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I am All For Winning Being Important


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If its to much for you to take you can always go back other other MMO's that must think are superior to TOR.


I don't play other mmo's. Just think getting penalized THIS hard for being on a losing team when your performance was clearly not an issue is silly. Winning should provide bonus yes I agree, a good advantage especially.



However being stuck with an unlucky mix of players and getting painful rewards for it is like a demotivational poster in your face every time. "Oh WOW I got 12+ medals, topped damage, topped protection...topped obj points.........got 2nd in healing as a DPS....killed 40 players.............died 0 times.........................my team managed to lose despite my performance being better than even the ENEMY team and now I get 45 commendations instead of 100+." :rolleyes:



THAT is what people don't like.

Edited by MrXen
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4 guild-mates + a 4 man lottery is not a pre-made by a far cry. :rolleyes:


So you are trying to suggest that a team with 4 players of the same guild on vent communicating in a map like huttball don't have a huge advantage over a pug who's only communication is "you guys suck /ragequit"....cool story bro

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So you are trying to suggest that a team with 4 players of the same guild on vent communicating in a map like huttball don't have a huge advantage over a pug who's only communication is "you guys suck /ragequit"....cool story bro


Feel free to point out where he said that. I'm genuinely curious.

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So you are trying to suggest that a team with 4 players of the same guild on vent communicating in a map like huttball don't have a huge advantage over a pug who's only communication is "you guys suck /ragequit"....cool story bro


Your assumptions:


a) that we have 4 other players on our team (not always the case)


b) that the purposed other 4 players are average or better and not pulling us down (such as literally running the ball the wrong way, its happened)


c) that the other 4 players are not afk'ers


d) that the enemy team is inorganized average or less pugs and not another 4-man





Now that being said: there is an advantage to having 4 people in vent/TS/mumble communicating better. But what about the other 4 randoms? Why should the 4 of us who took the time to be coordinated be punished to a 40 comm "reward" for losing because we had 7 players, with 2 pugs afk'ing, putting us at 4 well-coordinated players + 1 guy against 8 enemies of unknown status (but they all played)?


When the 4 of us achieved 11-16 comms each and outperformed every other player in the warzone (including the enemy team) but barely lost?

Edited by MrXen
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So you are trying to suggest that a team with 4 players of the same guild on vent communicating in a map like huttball don't have a huge advantage over a pug who's only communication is "you guys suck /ragequit"....cool story bro


You are typically matched against another 4 man premade. It is typically the other 4 people on each side that determine the outcome.

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I'm all for the lottery, I think its great fun and a good team leader should be able to rally the team before the match starts. For example defend your lower lv players and give them tips on where to go. Just because your an experianced PVP'er doesn't mean everyone else is and why should those players be penalised just so you can get a few extra commendations.


I'f you want to feel like a god above men go WOW


I'f you want a fun and immersive game stay with SWTOR

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Your assumptions:


a) that we have 4 other players on our team (not always the case)


b) that the purposed other 4 players are average or better and not pulling us down (such as literally running the ball the wrong way, its happened)


c) that the other 4 players are not afk'ers


d) that the enemy team is inorganized average or less pugs and not another 4-man





Now that being said: there is an advantage to having 4 people in vent/TS/mumble communicating better. But what about the other 4 randoms? Why should the 4 of us who took the time to be coordinated be punished to a 40 comm "reward" for losing because we had 7 players, with 2 pugs afk'ing, putting us at 4 well-coordinated players + 1 guy against 8 enemies of unknown status (but they all played)?


When the 4 of us achieved 11-16 comms each and outperformed every other player in the warzone (including the enemy team) but barely lost?


Sure it's not a full premade, I was just trying to get across that it is still infact a great advantage assuming the 4 players in said premade are decent. You shouldn't be punished by getting 40 comms because the rest of the team sucked, the problem is that 1.2 nerfed individual merit.

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I'm all for the lottery, I think its great fun and a good team leader should be able to rally the team before the match starts. For example defend your lower lv players and give them tips on where to go. Just because your an experianced PVP'er doesn't mean everyone else is and why should those players be penalised just so you can get a few extra commendations.


I'f you want to feel like a god above men go WOW


I'f you want a fun and immersive game stay with SWTOR


I'm ok with the lottery if individual rewards are good OR i'm ok with the current reward system if an 8-man premade is allowed. I'm not ok with both near 0 individual reward + no 8 man premade allowed. That is a bad idea.



If individual rewards for performance could be like 60-70 (total, not 60-70+ 40 that is dumb) for highest medals at least and all else left the same, I'd be ok with this system. 40 comms though is painful when you fought the enemy with your hand tied behind your back as you dragged your incompetent team with your leg around too.



Maybe I'm whining about peanuts and call me crazy, but I think team winning should produce big reward over team losing AND good individual performance giving a high bonus over poor individual performance.




Either way I'll stay, this is not some "do it or unsub" crap but I think this should be looked at.

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Next you will be asking that a 8 man team of lv50's should be matched up against a team of lv20's as it's totally fair to wipe the floor with those players intimidate them from ever playing the game again because in your world the only thing that matters is your stats
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Next you will be asking that a 8 man team of lv50's should be matched up against a team of lv20's as it's totally fair to wipe the floor with those players intimidate them from ever playing the game again because in your world the only thing that matters is your stats


Listen man if I had it my way there would be NO premades allowed and EVERYONE would HAVE to solo queue and the team bonus would be only 10 comms max with all rewards coming from individual performance because I like a level playing field but that'll never happen and everyone would QQ to the grave. I'm realistic because I know everyone isn't like me. So my counter to fighting good premades is grouping up with MY guild ok?

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i played in 3 PVP matches yesterday i felt i did ok defend the turrets kill the enemy defending in huttball where at the end i got nothing. Did it take away any of the fun i had. even took a few lower lv players through some flashpoints to get the XP up and give them a confidence boost in the game it isnt all about been lv 50 top of the class. MMO games can produce some really solid friendships both in and out of the game and that to me is a much better award than 100+ comms
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When the 4 of us achieved 11-16 comms each and outperformed every other player in the warzone (including the enemy team) but barely lost?


Not disagreeing with your point but not so sure about the numbers.


Last game that I've lost I got 11 badges and was a "barely lost" (Alderaan, lost by basically a few seconds of capture or holding an objective (0-20) ) and I still got like 80-90 comms.


If it was really that close, I really doubt u'll get less than 50 comms.


A few games before that we've got a really bad lost (only manage 5 or 6 badges, and was really dominated) and I still come away with 25 comms.

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