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endgame pve 1.2


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Sure I probably overlooked a bunch of threads, but what is the way to go endgame pve is it still watchman or has this changed? I've been told balance is easier to level now just due to focus, but again curious about endgame.


Thanks alot

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I'd say watchman.

Combat is probably viable too if you like it..

Focus is a no go for endgame pve since if you fps and raids they will be multiple situations where things will get cced and you arent allowed to use your aoe attack... and you're biggest hitting attack is an aoe one :p

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depends really on rest of the operation members.


I personally am watchman atm mostly due to it being a good balanced all-round build for both pvp and pve solo or group/op


If you want the top dps possible in an op tho, Combat parses about 100 DPS higher for me consistently on 5m parses. Watchman is more than good enough for operations still though, and i doubt anyone will outdamage you other than a combat spec sentinel tbh. (I also rate the healing on watchman quite highly on the new operations, seem to have a lot of aoe)

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Hello everyone, since it's my first post.


I don't want to make new thread since i can stick my questions here.


I'm 43 combat and would like to stick with it to the endgame content, since i didn't like watchmen during leveling (I've played watchmen till 25 probably) , but i couldn't find proper info about combat PvE in 1.2 because most of threads are about PvP :/ (I only play casual Warzones and I don't plan to play rankeds WZ's)


1. So is combat viable or i will have to learn Watchman anyway for hards/operations? Changing character is not an option.


2. Some people say that ranged DPS is superior to melee DPS in terms of PvE. Is that true? O_o

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Hello everyone, since it's my first post.


I don't want to make new thread since i can stick my questions here.


I'm 43 combat and would like to stick with it to the endgame content, since i didn't like watchmen during leveling (I've played watchmen till 25 probably) , but i couldn't find proper info about combat PvE in 1.2 because most of threads are about PvP :/ (I only play casual Warzones and I don't plan to play rankeds WZ's)


1. So is combat viable or i will have to learn Watchman anyway for hards/operations? Changing character is not an option.


2. Some people say that ranged DPS is superior to melee DPS in terms of PvE. Is that true? O_o


Watchmen is rough leveling up because you don't have all your skills and nothing lives long enough for your heals to really kick in unless you are fighting an elite.


As for as end game, we have combat spec sentinels that do well enough in our raids. Our dps is quite close but I usually end up with higher dps due to me dotting the bosses when pushed back. I'm also almost always a a good 20-30% higher health then him as I'm healing myself and he can't do that. Combat is completely doable end game, we've cleared content with them, its just a bit more difficult then watchmen and watchmen is definitely a better spec. In the end though it's really what you want to play.


People feel ranged is better because they dont have to worry about aoes. Sentinel DPS is on par if not better then the other classes. Its just a little harder on the healers because we take a lot more hits.

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Thanks a lot for response. So since my guildmates said that I can play anything I want (They are not in to strict powergaming) and you have confirmation that combat is viable so i'm happy:)


About playing watchmen, I'll give him another chance on 50 if that's the case, maybe I will learn it. In fact because of watchman tree I wanted to play sent but when I found it pretty hard during lvling, I gave up.


Last request. Could someone give me links to builds and rotations for watchmen and combat for PvE? I'm really bad in trying to figure it out by myself :/


Again thanks for help :)

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Thanks a lot for response. So since my guildmates said that I can play anything I want (They are not in to strict powergaming) and you have confirmation that combat is viable so i'm happy:)


About playing watchmen, I'll give him another chance on 50 if that's the case, maybe I will learn it. In fact because of watchman tree I wanted to play sent but when I found it pretty hard during lvling, I gave up.


Last request. Could someone give me links to builds and rotations for watchmen and combat for PvE? I'm really bad in trying to figure it out by myself :/


Again thanks for help :)


I felt the same way about watchmen before I hit 50 and stuck with focus (lol silly me) but when I started pvping and especially when I started raiding I switched to watchmen and never went back. Its way better at 50 and a lot more fun imo.




That's my spec, probably not the most optimal but hey it works for me.


My rotation is typically leap > overload saber > zealous strike > cauterize > merciless slash > blade storm > cauterize (if it procs) > master strike > slash (filler attack when other stuff is on CD which can also proc cauterize off its CD) > dispatch if they are below 30%

Edited by Raansu
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I felt the same way about watchmen before I hit 50 and stuck with focus (lol silly me) but when I started pvping and especially when I started raiding I switched to watchmen and never went back. Its way better at 50 and a lot more fun imo.




That's my spec, probably not the most optimal but hey it works for me.


My rotation is typically leap > overload saber > zealous strike > cauterize > merciless slash > blade storm > cauterize (if it procs) > master strike > slash (filler attack when other stuff is on CD which can also proc cauterize off its CD) > dispatch if they are below 30%


might i suggest...


taking defensive roll from combat spec to reduce the aoe damage (in both pve and pvp i find this talent well worth the points regardless of which spec you go with.)

maybe master focus, for your improved master strike damage.


Also i would not use blade storm in most situations, i very very rarely use this myself outside of combat spec. (go with slash instead of blade storm there)

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might i suggest...


taking defensive roll from combat spec to reduce the aoe damage (in both pve and pvp i find this talent well worth the points regardless of which spec you go with.)

maybe master focus, for your improved master strike damage.


Also i would not use blade storm in most situations, i very very rarely use this myself outside of combat spec. (go with slash instead of blade storm there)


I had defensive roll at one point. i forget why i changed it though. I think I wanted cauterize slow for pvp instead of doing leg slash.

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Thanks a lot for response. So since my guildmates said that I can play anything I want (They are not in to strict powergaming) and you have confirmation that combat is viable so i'm happy:)


About playing watchmen, I'll give him another chance on 50 if that's the case, maybe I will learn it. In fact because of watchman tree I wanted to play sent but when I found it pretty hard during lvling, I gave up.


Last request. Could someone give me links to builds and rotations for watchmen and combat for PvE? I'm really bad in trying to figure it out by myself :/


Again thanks for help :)



I'm currently using something like this:


2 points in Displacement are here to reach higher tier. I put remaining 3 into Stagger and Fleetfooted for pvp, Insight isn't that good anymore since Ataru change to weapon-based.

Still figuring best rotation, but currently focusing it around Precision Slash and MS. When both are off CD, it's Precision -> Master ->Blade Storm(Ataru should have procced somewhere in between). When Precision comes off CD, Zen -> precision -> Blade Rush spam. Just make sure to have focus for all this, and unless you're in middle of Master Strike combo try to use Blade Rush every few seconds to keep buff up(so between precision dumps BR->focus builder -> focus builder)


As for watchman - best way to get feel for it is to fight some elites, because it has long windup and your target has to stay alive for a while for it to reach full potential. Fighting groups of normal/weak enemies as Watchman will make you start using Opportune/Pommel Strike to kill Slash boredrom.

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