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Operatives and Marauders could use a nerf


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Why is it "NOT OK to have 'free kills'"?

Every bad out there should be practically invincible now?


Or are you completely oblivious to the fact that "free kills" for an Operative/Scoundrel are "free kills" for anyone with the slightest idea how to play their class? :rolleyes:


"Operatives: We roll bads. :cool:"


Bzzzzt! Wrong!!


It's class/spec based faceroll "free kills", not based on the skill of your opponent, anyone who plays an ops/scoundrel should know, it's a piece of cake, any light armored ranged class is a complete free kill, especially those who rely on dots you can cleanse with ease. There's no "skill" difference, it's a class specific free kill, and wanting this to remain is encouraging nothing but continued success for zero skill, but the existence of stuns and high burst damage.

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Bzzzzt! Wrong!!


It's class/spec based faceroll "free kills", not based on the skill of your opponent, anyone who plays an ops/scoundrel should know, it's a piece of cake, any light armored ranged class is a complete free kill, especially those who rely on dots you can cleanse with ease. There's no "skill" difference, it's a class specific free kill, and wanting this to remain is encouraging nothing but continued success for zero skill, but the existence of stuns and high burst damage.




Well played, sir. But I'm afraid you just walked right into my trap of "Haha you just proved your own baddiness".

You see, "anyone who plays an ops/scoundrel should know, it's a piece of cake"... for those same light armored ranged classes to kite us. :rolleyes:


Any decent combination of knockbacks and ranged cc/roots makes escaping from an Op/Scoundrel, all 10m worth, trivial.

Which classes have the best combination of knockbacks and ranged cc/roots? Hmm? :rolleyes:

Edited by Xaearth
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I think melee in general is just dominating PvP right now. It's playing out like a game of wack-a-mole, who can kill who the quickest. I notice more Assassins than Operatives on my servers, but Marauders are definitely FoTM now. Surprisingly, there are still few Powertechs.
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Bzzzzt! Wrong!!


It's class/spec based faceroll "free kills", not based on the skill of your opponent, anyone who plays an ops/scoundrel should know, it's a piece of cake, any light armored ranged class is a complete free kill, especially those who rely on dots you can cleanse with ease. There's no "skill" difference, it's a class specific free kill, and wanting this to remain is encouraging nothing but continued success for zero skill, but the existence of stuns and high burst damage.


Bzzzzz!! Wrong!!

Any Operative should know: You can only cleanse tech dots. The dots that light armor wearers (Sorcs and Sins) are doing are force which you cannot cleanse. If you want to blow your evasion (if it's not on CD) to cleanse it: Good luck, you will have another dot on you immediately.

Also they can kite. So: Nope, they are far from being a free kill. And if they WERE they would be a free kill for ANY class.


My guess is that you probably are a sorc player yourself.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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I lol'd at operatives being thrown in here.


Poor operatives. Gotta nerf em all!


Patch 1.3: "All operative offensive commands have been replaced with an emote version of the original attacks which no longer do damage."


Posts in 1.3: "I was fighting someone and an operative snuck up on me and distracted me with their emotes! I CAN'T CONCENTRATE! NERF OPERATIVES!"

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lmao, this thread did give me a good laugh so i had to post.

What is the current stat of operatives? I have no idea, only played one till about 30, but hey i can only encourage ppl like the op to step forward and make more threads cos it is funny as hell

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lmao, this thread did give me a good laugh so i had to post.

What is the current stat of operatives? I have no idea, only played one till about 30, but hey i can only encourage ppl like the op to step forward and make more threads cos it is funny as hell


The current state is pretty dismal. I made a post in this thread about it if you're interested: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=423597&page=13&pp=10#122


A friend of mine asked me to show him what scoundrel pvp was like at 50 post patch 1.2, so I logged in and joined a warzone. May as well post the video here as well.


I have a previous recording of patch 1.1.5 for comparison. In the 1.1.5 clip I have considerably lesser gear but still manage to hit consecutively higher numbers than the 1.2 clip.


Here is the link to the 1.1.5 warzone video: http://youtu.be/yYj5EWrWFMo

And here is the link to the 1.2 warzone video: http://youtu.be/cqFWww9QZRU


I'd also like to stress that these video's aren't a compilation of impressive feats and weren't intended to showcase anything specific. They're just regular matches so that you can see the average damage output of my scoundrel and make your own connections.

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In every warzone I play where it's Dark vs Dark, the team that wins is the one with the most Operatives and Marauders. Not even Mercenaries seem to match a marauder's damage, and nobody has as many perfect stuns/mezz/whatever as operatives. When a teen Op can pwn a 30's tank, maybe a player needs some education... but when the top 10 players are almost always majority operatives and marauders... something is out of balance.


Ummm there is a natural imbalance when it comes to skilled players....some are some aren't. From the sounds of it you fall in the later category.


I for one don't understand all the hate on Mara's and op's.


my Assassin AC can keep most players locked down almost indefinitely but you don't hear people crying sour grapes over that.


what a strange creature pvp QQ'ers are.

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