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Sorc Nerfs not as bad as they seem


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Roll with a RL friend who says it's business as usual on his socerer.....he has zero issues/complaints thus far.

He is only level 36 but says the only change is getting used to managing his resource, as opposed to before, when it was endless. I don't have one though.



You don't even have any expertise at level 36 so can't see most of the changes to PvP.

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So he's not being insta bigged by Sentinels and Juggernauts? Lucky him...


The good ones are still doing great... the bad ones, not so much...


And everyone is being insta-gibbed by Sents and Juggs (and their mirrors)... not just Sorcs and Sages...


Summary: Bad players are still bad... it's only more obvious now...

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Roll with a RL friend who says it's business as usual on his socerer.....he has zero issues/complaints thus far.

He is only level 36 but says the only change is getting used to managing his resource, as opposed to before, when it was endless. I don't have one though.



1. He is level 36 and is most likely facing other sub 50's who are clueless about game mechanics, like interrupts.

2. He is not heal specced.

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Healers are not meant to 1 vs. 1. Period. They have all the tools to CC and then require Tanks/DPS to peel for them. This is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Stop with the "I should be able to hold the sky up with one hand whilst smiting with the other." That's not balance.


This is stupid and shortsighted. A healer who does everything to keep themselves alive, should be able to cancel out the dps on them doing everything to kill them.


Using your logic, I am going to say that a dps should realize that this is a MMORPG, and learn to assist another DPS in order to eat through healing. You shouldnt be able to just smash your face into a keyboard and destroy another player.

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I will try ONE more time and I hope your attention span lasts long enough this time, if you actually read whats below you will have your answers:


I'm going to quote another poster from the Sorcerer forums because it is an excellent post so you can maybe understand what s going on: http://www.swtor.com/community/showt...42#post4042342


Poster: warultima


"Sorc nerfs are indirectly caused by over recating on a double dipping bug and a direct result of incompetent DEV catering to QQers.


Sorcs were never face roll even pre 1.2 but since all the spells sorc cast look exactly like force lightning with shorter duration or sometimes a flash of lightning making the majority of those "less proficient PvPers" out there feeling like they were being killed by simple force lightning spam and some minor dots here and there.


The truth is force lightning ticks for hmm about 500 to 600 damage a second is nothing great compare to what other classes can do. Most knowledgeable PvP oriented guilds noted that sorc as the weakest 1v1 class compare to ALL other AC in the entire game pre-1.2 (unless the sorc uses tri-spec hybrid and abuse the crap out of double dipping for fast mid-combat self burst healing) and this is further nerfed to 1.2 and yes sorcs/sages now serves nothing but a Real Life-Like practicing dummy that moves and pretends fighting back in 1v1 against comparable skilled/geared players. But real PvP isnt 1v1 so we will stay away from that can of worm.


Speaking from PvP perspective,


Theres no reason to take a dps sorc when you have similarly skilled players in comparable gear playing Marauder / Sniper / Merc / PT / Jug / Operative / DPStankSin. (maybe for hutball for the extricate).


Furthermore theres no reason to take a Healing Sorc in any competitive PvP match up when you have Merc/Operative counterpart you can choose from.


PvP 101.

The best DPS tactic in group PvP is focus firing.

Focus firing is emphasized by solid burst DPS from multiple individuals against 1 single target.

The best PvP DPS is Burst DPS.

The best healing is as well quick burst healing.

Quick burst healing is a direct counter to Focusing DPS

The best Healing in PvP is INSTANT or FAST and UNINTERPRETABLE high burst healing.

The best healer can sustain (eg heavy armor) or avoid (eg emergency combat stealth/AoE mezz when focus firing is inc) a big amount of focus fire hence giving other healer time to healing counter their DPS. (This is done when the focused target survives the initial focusing assault)


Sorc has none of the characteristics mentioned above DPS or Heal.


What sorc excel is 1v1 kiting (which is pointless in well organized group PvP), and wasting enemy time by LoS everywhere (which also LoS your own heal from your teammate) and running around trying to survive making enemies to cancel their casting and buy the team some time. And last but not least sprc is spec into lightning (the worst PvP tree for a sorc if go deep), and when the enemy bunch up together and allowing you to free cast none stop and ultra turreting, a lightning sorc can put out some decent AoE damage.


Dont get me wrong there are still decent sorcs out there pvping and doing alright, but that particular player will do even better doing whatever hes good at if he was playing something else better suited for pvp than a sorc. (for example a Marauder/Jugg/PT/Merc/Sniper/Operative/Assassin.)"


This is bs u obv dont play a sroc, sorcs have alot of the things u say they dont, and jsut liek in wow with my glad shaman "that couldnt do it" ima be 2200+ with my sorc eat a dong

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PvP as a healing sorc isn't even fun anymore. All I can do is watch people die around me because my Dark Heal is worthless, Dark Infusion takes too long to cast, and everything else is on cool downs. God forbid the enemy team notices I am a healer cause they will all interupt and focus me down. Pre 1.2 I could at least survive long enough to inform my team I am getting focused (in vent). Now I die too fast for even myself to do anything about it. (war hero in full BM. Only reason I am not rank 80+ is cause I stopped pvping after 1.2) Edited by Vinak
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Roll with a RL friend who says it's business as usual on his socerer.....he has zero issues/complaints thus far.

He is only level 36 but says the only change is getting used to managing his resource, as opposed to before, when it was endless. I don't have one though.



lmao, lvl 36... come back when your friend has played 50 pvp for months and rank 80 valor.


No idea what you are talking about.



Sorcs have been hit hard, hybrid especially. period.

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I understand how our class changed but for some reason i feel actually stronger. I'm a full BM dps force master and mystic sorc and as either spec still top charts and kill poeple or live. For whatever reason i feel stronger than ever.


As dps i hit way harder becasue of the expertise changes, QQ all u want about instant cl at least the best spec has creeping terror in it now, if used correctly it wrecks shop.


As for heals i have no clue why but im still killing it, must be because i know how to los, pvp stands for player vs pillar. if a mauras on u stun him and los him, if hes on someone else hope they have good gear and spam heal them GG.


Stop all the QQ anyone that played a good sorc before can recognize the opness and tbh we are still BA. pve however got hit harder than anything


Are you for real? Spam heal with what force? Dots can be removed by most classes and your damage is crap. All can be interrupted and you only have one anti cc. Are we playing the same game? No matter what what is your spec in battlemaster you will explode in 3 seconds.


I play with 6 toons and all with battlemaster. The Inq/sage is surely not the flavor of the month :D

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You guys crack me up,like has been said many times the WZ's are not 1 on 1 and 95% of all WZ's have atleast two Sorc's (Imperials that is) using the whole package of heals,stuns,DoT's etc.


There was countless threads here showing just one class in Wz's with a little mix of Inquis and that was Sorc's,i would que for a WZ and even before entering i would say to myself "Ok six or eight of them this time?" never before have i seen a more overrepresented class in any mmo and faction to to top it off,there was hotfixes for Op's/Scoundrels,they didnt touch these Bright Wizards for months and even now with atleast two of you in a WZ you guys are still dishing out damage and are not burnt down in 3 seconds like the over reacting people say,any class that is focused will get burnt down fast,any.


I think what it is,is that you guys were OP for soo long that even a hint of balance shows your true colors,it is truely amazing how smart people or people who can log on to the net and post can post such dribble and outright baloney and try and convince people what they see daily is the contrary,that take's some real balls or being very naive or an outright liar.


You had your months of destroying WZ's with little cackles in Vent with your teammates,now be a big boy and embrace balance.

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Are you for real? Spam heal with what force? Dots can be removed by most classes and your damage is crap. All can be interrupted and you only have one anti cc. Are we playing the same game? No matter what what is your spec in battlemaster you will explode in 3 seconds.


I play with 6 toons and all with battlemaster. The Inq/sage is surely not the flavor of the month :D


i didnt say we were fatm jsut not as bad as all the QQ. dps still have instant cast shoo tour 3 pwerson aoe hits for 4k crits, and as a healer no one can solo me as much as u think u can ive had top notch mauras chase me around for the whole game and been able to live and heal others. as far as all the everything u have is casting time and we can interupt, its not like ther is a silence if u interupt one heal there is another. please interupt inervate then get shielded on and flash heal or stunned and greater. It all comes down to skil, point for point i can go toe to toe with any op and outheal them as always. U add a guard on me to the mix and it takes 7 people to kill me not even exaggerating. with good los and ability to use cc's and non down syndrome sorc is as good as or better than any other healer. idc what anyone says on the forums wait till yall se me on rateds, BG9 glad eat a dong

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