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+10% damage after leap!


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Which is only possible with a Gore + Ravage combo, or as you mentioned, Zen (forgive my Imperial talk, but my Combat Sentinel is on Imp side and Watchman on Republic). Both will occur one every 30 seconds, if not more, while Watchman can consistently do it by the time force leap (even on the shortened CD in Watchman spec) is up.


You get higher numbers, but Watchman gets more quantity, so the end result is the same.


Right. Essentially my point. If dmg output is not a key factor in ranking within Ranked WZ this is worthless and way too much work to show off a bit more dmg.

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USing the vindicator set will limt you to war ehro armorings, the war leader armoring has no bonus for sentinel.

So i doubt they will nerf this, as you are effectivly limiting your armoring mods for a particualr set bonus

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USing the vindicator set will limt you to war ehro armorings, the war leader armoring has no bonus for sentinel.

So i doubt they will nerf this, as you are effectivly limiting your armoring mods for a particualr set bonus


Errrr...armoring mods are all virtually identical. How exactly would you be limiting yourself....at all?

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so the big information here is that BATTLEMASTER set bonus DOES NOT transfer along with the armorings. The set bonus is exclusive with the shell.


With the War Hero shells , the bonus is gained from the armoring and not locked with the shell.


Am i right?

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so the big information here is that BATTLEMASTER set bonus DOES NOT transfer along with the armorings. The set bonus is exclusive with the shell.


With the War Hero shells , the bonus is gained from the armoring and not locked with the shell.


Am i right?


Hey guise did u hear that war hero set bonuses are not linked to the shells but in fact to the armoring?


No Wai! Hey guise did u hear that war hero set bonuses are not linked to the shells but in fact to the armoring?


I hear that war her armoring has the set bonus guis!

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You gain 10% dmg every 10 seconds for 5 seconds ( a massive amount of time ) in exchange of giving up 5 meters on your Dispatch and having a slightly higher CD on Guarded. Which if you are increasing dmg by 10% hopefully you are killing faster and won't need Guarded as often.


On the other hand if you can get through your rotation in 5 seconds and that does 12-15k dmg, then 10% to that is only 1,200-1,500 additional dmg per force leap proc. That's also the equivalent to me pressing the Blade Rush button one more time.


So is roughly 1,500 more dmg every 10 seconds worth it or would you rather have the tactical advantages of Weaponmaster bonuses? It's worth consideration.


If you are a score board whore and stats will buff your rating in Rated WZ's more than wins (we don't know yet) then this is probably a good build for those players. Because if you force leap 50 times in a match, assuming no battles were interrupted (which they will be), then one would produce 50,000-75,000 additional dmg/match. While it's not a ton versus an individual opponent, it is a huge amount total. So depending on how Rated will be scored will determine whether this is truly beneficial.


If you are more of a tactical player that is going after WZ objectives above dmg output, then Weaponmaster is probably the best build.


That's silly. Damage isn't everything. I'd much rather have Force Leap available when I need it, instead of spamming it dumbly for some extra damage. Also the 5 meter bonus to dispatch is not to be taken lightly.


I interrupt healers with force leap a lot. And if you aren't watchman and have a minimum distance what are you doing to do? pull yourself away from melee range just to get a bonus?


Once again damage isn't everything, I'd much rather have the lower CD on Guarded, and the +5 meter dispatch. That extra 10% bonus is useless if healers are popping off more often because you can't interrupt them from whoring your force leap out.

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This is a foolish choice if you PvP. You are losing 2 great bonuses for 1 mediocre bonus.


Actually, this is debatable. When I dispatch 95% of the time I'm in melee range anyways, and my Guarded is almost always up whenever I need it. So, personally, I find the PvP set bonuses useless, and I would take

some extra damage over nothing any day.


Again, depends on your playing style. If you're Watchman, the changes to Inflammation should make it unlikely anyone can get away from you, which renders one of the two bonuses moot. And given the fact I only die around 4-5 times in a usual WZ, I don't really feel a need to have the Guarded CD reduced.


On the question of using force leap as an interrupt...


Learn the abilities to interrupt. You should never need more than kick, stasis and awe to successfully kill a healer.

Edited by -Yui-
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Actually, this is debatable. When I dispatch 95% of the time I'm in melee range anyways, and my Guarded is almost always up whenever I need it. So, personally, I find the PvP set bonuses useless, and I would take

some extra damage over nothing any day.


Again, depends on your playing style. If you're Watchman, the changes to Inflammation should make it unlikely anyone can get away from you, which renders one of the two bonuses moot. And given the fact I only die around 4-5 times in a usual WZ, I don't really feel a need to have the Guarded CD reduced.


On the question of using force leap as an interrupt...


Learn the abilities to interrupt. You should never need more than kick, stasis and awe to successfully kill a healer.


Definitely agreeing on the part that our current set bonusses aren't that great. They can be useful in certain situations, but i've never had issues with the cooldown on GbtF, Dispatch range can be nice when rooted/slowed but is also very situational.


By taking the 10% increase, you don't automatically spam force leap. You still have to think about the use of it, but if you were to use it while killing a healer it would only make your job easier.

Also I can see 1 vs 1 fights (ie defending or trying to steal a turret/objective) be very good situations where 10% extra damage can be good. (This is purely speaking for watchman pvp, I've got little to none experience with combat or focus in lvl 50 pvp)


However if you think that you should have killed healer by the time you've used stasis, kick & awe, then you don't have very good healers on your server. Definitely not saying I need more than that for every healer, but for good healers i definitely need to use leap as well to properly interrupt + kill them


As far as pve concerned, I quite like the lower cost of dispatch. It makes you able to spam even more high dmg abilities when it starts to matter.

Also keep in mind the game is still quite buggy, sometimes a leap during bossfight will put you on the wrong side of the hitbox. Which can be very deadly for you.

Edited by Stealios
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Since that set bonus is meant for Guardians anyway I will be very suprised if there isnt a nerf to this inc.


I don't understand why a few people have pointed this out.


Bioware: Here is a cool new feature for you players. You can now swap item set bonuses by switching out the armoring mods. Cool huh? Enjoy!


Players: Wow, ya, that is cool. The item set bonuses are no longer attached to the armor shells. Time to do some mixing and matching!


You (and a few others): Bioware will nerf it. We are not supposed to use a working-as-intended game mechanic.

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I don't understand why a few people have pointed this out.


Bioware: Here is a cool new feature for you players. You can now swap item set bonuses by switching out the armoring mods. Cool huh? Enjoy!


Players: Wow, ya, that is cool. The item set bonuses are no longer attached to the armor shells. Time to do some mixing and matching!


You (and a few others): Bioware will nerf it. We are not supposed to use a working-as-intended game mechanic.


Tbh I hate our set bonuses. To all the people posting in this thread that they aren't anything but "mediocre at best" wake the fleck up! That is way more polite than I would phrase it (absolutely full of it would be better).


Now as far as nerfing it here is my 2 cents:

-Which is the larger embarrassment? Obviously this isn't what was intended bc the augmented gear/gearing with what cosmetic appeal was to your liking, was their one and only goal. (not giving us this set bonus option). OR our actual set bonus, which is way more embarrassing, but the devs can live in denial and just hotfix that lil issue away (which is what I would do).

-My hate for using this set was what immediately led me to ask my guildies/resaearch this new set possibility. So while nerfing it may be an easier path. Maybe try something new with our set bonus (and while ur at it fix pyrotech's as well) just sayin. Our situation was unique because our alter egos (guardians) use heavy armor instead of medium armor.

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I don't see anything wrong with using guardian set bonus, it just brings our gear in line with the types of set bonuses everyone else has... imo you don't try to balance a class by giving it *******r gear, you adjust the abilities so it can be in line with gear equal to everyone else's.


imo the expertise change was also good in making things scale better but they needed to rebalance damage a bit so people dont die so fast. before when most people had ~10% damage boost and mitigation it ment everyone was effectively taking~ 110%*90%=99% of original damage now everyone geared takes 100% combined with heal nerfs and damage buffs has made it hard for people to live.

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Rotantartlu: speaking of Bioware being in denial, how bout them server mergers and transfers? lol


Back on topic. I hope they don't 'fix' this. That would show us that Bioware lacks foresight. Enabling players with more options, more customizations and more possibilities is a good thing. Those are the things that keep a game from being completely locked into rigid compartments, or cookie cutters.

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Rotantartlu: speaking of Bioware being in denial, how bout them server mergers and transfers? lol


Back on topic. I hope they don't 'fix' this. That would show us that Bioware lacks foresight. Enabling players with more options, more customizations and more possibilities is a good thing. Those are the things that keep a game from being completely locked into rigid compartments, or cookie cutters.


Yea a guidlie told me that they literally don't have the technology/developing anywhere near making this possible. As well as Xserver bgs. They rushed the game out, which was a good move seeing as D3 and GW2 are almost here.

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Honestly, you realize once a few sent/mara have this they are going to change it.


and frankly i'd rather have the weaponmaster 4 pc set bonus over that. That extra 5 meters is clutch if you pay attention to your surroundings like I do. I'll sometimes target over to another person just to use it if I see there health is low enough. The damage is great, maybe not as good as other classes finishers but it gets the job done. Sometimes you have a Sage/Sorc force speed off and that 5 meters comes in handy.


again, more thank likely it will be changed so it only applies the affect to guardians and you would of wasted all that time. I would have to say that there are certain War Hero Vindicator pieces that have better mod/enhancement than the weaponmaster equivalent. So I am purchasing certain pieces. Not for the armoring, just the other 2 slots.

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4 guardian battlemaster pieces and 4 guardian warhero pieces. are u mad?

Done & Done.


Battlemaster takes maybe 3 days of pvp max. before you have an entire set.

Just got my 4th war hero piece today so going to try it out tomorrow.

Other than that, if you're going for guardian war hero you obviously dont have to get the sentinel war hero.


Also done the math on those pieces (Head, Chest, Glove, Legs, Boots)

So War Hero Vindicator vs War Hero Weaponsmaster (changes compared to battlemaster weaponmaster)


Vindicator War Hero (Upgrade from battlemaster weaponmaster)

Str: +17

End: +93

Acc: -96

Crit: -74

Pow: +71

Surg: +106


Weaponmaster War Hero (Upgrade from battlemaster Weaponmaster)

Str: +17

End: +93

Acc: -149

Crit: +32

Pow: -35

Surg: +159


To me it seems the vindicator has the better stas for sentinels. Since on the weapons the crit you'll lose will be made up for by the war hero weapons, and since power is most awesome stat anyway after acc = 98%, crit rating =300 & surge 73%-75%

Edited by Stealios
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Done & Done.


Battlemaster takes maybe 3 days of pvp max. before you have an entire set.

Just got my 4th war hero piece today so going to try it out tomorrow.

Other than that, if you're going for guardian war hero you obviously dont have to get the sentinel war hero.


Also done the math on those pieces (Head, Chest, Glove, Legs, Boots)

So War Hero Vindicator vs War Hero Weaponsmaster (changes compared to battlemaster weaponmaster)


Vindicator War Hero (Upgrade from battlemaster weaponmaster)

Str: +17

End: +93

Acc: -96

Crit: -74

Pow: +71

Surg: +106


Weaponmaster War Hero (Upgrade from battlemaster Weaponmaster)

Str: +17

End: +93

Acc: -149

Crit: +32

Pow: -35

Surg: +159


To me it seems the vindicator has the better stas for sentinels. Since on the weapons the crit you'll lose will be made up for by the war hero weapons, and since power is most awesome stat anyway after acc = 98%, crit rating =300 & surge 73%-75%


yeah I finished it yesterday, its pretty nice especially for epeen numbers in focus spec. lol I hit a sorc so hard he flat out left the wz.

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haha 10% bonus damage to highest dps class for 5 seconds every 12 seconds is working as intended? I highly doubt it. Will be nice if the leave it for a while though. I imagine enough 6-7k dispatch crits with this bonus will do the job of a nerf tho.
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I've also just completed my set for this purpose - didn't even know this thread existed as I don't often read/post on the forums however I looked at the Sentinels "Weaponmaster" gear at day one of the game and realised it was completely built around watchmen and combat - and because I chose focus I had a major risk of being left behind gearwise - however I modded all my champion/battlemaster gear and maxed out my stats with using the below on every piece more or less




xx Strength

xx Endurance




xx Strength

xx Endurance

34-37 Power




xx Endurance

51 Accuarcy

37 Power


(xx signifies I can't remember exact number)


Then when 1.2 came this was ruined because mods and enhancements from unchanged gear all got 25 expertise which I didn't gain so I was left with half the expertise of every1 else - since then i've got it over 1k and now using the vindicators armouring on each piece.


remember that the 10% extra damage is for 5 seconds (which isn't enough time to get 4 stacks of singularity of you leapt first) but it is a nice boost if you can work it into your playstyle. Biggest hit I achieved in the 3 warzones I managed last night with the 10% extra was 7460. Biggest hit I've done since 1.2 (without the 10% extra is screenshotted below)




And just to clarify to whoever said it doesnt work in PvE you're wrong it does, it gives a buff for 5 seconds much like your 100% chance to crit buff, but obviously shorter duration

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