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Viable Healers?


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I don't know about PVE, but I hear it works just fine as a healer.

In pvp it still works, kinda. I can still heal pretty well~ I've yet to break 300k since patch, but I usually get close. I also still get out healed by sorcs. Oh and my operative friend who I usually play with out heals me. :p He's a pretty good player tho.

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In my opinion we are still viable, but not as viable as ops or sorcs (even when higher geared), our mechanics are just too clunky to keep up with some stuff in pve in my opinion.


What needs to happen if they want to keep the heat the way it is, is increase the heals rapid shots do, lower the cast time on rapid scan and further increase the number of people kolto missle affects.


As is right now it is a spam rapidshots and kolto missle game and use rapid scan and the others in extreme emergencys. I dont even use kolto shield anymore unless it is before a fight begins.

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We are "viable" till we hit our maximum output, and if the fight needs more, we aren't really. At the moment the 2nd bosses of EC hard mode, the Stormcaller side feels like the BH is unviable for that part. With perfect execution and people who have great mitigation being on that side, maybe, but with fully titled raid group from pre-1.2, having solo healed HM ops, etc., I honestly feel unviable on that position.


Some healing meters are coming around, and if AoE can be used easily, like in the Stormcaller tank side, sorcs just butcher us (think 50% more healing output). Agent buffs gave them also an edge of maybe 10-20% on us, and that is enough to make or break on things that are truly heavy on healing.


As said from the PTS, dual BH healers couldn't do NM Jarg & Sorno in a guild that was farming NM KP on live.


All in all? Viable? No. Does every fight require near full healing output of both healers? No. But those that do require full healing input? No, IMHO, we ain't a viable choice. I currently bluntly say it that I shouldn't be taken or put into a max healing output needed position ...

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What exactly is a full max output healing situation? BH healers in 1.2 are very viable. I mean that as in every raid can be cleared, in every difficulty, with a BH in the group. If you're running into a healing situation where full on max heals are straining the comp the raid must be eating alot of stuff and the fix isn't to bench the BH, it's to wake the raid up and not take avoidable dmg as much. It simply taxes every healing class, not just us.
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What exactly is a full max output healing situation? BH healers in 1.2 are very viable. I mean that as in every raid can be cleared, in every difficulty, with a BH in the group. If you're running into a healing situation where full on max heals are straining the comp the raid must be eating alot of stuff and the fix isn't to bench the BH, it's to wake the raid up and not take avoidable dmg as much. It simply taxes every healing class, not just us.


He just provided two examples... J&S and hardmode Stormcaller.

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He just provided two examples... J&S and hardmode Stormcaller.


J&S s easily accomplished with a BH, in NMM. If you're struggling on Stormcaller put the Sorc on that one and heal Firebrand. Again, no reason not to have a BH in the raid. None.

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J&S s easily accomplished with a BH, in NMM. If you're struggling on Stormcaller put the Sorc on that one and heal Firebrand. Again, no reason not to have a BH in the raid. None.


So your solution to the BH not being able to heal Stormcaller is... to not have a BH do it. Pretty sure that's a very compelling reason to avoid BH's unless you have no other choice; it's the only healing AC that can't handle healing important parts of a fight in ops.

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So your solution to the BH not being able to heal Stormcaller is... to not have a BH do it. Pretty sure that's a very compelling reason to avoid BH's unless you have no other choice; it's the only healing AC that can't handle healing important parts of a fight in ops.


Nobody said they couldn't heal Stormcaller. It has been done. However, I believe a BH healing Firebrand is easier. If it means one of the other healers who have a bit better thoroughput does Stormcaller, then yes absolutely do it. So, 0 compelling reasons not to bring a BH. If you are part of a guild who is overflowing with healers then maybe you won't be brought, but if you have no healers on the bench, and a BH in the lineup, you will not fail at all. So there is not, and never has been, a reason not to bring us.

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We are "viable" till we hit our maximum output, and if the fight needs more, we aren't really. At the moment the 2nd bosses of EC hard mode, the Stormcaller side feels like the BH is unviable for that part. With perfect execution and people who have great mitigation being on that side, maybe, but with fully titled raid group from pre-1.2, having solo healed HM ops, etc., I honestly feel unviable on that position.


Some healing meters are coming around, and if AoE can be used easily, like in the Stormcaller tank side, sorcs just butcher us (think 50% more healing output). Agent buffs gave them also an edge of maybe 10-20% on us, and that is enough to make or break on things that are truly heavy on healing.


As said from the PTS, dual BH healers couldn't do NM Jarg & Sorno in a guild that was farming NM KP on live.


All in all? Viable? No. Does every fight require near full healing output of both healers? No. But those that do require full healing input? No, IMHO, we ain't a viable choice. I currently bluntly say it that I shouldn't be taken or put into a max healing output needed position ...



Oh bla, thats what im saying. The meters arent as bad as everyone is saying bh is. Some of you cry so much. Remember to factor in the overhealing by sorc and its not 50% output even when overhealing is included. Some of you just need to calm down. Maybe realize the game was too easy,,,hell i think most of you were complaining about that too. Bh healer will still have its benifits just like before. A good bh will still burst heal better than a sorc or op.

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Oh bla, thats what im saying. The meters arent as bad as everyone is saying bh is. Some of you cry so much. Remember to factor in the overhealing by sorc and its not 50% output even when overhealing is included. Some of you just need to calm down. Maybe realize the game was too easy,,,hell i think most of you were complaining about that too. Bh healer will still have its benifits just like before. A good bh will still burst heal better than a sorc or op.

Listen, buddy, and the other guy too. I've healed through all pre 1.2. I've healed pvp as the top healer on our server. I've healed for 20 years in MMOs. I've been there, done that and all that jazz.


Stormcaller hardmode 8man, I said it quite clearly, it may be possible if just everything goes just right, I even said I could eek by so that usually something random went wrong. Jarg & Sorno, I personally have not done it, but am relying on a NM clearing guild report from 2x BH and they resorted finally to just dropping down to hard mode.


_A healer who can not do all healing roles is not viable._ It's not that hard to understand. I stood outside the operation, since I personally do not wish to gimp the healing making it unnecessarily hard for progression nights.


Overhealing and sorc vs BH output, man it sure feels people's logical circuits are jumbled. It's all about throughput. If a sorc can keep 2000hps with AoE included, and BH 1200-1400, here's the thing: fights where that AoE can be utilized (and on Stormcaller its pisspoor easy to use), BH is not viable. For hardcore raiding, it's not, end of story, because that 2000hps vs 1300hps means the sorc can use GCDs for dmg much more than the BH can. Switching to the pyrotank, ooo what a bright idea (huoh, that's the only choice if you only have 2 healers, oooo, mindboggling), but that in itself _shows more powerfully than anything in game that BH healing is broken_.


If people can't understand what it all is about, here it is, again:

If a fight requires lesser output, a BH can do it, and all seems "fine", especially as we still do have high burst for the 3 casts we can do

If a fight requires high output, a BH may be able to do it, he will be maxed out and can't do any recovery from any raid errors, and burst ability will be gone as he will be maxed out already

If a fight requires very high output, a BH sits outside the operation letting the sorc and agent heal the fight, unless the raid wishes to wipe waiting for that lucky rng version of the fight where all goes happily and there is just that little less dmg incoming so that even a BH can handle it


Anyways, the guy who said everything is fine, have you, personally, healed as BH stormcaller hardmode side in 8man, with no crossheal help from the otherside?

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The fact Bioware let this go live in the name of " balance" makes you wonder if they have a clue.


Shouldn't "balance" mean you're equal to other healers ?


The class is broken if "balance" was the goal, we are not equal to the other healers. Not even close


I just want to be on even playing field with resource management the way heat dissipates needs to be tweaked or a secondary way to manage it is needed. Vent Heat ( 2min timer ) when its on cd watching heat dissipate is painfully slow.


You could make it so Rapid Shots can vent some heat on critical hits . Operatives get resource back from their free heal skill when they crit plus it gets a crit bonus of 24% why cant we?


Balance please ( crickets )

Edited by RoadRash
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So your solution to the BH not being able to heal Stormcaller is... to not have a BH do it. Pretty sure that's a very compelling reason to avoid BH's unless you have no other choice; it's the only healing AC that can't handle healing important parts of a fight in ops.


I would say bounty hunters are technically viable and you should not avoid having one in your raid. That being said though, they are not on even ground. They are not balanced.


The problem with Arzoo's logic is that while the easy answer is to have a Sorc heal Stormcaller side, where is the fight were the Sorc or Op say "Hey this is ridiculously hard for me, can we swap the BH Healer in to do my job?".

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Viable for steady healing.


Not viable for burst healing in emergencies without being useless for long periods afterwards ('Long' being a relative term to the environment and circumstances).


PvP is lots of burst healing, very little steady healing. PvE is lots of steady healing, spots of burst healing.


Post 1.2, the balance is not right between burst & steady requirements. Might have been too strong before but now its too far the other way.

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The fact Bioware let this go live in the name of " balance" makes you wonder if they have a clue.


Shouldn't "balance" mean you're equal to other healers ?


The class is broken if "balance" was the goal, we are not equal to the other healers. Not even close


I just want to be on even playing field with resource management the way heat dissipates needs to be tweaked or a secondary way to manage it is needed. Vent Heat ( 2min timer ) when its on cd watching heat dissipate is painfully slow.


You could make it so Rapid Shots can vent some heat on critical hits . Operatives get resource back from their free heal skill when they crit plus it gets a crit bonus of 24% why cant we?


Balance please ( crickets )

In case you didn't notice... healing classes are different. They have different abilities and work differently. What a shocker.


Yes, Operatives get energy back on crits from their free heal. But it's also a channeled ability that requires them to stand stationary for two seconds, and it doesn't provide a buff that increases healing dealt.


It's one thing to say Merc healing isn't up to par (I can't comment on this since I don't play one) it's another thing to whine that you don't have the same abilities.

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We are most definitely viable. My guild currently is working on 8 man EC hardmode with an Operative healer and myself as a Merc healer...We're doing really well actually.


You do have to use a lot of rapid shots...which yes may lower your overall output for healing and may make you look less uber, but really who cares what your numbers are. I'm doing fine..Not as well as our op healer, but I NEVER have a problem with my heat or keeping some anyone up unless I'm throwing some dps on the bosses and not paying full attention. I'm quite happy with it. It makes something in this game challenging.

Edited by Chevee
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We are most definitely viable. My guild currently is working on 8 man EC hardmode with an Operative healer and myself as a Merc healer...We're doing really well actually.


You do have to use a lot of rapid shots...which yes may lower your overall output for healing and may make you look less uber, but really who cares what your numbers are. I'm doing fine..Not as well as our op healer, but I NEVER have a problem with my heat or keeping some anyone up unless I'm throwing some dps on the bosses and not paying full attention. I'm quite happy with it. It makes something in this game challenging.


So you are healing Stormcaller and "NEVER have a problem with my heat"? Good to know.

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We are most definitely viable. My guild currently is working on 8 man EC hardmode with an Operative healer and myself as a Merc healer...We're doing really well actually.


You do have to use a lot of rapid shots...which yes may lower your overall output for healing and may make you look less uber, but really who cares what your numbers are. I'm doing fine..Not as well as our op healer, but I NEVER have a problem with my heat or keeping some anyone up unless I'm throwing some dps on the bosses and not paying full attention. I'm quite happy with it. It makes something in this game challenging.


I have a feelng your guld wouldn't be working on hard mode still if they had a sorc and op. Just sayin'.

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(I can't comment on this since I don't play one)



Please don't then, keep playing your Op-healer.


I don't want the same skill I want balance, merc-bodyguards need a secondary way to manage our heat.

They need to make adjustments to the range and rate it dissipates or give us another tool to manage it with.


Standing still for 2secs with a bonus of 24% to crit and gaining resources back when you crit is OP.


After all they also want balance and that's not the case atm.

Edited by RoadRash
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Please don't then, keep playing your Op-healer.


I don't want the same skill I want balance, merc-bodyguards need a secondary way to manage our heat.

They need to make adjustments to the range and rate it dissipates or give us another tool to manage it with.


Standing still for 2secs with a bonus of 24% to crit and gaining resources back when you crit is OP.


After all they also want balance and that's not the case atm.

LOL, did you seriously just call Diagnostic Scan overpowered?
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It is if they give one healer class a secondary way to manage resources and nothing to the other.


Its about balance after all right?

Are you really this clueless, or are you trolling?


Healers were meant to have different abilities. They have different strengths. Mercs provide a 10% armor buff as well as +heal buff which neither other class gets. Is this imbalance? No. It's classes having different strengths. Stop whining about abilities you're not supposed to have.


Ops have the easiest energy management, but they have the worst burst healing capabilities.

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Are you really this clueless, or are you trolling?


Healers were meant to have different abilities. They have different strengths. Mercs provide a 10% armor buff as well as +heal buff which neither other class gets. Is this imbalance? No. It's classes having different strengths. Stop whining about abilities you're not supposed to have.


Ops have the easiest energy management, but they have the worst burst healing capabilities.


So AGAIN you miss the point.... WE DON'T HAVE A WAY TO KEEP UP without a tweak to our resource management. ie>>> The rate heat dissipates needs to be adjusted or another way to manage it is needed.


Merc-Bodyguard is broken we shouldn't only be good at one rotation of burst healing then locked into just pistol healing.


That's not balance its beyond me that you cant understand it.


Like you said : You don't play one so you cant comment but you keep posting about something you admit to not having any knowledge on, so are you just "clueless"or trolling????

Edited by RoadRash
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So AGAIN you miss the point.... WE DON'T HAVE A WAY TO KEEP UP without a tweak to our resource management. ie>>> The rate heat dissipates needs to be adjusted or another way to manage it is needed.


Merc-Bodyguard is broken we shouldn't only be good at one rotation of burst healing then locked into just pistol healing.


That's not balance its beyond me that you cant understand it.


Like you said : You don't play one so you cant comment but you keep posting about something you admit to not having any knowledge on, so are you just "clueless"or trolling????

...yet you don't play an Op but keep making comments about them? Pot, meet kettle.


There's a difference between saying "Merc healing is underpowered" and "Merc healing needs to have the exact same tools as every other healing class". You clearly don't understand that classes were meant to be different.


I'm still laughing at you saying Diagnostic Scan is overpowered.

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