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Interrupt / Disengage


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Apart from various 1.2 changes in functionality or aesthetics, which is too big a job to tackle in one thread, the lack of these two features seems to be the biggest problem with Mercs right now according to these forums. Neither of these would be an addition that makes the current merc build OP, if handled correctly. So, let's get some ideas / constructive criticism going.


-interrupt: make it cost 8 heat and have a 24 second cooldown; this will have definite PvE value while the long time between interrupts means we still can't contribute much to interrupting players in PvP


-disengage: essentially make this a copy of jet boost in terms of cost/cast time/CD but instead of affecting enemies it moves us ~15 meters straight forward and applies a 30 second debuff that prevents us from using Jet Boost; now we have some additional mobility, but it's at the cost of a defensive / CC abilitiy. could be useful for both PvE and PvP

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I don't like those ideas personally. I don't feel a need for an interrupt, but I don't PVE, which is where I hear people want one most.

The disengage ability is interesting, but I'd rather have it be more useful than that. A sage's force speed gets them further than 15m. If we can't get out of knight/warrior's leap range, I think it's pointless.


There have been several topics on this in the past, both in suggestion forum and here. The mercenary class, at least in regards to Bodyguard, is quite broken at the moment with patch 1.2. We're super squishy and pretty much get shut down easily by other DD's (Especially knight/warriors) I've been all for a disengage type ability in the past and still am. But I'd like to see more buffs to our defensive capabilities. I always considered one of the strong points of the bodyguard bountyhunter is that we could take a hit and still be effective healers. Now not so much.

Edited by Ehlin
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I don't like those ideas personally. I don't feel a need for an interrupt, but I don't PVE, which is where I hear people want one most.

The disengage ability is interesting, but I'd rather have it be more useful than that. A sage's force speed gets them further than 15m. If we can't get out of knight/warrior's leap range, I think it's pointless.


There have been several topics on this in the past, both in suggestion forum and here.


PvE is definitely where I'm definitely feeling the lack of an interrupt, I think most of the complaints come from there. As for disengage, increasing the range of the boost to / beyond 30 meters is simply going to cause too much PvP grief from melee classes. Honestly, that much shouldn't be needed. A few moments of running and this ability can put us well outside of effect range of most melee class abilities. The idea is to get away from an enemy AND, hopefully, get closer TO the action / your allies. It can also be good for pursuit / maintaining LoS.

EDIT: also, Force Speed wouldn't work if the Inquisitor is immobilized or slowed, I believe, unless they talent it in Darkness. to compensate, they can control their movement when boosted that way. ours would have to drop immobilize (maybe slow) but it's at the expense of less control / distance.

Anyways, what other changes / ideas did you have?

Edited by CerberusSeven
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I completely agree we need this disengage ability it's a must have.

The interrupt I don't want personally, more so for selfish reasons.


As for disengage, increasing the range of the boost to / beyond 30 meters is simply going to cause too much PvP grief from melee classes. Honestly, that much shouldn't be needed. A few moments of running and this ability can put us well outside of effect range of most melee class abilities.


Force Charge is on a pretty low cd, and has a full 30m range. Putting the disengage ability at less than that is just going to make them charge you again and build more rage making you die faster. Even if it's not off cool down Obliterate will be (another leap ability with 30m range that immobilizes you for a second.) The only way i can see a shorter distance working is if you make it propel you up 30m and forward 15m into the air, so we can get over barriers. Even then it would take some really well placed positioning and timing.

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I completely agree we need this disengage ability it's a must have.

The interrupt I don't want personally, more so for selfish reasons.




Force Charge is on a pretty low cd, and has a full 30m range. Putting the disengage ability at less than that is just going to make them charge you again and build more rage making you die faster. Even if it's not off cool down Obliterate will be (another leap ability with 30m range that immobilizes you for a second.) The only way i can see a shorter distance working is if you make it propel you up 30m and forward 15m into the air, so we can get over barriers. Even then it would take some really well placed positioning and timing.


Obliterate is actually a 10 meter range with no talents to increase it, apparently; not sure if gear sets might modify this. I'm not sure just how often jumping UP like that would come in handy. Not for Novarre Coast or Voidstar, maybe for Huttball if you can gauge the distance right. Good point about the low CD of their charge, though.

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only place i wish i had an interrupt is in solo pve (it'd be nice for some groups, but my currently retired merc is/was a healer), and there there's no reason for 'it' to be a generic interrupt, it just needs to be something that stops casts/channels, ie a stun. my suggestion is a channeled stun, similar to that of the healing companions. part of why i like it is that it's hard to call someone op that's just standing still in the case of pvp or something. considerable cd and breaks when the target takes damage.
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