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maintenance, why so much


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To be honest, I'd LOVE to see the numbers on how much business Bioware lost with to this week's horrendous downtime alone.


agreed and i love this game but this is exactly the type of stuff that makes ppl go to other games and i would really hate to see this just become another MMO that is bein given away for free in a year

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Of all thos, the only game that was more adept at brining down the servers every time I had planned to play was AO.

just to further tigalo's comment ....why shouldn't we complain they are doing us a disservice by making a maintenance time and doing it a another time with no warning they are not in compliance with the agreement that we have all designated compliance too ....tell me that the maintenance couldnt have waited til the designated time

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As an Oceanic player I personally like coming to these threads to laugh at the Europeans complain about a server going down at midday and how unfair/rediculous it is of Bioware.


Patches get deployed, the game [Apparently] gets fixed and we move on.


Lets be serious though - Its been what, 4 or 5 peak night shut downs from 5pm > 9/10pm AEST in the last 2 weeks? I'm all for having a game that runs smoothly and keeps ontop of their bugs but this is getting rather depressing.

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Guys, I'm normally the first to whine about excessive down times, but c'mon... it's four hours and we need it. They have a lot of fixes rolling out that really just can't wait. The sound bug for example, while many will live with it as I was, I keep missing warzone pops on a low pop server because I have to re-log.


There are other issues being resolved... The only thing I am not looking forward to is "Warzone's will not start until both teams are full" - while its a great fix that makes sense, it means pvp pops went from starting around 2pm to 7pm. Then they die at 3am.

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Jeez...you guys never stop do you? When they arent fixing things you complain, when they are trying to fix things you complain! Just stop playing the game if it bugs you that freakin much that you go all nerdrage and mental when they have a downtime! Seams too me all of you complainers need some downtime from online game tbh.
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I like how when you don't mind some downtime because you have something to do outside of the game your a " fanboy" but when you stick around with a company you seem to hate and deal with problems you seem to hate and go through hell and fire and hate it yet still play your not a " fanboy" seems the fanboy would endure all the horrors of hell to play while a casual player would have just left by now .

PLS tell me what is this " Fanboy" ? I see it alot but it makes no sence coming from people who by all they say , shouldn't still be here

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As an Oceanic player I personally like coming to these threads to laugh at the Europeans complain about a server going down at midday and how unfair/rediculous it is of Bioware.


Patches get deployed, the game [Apparently] gets fixed and we move on.


Lets be serious though - Its been what, 4 or 5 peak night shut downs from 5pm > 9/10pm AEST in the last 2 weeks? I'm all for having a game that runs smoothly and keeps ontop of their bugs but this is getting rather depressing.

how childish it is to complain about other peoples misfortunes...but i guess that is what it is like to be 12

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Because that test realm does fix 80% of the bugs. But software development is a tricky thing. You can respond all you want to 10k people in a controlled environment, but when you put it live to 100's of thousands a million more variables come into play.


Trust me if that PTR wasn't there you'd be seeing 20k more bugs than you do now. It all takes patience.

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As an Oceanic Player, with how much maintainance tehre has been going on, I'm paying for a subscription to a product that is not available during peak periods.


The amount of downtime may very well be necessary in terms of the latest patch, but thus far this week I have only received 2 out of the 4 days of playable peak subscription that I have paid for.


Schedule Oceanic maintainance during non-peak periods. Poor management imo.


I see no incentive to make the move from WoW permanent if the product is going to be unavailable during peak periods, regardless of whetehr there is a patch or not.

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i dont understand the "end game" part in an mmo anyway! once you leveled up your char to max level im done... ill use that character for pvp maybe but i start an alt most of the time because thats the big difference between wow and swtor for example the leveling part is the most fun
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I suggest you give me a couple extra days on my billing cycle for all these "unscheduled maintenance" problems, or I'm unsubscribing an going back to playing RIFT.


I planned on playing a game I pay monthly for, all night tonight. All night Mon. night too, but I understand that was a scheduled night to do "maintenance's".


So you have taken away 4 out of 8 days since the legacy patch so far. If you do your next scheduled "maintenance" next week that will be 6 days this month. That's 1 day from a full week you've not let me play.....


I understand that its only 4 hours. But who really keeps track of that sorta thing. And when the patches happen, they happen at night for me (westcoast). I work all day and the night is my only chance to play!


Thank you!

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Thank you for that response, although I would like to know which parts you do and do not agree with, out of curiosity and a hope that maybe, just maybe, we can breathe some life back into this thread and turn it back to a constructive version of it, instead of what it's currently turned into


I agreed with most of the information provided... going to have to read back through the post though.


I agree with them catering to their work force to save money, but if it costs them subscriptions due to unhappy customers from the repeated unscheduled maintenance interrupting the same peoples play time, it may become more damaging than the pay differential. Not so much to late night Americans such as myself, I'll probably just learn to live with it. But to the Aus/NZ crowd that gets cut off during peak time, if they get angry enough it may hurt the subscriptions from those areas.


You did address most of that clearly, but as I said they may want to look into doing this a bit more seriously because of the possible damage to the consumer base of those areas. One of the reasons I believed everyone played WoW is because everyone played WoW. In that wording it may not make since, but my point is word of mouth is a huge draw in the gaming community. If all your gaming friends say don't play this game because they don't cater to your time zone it's going to hurt it's growth in those areas and demographics.


My main opinion is they are repeatedly inconveniencing the same people. This may hurt their current consumer base along with their future consumer base for friends or neighbors of the people they're currently disregarding. Financially this may or may not hold a significant impact, but it seems relatively disheartening none the less.


Overall some change would give BioWare a better appearance and a better draw in those areas and to those demographics that play during the time they have chosen to hold their maintenance. I don't want to see people being stuck with a broken game, but it seems they may be starving many to feed a few. It doesn't necessarily have to be a change in hours, maybe just consolidation or shortening of maintenance times if possible.


In the end the situation may clear itself up as the game becomes more stable and they remove the problems they're dealing with now and the unscheduled maintenance will go away. But I would also like to see them do something in consideration of the consumers in timezones far from their own, but I would expect it to be done so without killing their budget.


In the time it took me to write this the thread has probably either been closed or completely overrun with stupidity. But we tried!

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how childish it is to complain about other peoples misfortunes...but i guess that is what it is like to be 12


I dont think I complained about the misfortune of anyone. I have no idea how you derived that from my post.


The point of the beginning of my post was that EU players are lucky to have a downtime in the day time and not a peak time.


As a 12 year old though, I suppose I could work on my sentence structure and whatnot a little for you, friend.

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Ah yes. More QQ and impatience from people who have clearly never subscribed to an MMO, blar blar blar. I would hate to run end game content with those types of people because if they're so willing to get bent out of shape over server downtime in a new game experiencing growing pains, They'd be worthless, impatient pains in the *** when it comes to the difficult content that REQUIRES patience.


Downtime is to be expected. If you can't handle that hard truth, get off the servers and go back to Call of Duty or whatever flavor of the month, half-assed game you play that caters to your impatience and lack of faith. We don't need you here anyway.


Who made you "complaints police"?


I'm amazed by the amount of people that feel the need to reply to what they deem as a pointless thread. I'm curious if the above poster hangs around in the Customer Services area of their favourite shop, insulting any customers who dare to return items.


The downtime is awful. Compare it with other games released a decade ago all you want in an attempt to justify it, it doesn't alter the fact that some PAYING customers are unhappy. Last week was the 1st time that BW acknowledged their downtime by handing out a free day's play. And then today, another 4 hours of downtime without any prior warning, just a day after "scheduled" maintenance.


If you do not agree with the people complaining about downtime then that's your choice, but that doesn't give you the right to insult and belittle those people. They pay the exact same subscription as you do, and have every right to complain about any aspect of a product they pay for. Believe it or not, your opinion of whether a complaint is justified, is completely irrelevant.


Personally I would hate to do end game content with anyone so arrogant that they believe anything they don't agree with is just QQing and impatience.


Oh and please could somebody give me the link for where it tells you that in order to complain about a product you pay for, you must first have been a hardcore MMO player for the last X amount of years and have played Y amount of MMOs. I've looked everywhere, but I still can't seem to find it.

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You have to expect patches like this after a major update. Never played a MMO that drops a big update and all is sunshine.


Shame that BW gave away a free day last week for a "hot"fix. Now every time the server hiccups the mouthbreathers will be on here crying for their 10p refund.

Edited by Chindi
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If you bought a new car and if it was in the shop as much as this game goes down you would call it a lemon, remember it's pay to play not free to play, normal maintenance is to be expected but issues like alot of these should have been worked out in test. Am i going to stop playing SW no way but things do need to improve.


I like this analogy....er, except for the fact that it's not a new car....oh and it's not just yours but theirs and ours,.....um and we mostly rent it, .....and it's meant to change with regularity and is relatively new, making regular down time part of the deal.


I would like to see things stabilize, and would welcome a change in timing for these,....but I hardly think bad analogies are gonna help us grok this into anything other than an inconvenience...one that I assume would change if it could.


Fix bugs = good

Edited by ChakraFive
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