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+10% damage after leap!


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Is the loss of Str from using pvp mods still more dps than using pve mods with more strength? So actually because I figured the odds of someone answering this were really low. I did the math, the set bonus despite the loss of strength is roughly 30-40 dps increase. I do not however know how much dps the maruader sets provide. Also seeing at it would take 25935 commendations for the warhero 4p alone, not counting the BM set... at 100 comms averging wins and losses just calling it 100, 15 mins per game, not counting down time if youre on a server like min where teh waits for a wz are sometimes 30-90 minutes. Thats at minimum 64 hours of play time plus wait time. Edited by Pechonalidad
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I hope they don't 'fix' this. That would show us that Bioware lacks foresight. Enabling players with more options, more customizations and more possibilities is a good thing. Those are the things that keep a game from being completely locked into rigid compartments, or cookie cutters.


And here comes v1.3 "Allies." Customization and individuality are always a good thing. Unless you're a socialist.

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The way they need to fix it is to make the Armorings Heavy or medium instead of the shells. Then you could only use that bonus if you could wear heavy armor. Maybe with adaptive social armorings coming this fix will be in the works as well.
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The way they need to fix it is to make the Armorings Heavy or medium instead of the shells. Then you could only use that bonus if you could wear heavy armor. Maybe with adaptive social armorings coming this fix will be in the works as well.


Please explain to me what is broken here for you to hope for a fix?


I've seen a lot of shadows use the sage healer gear to get 50 more force. Should they 'fix' that as well?

As it is currently we are the only AC that uses different armor than our other AC. Why limit us even more?


Please not that I'm not saying that we're not powerful enough, but this seems like unnecessary qq'ing about a usefull way to make the difference between a regular FotM and a sent/mara that gave it some proper thoughts

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meh...if your to blind to see this will be fixed soon then I will be following those threads once it's done. Customization doesn't mean to take the set bonus that's meant for the Guardian AC and apply it to Sentinels. I don't care if it's fixed or not, but it will be. It's not gonna decide the outcome of a warzone. It will be amusing to see the QQ threads after they contain this exploit along with the other classes.


so i guess i'll keep my extra 5 meters on dispatch..


2 cents

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meh...if your to blind to see this will be fixed soon then I will be following those threads once it's done. Customization doesn't mean to take the set bonus that's meant for the Guardian AC and apply it to Sentinels. I don't care if it's fixed or not, but it will be. It's not gonna decide the outcome of a warzone. It will be amusing to see the QQ threads after they contain this exploit along with the other classes.


so i guess i'll keep my extra 5 meters on dispatch..


2 cents


I quote Spungey now, Spungey quotes are cool.

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i don't mind it at all. I thought of doing it myself. Well i do have the vindicator chest in an Orange piece, but only because I needed the accuracy. Using the Pummeler Implants instead of the Foestopper which kills my accuracy.


I still don't understand why the Foestopper has 67 str/100 end. It seems like the should of made it 100 str/67 end with the accuracy and power. oh well, not a dev so who knows.

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i don't mind it at all. I thought of doing it myself. Well i do have the vindicator chest in an Orange piece, but only because I needed the accuracy. Using the Pummeler Implants instead of the Foestopper which kills my accuracy.


I still don't understand why the Foestopper has 67 str/100 end. It seems like the should of made it 100 str/67 end with the accuracy and power. oh well, not a dev so who knows.


Totally agree with that part, also notice that our power surge mods have 45 endurance and only 22 power. I can't believe that's meant to be like that

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This will be fixed in 1.3. why?


Because the armoring will now carry the medium/heavy requirements (as they are letting any class wear any armour, including "light" social armour.

So you will no longer be able to use the bonus as it will be considered Heavy armour.


This is a win/win from BW as it stops people from using set bonuses from other classes and also lets us wear what we want.

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This will be fixed in 1.3. why?


Because the armoring will now carry the medium/heavy requirements (as they are letting any class wear any armour, including "light" social armour.

So you will no longer be able to use the bonus as it will be considered Heavy armour.


This is a win/win from BW as it stops people from using set bonuses from other classes and also lets us wear what we want.


If they also change the armor that I already have, I'll instantly unsub. Would mean that I grinded an entire Battle Master + War Hero set for nothing.


Also please show me where they say that it will be tied to the armor mod, not that i don't believe you, just can't find it.

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Q&A from some event in England. The SOCIAL armor will assume the highest possible armor level. Not that I dont think they need a fix for the 4 piece Vindicator bonus going to sents, but the Social armor change is not it.
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Not sure why people are thinking this is an exploit or cheating at all. You're giving up a lot to get it(2 piece bonus and a TON of credits). Every other class can use every armor set for thier class except JK and SW. How is that fair? Not only should BW continue to allow it they should make all JK/SW armor medium armor.
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Not sure why people are thinking this is an exploit or cheating at all. You're giving up a lot to get it(2 piece bonus and a TON of credits). Every other class can use every armor set for thier class except JK and SW. How is that fair? Not only should BW continue to allow it they should make all JK/SW armor medium armor.


QFE. I never knew that about JK/SW armor restrictions until I rolled my Sent and checked out the PvP armor sets. Pissed is putting it lightly to how I felt about it.

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I think the one key thing most people here are missing is that while the +10% damage increase is nice, you are also giving up something in return. No, I don't mean the wepmaster set bonuses, I mean you are giving up tons of rated comms to obtain it. If you're on a highly populated server and have the spare time to do so, then great. Most, however, are not.


As for me, what I see as far more beneficial to my build is actually re-modding the wepmaster set to specifically tailor itsself to my playstyle. I'll remove all the accuracy and add power/crit/surge in it's place. I already have several wepmaster BM sets so additionally I won't be waisting time by grinding out more wz comms to get the BM vindicator's set in the first place. The final product, IMO, will be just as nice as the stock 4 peice vindicator's set will be, plus I'll have the stats I like and they will be useful always, not just AFTER force leap.


As for people downing the additional 5 meter range on dispatch, I just don't understand your logic. It is, simply put, an AWESOME set bonus. Dispatch is your one true ranged KILLER skill. It's your finishing move from ranged, period. Ever been slowed and kited to death? I'm sure we all have. Add 5 more meters to Dispatch and your opponent is dead and you're moving on to the next target instead of waiting for a door to release you 20 seconds later.

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I'm a little bit confuse about this. How I understand is that, let say I'll buy a Vindicator Chestpiece, I will remove the armoring on the armor and place it in any orange armor? Weaponmaster chestpiece armoring has the same stats of armoring mod as well as the armoring of the war hero vindicator so how will I gain the 10% of it?
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I'm a little bit confuse about this. How I understand is that, let say I'll buy a Vindicator Chestpiece, I will remove the armoring on the armor and place it in any orange armor? Weaponmaster chestpiece armoring has the same stats of armoring mod as well as the armoring of the war hero vindicator so how will I gain the 10% of it?


The set bonus in the War Hero PvP set is attached to the armor mod. Buy 4 WH vindicator pieces and rip the armor out and put it in the orange armor of your choice.

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You seem to really misunderstand how this bonus works.


Pretty much this.


It's not a 10% bonus to force leaps damage it's a flat 10% bonus to damage AFTER leap. For a watchman it's a 10% damage boost about 40% of the time.

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Pretty much this.


It's not a 10% bonus to force leaps damage it's a flat 10% bonus to damage AFTER leap. For a watchman it's a 10% damage boost about 40% of the time.


Sorry, you are right, I jumped the gun and jumped to conclusions about this, however, also consider this, you are taking a large strength lose (not sure, but probably more than 10% of your strength) to gain a 10% bonus to damage 40% of the time. Sounds to me you would be moving in the wrong direction for DPS. Though I can see how it might become a viable option in PvP as you would have much more endurance and therefore more survivability = more kills and more overall damage in WZs. For PvE, not worth the trouble IMO.

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