on the forums, so that the devs can fix it is just wrong.


Don't be a quitter be a winner ;-)

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hear hear, merge servers already please. It would be nice to actually see another player when you're wandering around a planet questing, and to have more than 30 people on the fleet. Its nearly impossible to find enough players for under 50 flashpoints even at peak times. Because the population is divided among so many servers it feels like this game is dead.
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I completely agreed with this post. It takes me at time over 2 or 3 days to actually get enough people to do a FP or anything. It does gives you a sense that the game is dying when is not so I hope they do something about this soon :(
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Lets not forget summer is around the corner, quite a few high schoolers and college students might be hitting the servers, let not go merging servers until bio get a handle on the summer surge that i Hope is in coming
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Lets not forget summer is around the corner, quite a few high schoolers and college students might be hitting the servers, let not go merging servers until bio get a handle on the summer surge that i Hope is in coming


Yeah, but until then im stuck doing 1-3 WZs a day on Chuundar, not possible to get groups for FPs as the players are to divided level wise :(

Id rather see some server merges now, and let Bio handle whatevs happens when summer hits :D


I do NOT wanna start building a new legacy on a different server, ive put too much effort into my current as is :eek:

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This game is dying bioware just don't want to admit it. Dead servers all over the place it's not gonna get better either. You guys are delusional this game is dead. Stop talking about how things are fine. I got 3 lvl 50s on a dead server good planning bioware.
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Lets not forget summer is around the corner, quite a few high schoolers and college students might be hitting the servers, let not go merging servers until bio get a handle on the summer surge that i Hope is in coming

Still, soon alot of new games will also be coming out, and if they dont fix things like this before then, it's gonna get alot worse, gw2 is coming out soon...I know for a fact that I wont be playing star wars anymore with these dead servers all over the place, Bioware, get ur act together and fix this.

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they should start shuttin down servers and givin people free transfers but however bioware already said hell no to server mergers ... what they think when gw3 d3 comes out people are gonna stay ummmm NO...the game is dyin rapidly.. i love this game i am gonna stick it out as long as possible but its rather taxin to sit in fleet and try to find groups for fp's etc and no one is around to do em ... cause there alll fadin away ..


they need to do something fast or this game is gonna die like galaxies did

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they should start shuttin down servers and givin people free transfers but however bioware already said hell no to server mergers ... what they think when gw3 d3 comes out people are gonna stay ummmm NO...the game is dyin rapidly.. i love this game i am gonna stick it out as long as possible but its rather taxin to sit in fleet and try to find groups for fp's etc and no one is around to do em ... cause there alll fadin away ..


they need to do something fast or this game is gonna die like galaxies did


Please give us a quote about the "hell no to server mergers".

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Server merges would be huge red flag on the business end of it. EA's share holders don't want to hear about server population issues, as that translates into reduced quarterly profit, and reduces the value of EA's stock.


Never forget this is not just a game. This is a business. This is someone's bread and butter, and they will always put business and profit ahead of all other concerns. They're objective is to appeal to the widest possible demographic, and I can guarantee you their business model does not include server merges of any kind, rather a marketing scheme to bring in more players.


Whether or not that marketing scheme succeeds is up for discussion, but server merges would be a concession on BioWare's part of poor management. They're not going to concede that under any circumstances.

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i total agree with the sever problem they REALLY need to do someting about the lack of ppl in this game or else its just going to end like it has to alot other mmo games.


Oh same here...


wonder what would happen to Tera or GW2 if they go through this.... hmmmm...

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If there won't be any server merges, than this game really needs cross-server queuing for both PvP and PvE. I know cross-server queuing is in the works for PvP at least. That's nice. But it sucks that Bioware has specifically said with regards to LFG tools they will not make those cross-server.


Cross-server queues or server merges. At least one of those or this game is on a downward spiral to death.

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