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When did Luke Skywalker die?


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Every franchise handles canon differently (Star Trek, for example, doesn't count its books or video games as canon), but last I checked, the entire EU was considered in canon in Star Wars. That may have changed (I haven't been paying much attention to the back-room politics of SW), but at one point I know it was.


Changes wouldn't be unprecidented, of course, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was changed.


Yes. The ExU is considered C-Canon which can be overridden by Lucas at any time with his G-Canon. The sad thing is, most of the best stories are in the Expanded Universe. So I for one hope Lucas never makes any more movies set after RotJ or before the prequels. I've been reading ExU books since Heir to the Empire. Great stuff for the most part. Hell, Fett's survival is only C-Canon since George spit in fans' faces by declaring him dead in RotJ. He did not, however, rule out Fett's survival in the Expanded Universe. (Probably for greed reasons since Fett books sell more than any other sub-franchise in Star Wars).

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Yes. The ExU is considered C-Canon which can be overridden by Lucas at any time with his G-Canon. The sad thing is, most of the best stories are in the Expanded Universe. So I for one hope Lucas never makes any more movies set after RotJ or before the prequels. I've been reading ExU books since Heir to the Empire. Great stuff for the most part. Hell, Fett's survival is only C-Canon since George spit in fans' faces by declaring him dead in RotJ. He did not, however, rule out Fett's survival in the Expanded Universe. (Probably for greed reasons since Fett books sell more than any other sub-franchise in Star Wars).


Oh, ok, I get ya. Yeah, anything seen in the movies supercedes the books. That doesn't mean it isn't canon, just that it can be overridden.

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Ben Skywalker, as a concept alone, is just too perfect to pass up. Of COURSE Luke would name his son Ben. What little I read of Fate of the Jedi, I liked Ben. I skipped Dark Nest and LOTF, but Ben alone is worth having Luke get hitched... the fact that Mara Jade was pretty damn cool, too, doesn't hurt.


Anyway, Lucas and his ideas of post-ROTJ and whatnot always change. Now he claims he never thought about it, but decides to be all "Get off my lawn" about Clone Palpatine, Luke getting married, etc (though according to Tom Veitch, Lucas himself either approved or SUGGESTED the idea of a cloned Palpatine for Dark Empire back in the day). He's adopted an ultra-simplistic view of his universe, where it's just "Happily Ever After except Luke never has baby Jedi of his own" after the Emperor dies, as evidenced by the "immediate galaxy-wide celebration, even on Coruscant which you'd think would be full of Imperial diehards". But once upon a time, he DID have thoughts of the post-VI universe... of course, back then the Emperor would've survived until Episode IX. His thoughts may change again. Look at The Clone Wars. Tons of stuff in it that differ greatly from what's presented in the films, not ALL great maybe, but overall far superior to a lot of what went on in the PT. So there's always hope he can change his mind and not just give a kneejerk "Eh, I don't wanna think about it so it's just like THIS and that's it" reaction to some of the post-ROTJ stuff.


But the basic distinction of "Movies as one universe, EU is another alternate universe in which the movies still happened exactly the same" works. Movie purists just need to recognize that whenever you move outside the movie timeline, be it in a book, game, toy, etc, you're shifting universes. You can't bash Jedi for having red, yellow, white, or magenta lightsabers by saying "It's only green & blue like the movies!", because you're not in the movies anymore, Sparky.

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How does Luke die????


I GOT IT! In 47ABY he walks under the Falcon to go inside when suddenly it finally breaks and a huge section of fuselage falls and crushes Luke. rofl


*sits back with some popcorn and Guinness and waits for the Skywalker Fanboys to see this one*


Personally, I LOVE IT! +1 to you, sir. :D

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Ben Skywalker, as a concept alone, is just too perfect to pass up. Of COURSE Luke would name his son Ben. What little I read of Fate of the Jedi, I liked Ben. I skipped Dark Nest and LOTF, but Ben alone is worth having Luke get hitched... the fact that Mara Jade was pretty damn cool, too, doesn't hurt.


Anyway, Lucas and his ideas of post-ROTJ and whatnot always change. Now he claims he never thought about it, but decides to be all "Get off my lawn" about Clone Palpatine, Luke getting married, etc (though according to Tom Veitch, Lucas himself either approved or SUGGESTED the idea of a cloned Palpatine for Dark Empire back in the day). He's adopted an ultra-simplistic view of his universe, where it's just "Happily Ever After except Luke never has baby Jedi of his own" after the Emperor dies, as evidenced by the "immediate galaxy-wide celebration, even on Coruscant which you'd think would be full of Imperial diehards". But once upon a time, he DID have thoughts of the post-VI universe... of course, back then the Emperor would've survived until Episode IX. His thoughts may change again. Look at The Clone Wars. Tons of stuff in it that differ greatly from what's presented in the films, not ALL great maybe, but overall far superior to a lot of what went on in the PT. So there's always hope he can change his mind and not just give a kneejerk "Eh, I don't wanna think about it so it's just like THIS and that's it" reaction to some of the post-ROTJ stuff.


But the basic distinction of "Movies as one universe, EU is another alternate universe in which the movies still happened exactly the same" works. Movie purists just need to recognize that whenever you move outside the movie timeline, be it in a book, game, toy, etc, you're shifting universes. You can't bash Jedi for having red, yellow, white, or magenta lightsabers by saying "It's only green & blue like the movies!", because you're not in the movies anymore, Sparky.


George has flip flopped more than a fish out of water about the Expanded Universe, and is one of many reasons I can't respect him as much as I used to.


I believe it all came to a head when the fans went ballistic on the Prequels and George went thermonuclear meltdown over the criticism. And since everyone seemed to be saying the OT was better than the PT, he goes back and retcons his own work by rewriting some pivotal scenes in the OT to give the fans the finger. Han shooting last? The "NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooOOOO!!!!" at the end of the newly redone RotJ and the addition of Hayden Christensen as Anakin's Force Ghost on Endor? George basically told all the OT fans right there "It's MINEMINEMINEMINEMINE!!! Not yours!!!!" like a spoiled child.


Before all that, he was all for the ExU books and comics, as it was making him some serious cash. He Ok'd pretty much everything after RotJ and said the only things he cared about were his characters, and that everything fit together in continuity. Then Prequels, meltdown, etc. etc.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Anyone who ******es about the prequels has no concept of back story. They were great. just because the actors were so-so, doesnt mean the back story of VADER wasnt great.



99% of you whiners base all of your whining off of what is popular at the time, and that douche that made those videos criticizing the prequels. I have read over 90% of the books in the star wars universe, and they have all worked together except for maybe 3. Why dont you think for yourselves for once and stop livning in your mom's basement, criticizing things based solely on what is popular at the moment

Edited by chiefdano
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Anyone who ******es about the prequels has no concept of back story. They were great. just because the actors were so-so, doesnt mean the back story of VADER wasnt great.



99% of you whiners base all of your whining off of what is popular at the time, and that douche that made those videos criticizing the prequels. I have read over 90% of the books in the star wars universe, and they have all worked together except for maybe 3. Why dont you think for yourselves for once and stop livning in your mom's basement, criticizing things based solely on what is popular at the moment


Wow, dude. Emo/nerdrage much? :D

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Damn they need to make some more movies and use Mark Hamill as a 60 year old Luke Jedi Master who is re-establishing the Jedi Order.

That wouldnt work... have you seen Hamill recently?

He is an old fat guy! Not a good representation of Luke Skywalker!!

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I'll tell you how he dies. Luke tries to touch Kyle Katarn's beard and dies from feeling its awesomeness. Even the great Luke Skywalker is no match for the Power of the Beard.


Kyle would later create the Order of the Beard, where he sits as Grand Master with John Williams as co-Grand Master and Lando as advisor.

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One of the rules George Lucas has for writing Star Wars novels: Luke, Leia or Han are never to die. Ever.


So don't count on finding anything about it.


Actually on his Wikia it says he dies and trains his 'Child's child' or something whether it's canon or not, is beyond me. Probably not since more things on Wikia are not canon.

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Luke, Leia and Han walked into a mysterious fog one day, promising that like King Arthur, they would return when they were needed.


Can you imagine being the writer who was told "oh, and we want you to kill Luke"? You'd never be able to leave your house again for fear of all the fans who were sure you'd got it wrong, no matter what you did! Salman Rushdie would ring you up every day to express his deep sympathies. I really don't blame the EU people for leaving a fuzzy area of time between "stuff involving the Heroes" and "stuff involving the very distant descendants of the Heroes."


I also suspect the only person who could tell those stories is GWL himself, and he's not likely to do so.


Just slap the name Karren Travis on the front of your book, and run. Best way to get everyone off your back! :p

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Anyone who ******es about the prequels has no concept of back story. They were great. just because the actors were so-so, doesnt mean the back story of VADER wasnt great.



99% of you whiners base all of your whining off of what is popular at the time, and that douche that made those videos criticizing the prequels. I have read over 90% of the books in the star wars universe, and they have all worked together except for maybe 3. Why dont you think for yourselves for once and stop livning in your mom's basement, criticizing things based solely on what is popular at the moment


No. The prequels really sucked.


Lucas' position on the EU stuff isn't surprising to me. He doesn't want to lock himself into anything some other writer creates in case he decides he wants to go back the universe himself. But he's certainly not going to say no to all the case they give him for the books, comics, etc. One of the reasons I was glad KOTOR went so far into the past is that it avoids this problem altogether. I can't imagine Lucas ever feeling the need to retcon something that happened thousands of years before the movies. And it freed them to do their own epic story without needing to do silly stuff with the movie characters. You look at a game like Force Unleashed, and they had to shoehorn a story in between the prequels and sequels. It just gets messy.


The one complaint I have with the TOR universe, and it is a small one, is that it certainly doesn't seem like technology went anywhere for a few thousand years. Obviously, people don't want to play a game where lightsabers haven't been invented or there is no hyperspace travel and thus no alien races. But they even listen to the same damn music and wear clothes and armor that look virtually identical to what people were wearing thousands of years later. Again, I understand why they did that. You want it to feel like Star Wars. But if you want to get all nerdragey, that's a place where there is a bit of a lapse in logic.

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They were great. just because the actors were so-so, doesnt mean the back story of VADER wasnt great.


Let's see how good of an actor you are standing in front of a green screen and told to pretend you were somewhere [not a warehouse] and told to interact with objects you can't see smell and hear only out of a speaker.


Lucas's over reliance on digital rendering was the Prequel's undoing. Let's face it, Star Wars was never going to stand the test of time technologically, but it didn't need to, because sets + models is something that will always be around.


Instead we have digitally rendered 'sets' and action scenes that all look embarassingly dated compared to today's CGI extravaganzas. There's no nostalgia in crappy animation.



I seem to have digressed.

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Let's see how good of an actor you are standing in front of a green screen and told to pretend you were somewhere [not a warehouse] and told to interact with objects you can't see smell and hear only out of a speaker.


Lucas's over reliance on digital rendering was the Prequel's undoing. Let's face it, Star Wars was never going to stand the test of time technologically, but it didn't need to, because sets + models is something that will always be around.


Instead we have digitally rendered 'sets' and action scenes that all look embarassingly dated compared to today's CGI extravaganzas. There's no nostalgia in crappy animation.



I seem to have digressed.


I think you are placing too much blame for how bad the prequels were on Lucas's use of green screens. Don't undersell the role his piss poor writing and inexplicable plot choices had in the catastrophe that was Episodes I-III.


Seriously.....acting wasn't the problem. Writing and directing was where the prequels drove off the cliff.

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I'll tell you how he dies. Luke tries to touch Kyle Katarn's beard and dies from feeling its awesomeness. Even the great Luke Skywalker is no match for the Power of the Beard.


Kyle would later create the Order of the Beard, where he sits as Grand Master with John Williams as co-Grand Master and Lando as advisor.


Kyle, like Obi-Wan, has the special Heroic Moment: One With The Beard. Luke, not having a beard, is automatically at a disadvantage. Lando's 'stache is nearly as powerful, and has been known to destroy a Death Star.

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Kyle, like Obi-Wan, has the special Heroic Moment: One With The Beard. Luke, not having a beard, is automatically at a disadvantage. Lando's 'stache is nearly as powerful, and has been known to destroy a Death Star.


I wish one of my characters in game could get one with the Beard. It obviously would make any bearded character OP. But that means that they would nerf beard power so lets keep One With the Beard in the books and movies.

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I don't think it is confirmed.


In all seriousness, Luke Skywalker isn't going to die until such time as either A. George Lucas relents on his "No Kill" order, or B. George Lucas passes away.


And even if George dies, he may have something in his will that Luke, Leia, and Han STILL have Immortal Plot Armor. There's no way to tell, right now.

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There is an author who is good at killing off hero's and main characters of stories and that is STEPHEN KING!!


But he would never touch SW although Dark Tower fans (like myself :p) may remember the many SW references he dropped so he is obviously a fan. Can you imagine a Stephen King SW novel?.....

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There is an author who is good at killing off hero's and main characters of stories and that is STEPHEN KING!!


But he would never touch SW although Dark Tower fans (like myself :p) may remember the many SW references he dropped so he is obviously a fan. Can you imagine a Stephen King SW novel?.....


In the time it took you to write that, Stephen King wrote 3 novels.

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Luke learns a new force ability, yoda's ghost tells him a secret. He gets to live for another thousand years and be old as yoda or even more then yoda. He just doesn't die.


Except he has died, it just hasn't gotten to that point. If there was no death, then there wouldn't be on his bio a date to him dying and it would be removed.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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