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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Deleted everything but 1


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I deleted my level 50 Marauder all my Alts (PvE Server)

And my level 35 sage and 3 trooper (PvP Server)


Kept my lvl 29 Trooper (Rp-PvP Server)


time for a change my trooper is Bioware's last chance at keeping me to play this game.As a healer commando i better be happy with the class.....And since I deleted my level 50 will i still get the 30 free days? I mean his legacy does still exist just no characters to carry it on.Am I crazy????I just really sad that Marauders became Fotm..And I'm hoping that this new guild that I'm going to apply for when I hit 30 will be as much as im hoping it shall be.If thats the case I'm sure I will have decent PvE and PvP gear within a month or so and will be able to enjoy both aspects of them.

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By Biowares last chance I mean if commando becomes Fotm ima rage for like 2-3 hours then just start the process over.My PvE server legacy is level 18-19 so I'm sure I will be good for the 30 days free time(I just went through the post again).It's not anything again Bioware so it's not QQ its just like RAWR went from Least played to Fotm because of alot of fan-boys so me being able to reroll without QQ i was like time to try new not so fotm class :D Edited by Parali
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.By Biowares last chance I mean if commando becomes Fotm ima rage for like 2-3 hours then just start the process over.My PvE server legacy is level 18-19 so I'm sure I will be good for the 30 days free time(I just went through the post again).It's not anything again Bioware so it's not QQ its just like RAWR went from Least played to Fotm because of alot of fan-boys so me being able to reroll without QQ i was like time to try new not so fotm class :D


You're going to be deleting ALOT more characters if FOTM is your reasoning. There is a new FOTM every time there is a patch.

Edited by Parali
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So you deleted your 50 mara simply because people want to play the mara class now?


Why not just keep the toons since after all you switched to a different server.


Because I was losing belief in them Fotm+1000000 bad marauders make it hard for those of us who had learned our class and such.I got kicked out of a raid core group simply because I was a marauder.. So idc if i had rakata and other stuff they shouldn't judge all based on one.



Especially since the wheel will soon turn and it will be at the bottom.. wonder what he'll do then.. :csw_jabbapet:


I will just simply keep my Commando since he isn't purely dps based also.I will prolly take up Gunnery when dual spec comes out.


You're going to be deleting ALOT more characters if FOTM is your reasoning. There is a new FOTM every time there is a patch.


Lol Marauders buff wont get changed most likely.Even with being only anni marauder on my server aside from the 1-2 other ones I wasnt happy being just a different tree.so i figured if i could do more then 1 roll i would be entertained alot longer.

Edited by Herblaw
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Because I was losing belief in them Fotm+1000000 bad marauders make it hard for those of us who had learned our class and such.I got kicked out of a raid core group simply because I was a marauder.. So idc if i had rakata and other stuff they shouldn't judge all based on one.





I will just simply keep my Commando since he isn't purely dps based also.I will prolly take up Gunnery when dual spec comes out.




Lol Marauders buff wont get changed most likely.Even with being only anni marauder on my server aside from the 1-2 other ones I wasnt happy being just a different tree.so i figured if i could do more then 1 roll i would be entertained alot longer.


Core group?

If this was a guild run and you used to be a raider full time, i highly doubt it was based on your class. If this was a PUG then it wasnt a "core" group.

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Core group?

If this was a guild run and you used to be a raider full time, i highly doubt it was based on your class. If this was a PUG then it wasnt a "core" group.


It was a raid guild core group.. I figured that was obvious when i said core group...They said that they wanted only range now so I got replaced...But they had a dps jugg..and the other marauder in our second group got booted too..We outgeared the people we got replaced by too


You dont need to be level 50, just need to have legacy level 6, whicj you should still have more than.


Its like 17-19 or something idk one of those 3 possible levels.

Edited by Herblaw
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And we care, why?


Hey look another baddie..This is a general discussion forum meaning this can bring up surrounding issues..Your opinion in its own means nothing nice try though.


That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


The level grind really doesnt bother me and since they made getting to atleast BM a 3-4 day process it really isnt that hard to gear for pvp and pve is almost as fast

Edited by Herblaw
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There shall be only 1...



I deleted my level 50 Marauder all my Alts (PvE Server)

And my level 35 sage and 3 trooper (PvP Server)


Kept my lvl 29 Trooper (Rp-PvP Server)


time for a change my trooper is Bioware's last chance at keeping me to play this game.As a healer commando i better be happy with the class.....And since I deleted my level 50 will i still get the 30 free days? I mean his legacy does still exist just no characters to carry it on.Am I crazy????I just really sad that Marauders became Fotm..And I'm hoping that this new guild that I'm going to apply for when I hit 30 will be as much as im hoping it shall be.If thats the case I'm sure I will have decent PvE and PvP gear within a month or so and will be able to enjoy both aspects of them.


First of all, who's rolling a marauder sure that it got powered is completely wrong. Rage build, that was supposed to be buffed, has been nerfed: yes now you have decimate (+ 20% smash damage), but..... but all the rotation you had before (charge, force crush/force choke, smash) is not viable anymore. Why? Cause your force crush consumes all your rage, force choke has 1 minute CD, so you have to add battering assault to the chain, right after your charge. Result: your enemy can easily escape your boom damage from smash, so your DPS went far way down. Annihilation build got nerfed because of phantasm nerf. The only build buffed is the carnage build, because of Ravager damage increase, but it was an underpowered build so it needed some love. To play a mara/sentinel needs skills, that's it.

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It was a raid guild core group.. I figured that was obvious when i said core group...They said that they wanted only range now so I got replaced...But they had a dps jugg..and the other marauder in our second group got booted too..We outgeared the people we got replaced by too


Sounds to me like you need to find another guild. And I doubt you deleted your level 50. Screenshots or it didn't happen...

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Am I crazy????


Yup. Well, crazy isnt the word Id use but ... yup.


A) You deleted one of best classes in the game ... for what? Did it somehow stop you from playing your Commando? (which BTW is currently the most gimped healer in game) Nope. Did the rest of your toons? Nope. There is absolutely no logical (or sane) reason to delete everything else just to play one.


To each their own though, GL.

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First of all, who's rolling a marauder sure that it got powered is completely wrong. Rage build, that was supposed to be buffed, has been nerfed: yes now you have decimate (+ 20% smash damage), but..... but all the rotation you had before (charge, force crush/force choke, smash) is not viable anymore. Why? Cause your force crush consumes all your rage, force choke has 1 minute CD, so you have to add battering assault to the chain, right after your charge. Result: your enemy can easily escape your boom damage from smash, so your DPS went far way down. Annihilation build got nerfed because of phantasm nerf. The only build buffed is the carnage build, because of Ravager damage increase, but it was an underpowered build so it needed some love. To play a mara/sentinel needs skills, that's it.


I agree but they still made it Fotm because of people who didnt know what anything meant.But rage is viable we had a rage marauder from pre 1.2 that stayed afterwards and still eats peoples faces..I was in a wz on gheed that was all marauders in all greens due to them being fresh 50's... and just the increased amount it was atleast 6 out of 10 peopel were a marauder we had guildies running marauders for pvp and the Pve aspect of us got ruined too....Yeah we still had predation and we still had Bloodthirst but people arent able to understand that completely i guess...you pop predation on Soa and ur good or blood thirst on hm mind traps since there are multiple ones you take them out fast.I didnt use phantom once i heard they were removing it so i could be used to it lol.I just got bored with it I guess I had 600 ish out of at the time 650 ish codex's..Not much left for me to do on him at that time so time to get completionist on my Commando

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I agree but they still made it Fotm because of people who didnt know what anything meant.But rage is viable we had a rage marauder from pre 1.2 that stayed afterwards and still eats peoples faces..I was in a wz on gheed that was all marauders in all greens due to them being fresh 50's... and just the increased amount it was atleast 6 out of 10 peopel were a marauder we had guildies running marauders for pvp and the Pve aspect of us got ruined too....Yeah we still had predation and we still had Bloodthirst but people arent able to understand that completely i guess...you pop predation on Soa and ur good or blood thirst on hm mind traps since there are multiple ones you take them out fast.I didnt use phantom once i heard they were removing it so i could be used to it lol.I just got bored with it I guess I had 600 ish out of at the time 650 ish codex's..Not much left for me to do on him at that time so time to get completionist on my Commando


Agreed, I did not mean you cannot go rage anymore, I always share my time thru all 3 specs, but it's not a buffed class at all. Yeah i saw all newbies with maras, and also see most of em ragequitting WZs because of poor performances :D.

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I don't get it. Why make a commando for healing, when you can be a Sage?


I tried sage and just didnt enjoy it.It made it to level 35 but i wasn't liking it at level 20.So far the commando is enjoyable.


no one cares how hipster you are by deleting your lvl 50 cuz it's the fotm. not one person. ever.


This is a discussion thread please leave the childish attitude at the small part of your brain.

Edited by Herblaw
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