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Why do fresh 50's have the same gear as me


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It is interesting to read this post that people are gearing up too fast then the one below it about how it takes too long to grind to get BM gear. Perhaps you are both exaggerating? Just a guess! Enjoy playing PVP for what it is and not the trinkets at the end. Your time invested it not about the trophy you wear is about the butts you kicked.


4 Step Process to Healthy Gaming



3) Go in to the game and have FUN

4) get away from your PC for a short time!


Woosha woosha



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I love PvP but like others have said I understand the need for gear progression. Gear for PvP should make a difference but still leave room for skill. Its a really hard line to balance.


Also, MMOs are not the place to EVER EVER EVER get pure skill pvp. Go play CS:S or HON if you want things even and almost 100% skill based. All this talk of GW2 for pvp is also pretty silly since GW pvp is just a bad version of DOTA and HON.

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I love PvP but like others have said I understand the need for gear progression. Gear for PvP should make a difference but still leave room for skill. Its a really hard line to balance.


Also, MMOs are not the place to EVER EVER EVER get pure skill pvp. Go play CS:S or HON if you want things even and almost 100% skill based. All this talk of GW2 for pvp is also pretty silly since GW pvp is just a bad version of DOTA and HON.





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I don't buy this, a fresh 50 has 2000 comms, you can buy 3 pieces or 1 1,550 piece (which I don't suggest), complete the 3 win daily for 99 comms, complete the 9 win weekly for 99 comms (should take a couple days) and average 80 comms a match (if it's a win), the 30 kills one take a while. In 3 days at best you would have half BM, not full, since most pieces costs 1,075 while chest, weapon and offhand costs 1,550 and the cheap pieces are bracer and implants/earpiece.


This isn't entirely true. Now at level 40 you can buy ranked comms. You can hold 4k ranked comms and 2k WZ comms. So that is 6k WZ comms total since you can convert ranked to WZ 1:1. So yes... a fresh 50 can be mostly decked out in BM gear with only needing a few thousand to get the rest of the pieces since the Main hand, Off hand and chest piece are all roughly around the 1.5k wz ballpark.


Also remember that dailies provide ranked and WZ comms so you can convert the ranked comms there to WZ comms too.

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This isn't entirely true. Now at level 40 you can buy ranked comms. You can hold 4k ranked comms and 2k WZ comms. So that is 6k WZ comms total since you can convert ranked to WZ 1:1. So yes... a fresh 50 can be mostly decked out in BM gear with only needing a few thousand to get the rest of the pieces since the Main hand, Off hand and chest piece are all roughly around the 1.5k wz ballpark.


Also remember that dailies provide ranked and WZ comms so you can convert the ranked comms there to WZ comms too.


And now WZ comm rewards give about 1/3rd more comms than before



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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.


That's funny.... I just dinged 50 3 days ago and I am still in all recruit gear.. Between getting roflstomped by geared players, uneven teams, and aquiring 0 comms for my time I have 0 pieces of BM. Oh, the horror that will ensue if players like me are able to pick up 1 piece of gear every couple of days or so. And no, I do not LIVE in the game, I am a casual who tries to play 2-3hrs a night if I can.

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This isn't entirely true. Now at level 40 you can buy ranked comms. You can hold 4k ranked comms and 2k WZ comms. So that is 6k WZ comms total since you can convert ranked to WZ 1:1. So yes... a fresh 50 can be mostly decked out in BM gear with only needing a few thousand to get the rest of the pieces since the Main hand, Off hand and chest piece are all roughly around the 1.5k wz ballpark.


Also remember that dailies provide ranked and WZ comms so you can convert the ranked comms there to WZ comms too.



What sane person would convert ranked wz comms to wz comms really ????? Just wow....

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What sane person would convert ranked wz comms to wz comms really ????? Just wow....


Because it works both ways and helps you gear up faster. You can convert WZ comms to ranked once you need ranked only comms. That is the point of the system. Why save just ranked comms when you can gear up faster with converting them to WZ comms then start converting all WZ comms to ranked for the gear that requires ranked.


it's a 1:1 ratio either way.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.

If they have the same gear as you it's your fault, because you had the time to go for some war hero pieces.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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That's funny.... I just dinged 50 3 days ago and I am still in all recruit gear.. Between getting roflstomped by geared players, uneven teams, and aquiring 0 comms for my time I have 0 pieces of BM. Oh, the horror that will ensue if players like me are able to pick up 1 piece of gear every couple of days or so. And no, I do not LIVE in the game, I am a casual who tries to play 2-3hrs a night if I can.


Well youre still lucky. Because even if you do play casually you can still get your BM gear faster than what most other people had to go through. It took me about 1.5months to get full BM (didnt get the relics or ear until 1.2). Given your time frame of "every couple of days" you get a piece, you can get full BM in around a month and thats guaranteed. Its not based on luck like the previous system. Factor in your dailies and you could get it even faster if you chose to.



Edited by fuzzDONTEVENTRIP
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That's funny.... I just dinged 50 3 days ago and I am still in all recruit gear.. Between getting roflstomped by geared players, uneven teams, and aquiring 0 comms for my time I have 0 pieces of BM. Oh, the horror that will ensue if players like me are able to pick up 1 piece of gear every couple of days or so. And no, I do not LIVE in the game, I am a casual who tries to play 2-3hrs a night if I can.



QFT this is what I see as the norm on my war hero Imp we roll and I complete my daily and get max comms in less than a hour. I switch to my fresh 50 sent repub and get and avg of 30 comms a match many 0 and takes most of the night to get 3 wins...


Yeah peeps have some clueless ideas of whats really going on. Personally I welcome good matches then just stomping peeps over an over is just boring.

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Because it works both ways and helps you gear up faster. You can convert WZ comms to ranked once you need ranked only comms. That is the point of the system. Why save just ranked comms when you can gear up faster with converting them to WZ comms then start converting all WZ comms to ranked for the gear that requires ranked.


it's a 1:1 ratio either way.


Judging by your sig you have entirely to much time on your hands.


Outside ----------> that way.


Fresh air, women, and socializing with RL friends are needed to put perspective back in ones life. The force won't mind if you miss a few days a week, I promise! :eek:

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Because it works both ways and helps you gear up faster. You can convert WZ comms to ranked once you need ranked only comms. That is the point of the system. Why save just ranked comms when you can gear up faster with converting them to WZ comms then start converting all WZ comms to ranked for the gear that requires ranked.


it's a 1:1 ratio either way.

This is fail logic in my eyes since that 4000 rank wz would allow immediate access to upgrade the pieces of BM gear to war hero 3:1 then back to 1:1 is a huge waste...

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Judging by your sig you have entirely to much time on your hands.


Outside ----------> that way.


Fresh air, women, and socializing with RL friends are needed to put perspective back in ones life. The force won't mind if you miss a few days a week, I promise! :eek:


Or he can continue to grind and widen the gap between people like yourself who choose to go out and do other things. *shrugs* More power to him



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Do you understand the concept of MMO? It's about building your character up not just getting instant gratification from everything. Then again what would you know? Your first MMO was probably WoW cata.


LOL. I started with EQ1, right when it opened. I remember when they changed it so killstealers had to outdamage an entire group, and not just the individuals in a group to get exp and loot, and when last names at level 20 were still awarded by a GM after a ticket. Exp loss on death, including level loss, corpse runs (before the summon corpse spell for necros was put in), hell levels that took 4 times the exp to progress... the list goes on.


And you know what? That stuff sucked. There's a reason we don't have those mechanics anymore today. A game is supposed to be fun, not work.

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Judging by your sig you have entirely to much time on your hands.


Outside ----------> that way.


Fresh air, women, and socializing with RL friends are needed to put perspective back in ones life. The force won't mind if you miss a few days a week, I promise! :eek:


Let me put a perspective on your preceived perspective, not that proving anything to you will matter in the grand scheme of things.


I play every other night on SWTOR because I have a family. The family consists of 2 kids and a wife. They make sure dad is happy by allowing me personal time and I make sure they are happy by doing things they want to do every other day. Don't be mad that I have better time management and life schedule than you.

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Well youre still lucky. Because even if you do play casually you can still get your BM gear faster than what most other people had to go through. It took me about 1.5months to get full BM (didnt get the relics or ear until 1.2). Given your time frame of "every couple of days" you get a piece, you can get full BM in around a month and thats guaranteed. Its not based on luck like the previous system. Factor in your dailies and you could get it even faster if you chose to.




How long did it take you to get Champion?


That is the proper comparison to make here.


Pre-1.2 Champion was the middle tier of gear, post 1.2 BM is the middle tier of gear.


So you compare old Champion to new BM and compare old BM to WH.


Also, you are overlooking that fresh 50 to BM, the gap was widened massively from them raising the amount of Expertise on each piece while also lifting the diminishing returns cap significantly.


What was the % gap from Centurion-to-Champion previously? What is the % gap from Recruit-to-BM now? That would be the equivalent comparison.

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Let me put a perspective on your preceived perspective, not that proving anything to you will matter in the grand scheme of things.


I play every other night on SWTOR because I have a family. The family consists of 2 kids and a wife. They make sure dad is happy by allowing me personal time and I make sure they are happy by doing things they want to do every other day. Don't be mad that I have better time management and life schedule than you.





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Oh, this again, the 'fair fight' quote. They should have to work for their gear, if you want that sort of game go play GW2.
Yes, they should have to work for their gear, same as me. And all the while I'll farm those helpless noobs and swell in my sense of entitlement and superiority, because I had to slog my way up painfully with better-geared players farming me when I started out, and by God they should have to do it too!


Man, whatever. :rolleyes:

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This is fail logic in my eyes since that 4000 rank wz would allow immediate access to upgrade the pieces of BM gear to war hero 3:1 then back to 1:1 is a huge waste...


You are working with the old system in your head. WZ and Ranked convert 1:1. There are no 3:1 conversions in the game.


If you get 99 WZ and 99 ranked comms from a daily then that is effectively 189 WZ comms or 189 ranked comms. Depending on which way you want to convert it. There is no point to hold ranked comms if you don't need them because you can convert WZ comms to ranked once you need ranked only. You can't get WH gear without getting BM gear. So WZ comms are priority then you can convert it all to ranked for the War Hero gear.

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You are working with the old system in your head. WZ and Ranked convert 1:1. There are no 3:1 conversions in the game.


If you get 99 WZ and 99 ranked comms from a daily then that is effectively 189 WZ comms or 189 ranked comms. Depending on which way you want to convert it. There is no point to hold ranked comms if you don't need them because you can convert WZ comms to ranked once you need ranked only. You can't get WH gear without getting BM gear. So WZ comms are priority then you can convert it all to ranked for the War Hero gear.

Source? Last I heard it was 3:1. Edited by RolyartNala
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