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maintenance, why so much


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So you honestly have no characters on any server? Find it hard to believe. The product has been playable to you since day one. Just cause they have to bring servers down here and there, doesn't mean you aren't getting your moneys worth. Cause when they bring em back up, you have more to play than you did when you bought it. And thats true for any content added, bug fixes, items added, options added. Eitherway, you are getting what your $15 a month pays for. Believe it or not, this thread was started because someones being a baby bout not being able to play for 4 hours. Theres 24 of those in a day, theres 7 of those 24's in a week, and 365 of those 24's in a year. I'm sure you'll get to play the game 90% of that time.


so apparently you did not pay an initial price when you bought the game? i have been playing the game a month i paid for the game and prepaid for 3 months so ive spent over 100$ on this game so far and this is the 7th time this has happened since i have started. 7 times as in 2 times this week, 2 times last week once the week before and 2 the week before that. thats a full week so the 15 beans only covers 3 weeks instead of the 30 days as advertised, not saying this is a game changer for me i do love this game and i have gotten time and have played but i do feel this is just a bit extensive, my main issue is i do not want to see this game lose any more accounts i would like to see it get bigger and bigger instead of smaller and smaller, they already have tons of dead servers due to population decreases and this is not going to make that any better .

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No, this thread was started because someone was unhappy with a 2nd downtime in as many days. Quit with all the arrogance and name calling. If you don't agree with the OP go start a thread on how little downtime SWTOR has compared to other MMOs instead of trying to belittle the complaints of other paying customers.


There you go, let's start yet another thread on the same topic. You do know they shut down topics of the same nature and revert us back to these. Thanks for playing, try again.

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And if you plan on playing let s say only 3 months then you arent paying 30 $ for 30 days but 70/90= you are then paying 53 $ a month so you know im kind of mad lol
But seriously its most certainly in the fine print that maintenace constitute regular and paid for time but all we saying is its a lot so please Bio make our day again by compensating Peace;)
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No, this thread was started because someone was unhappy with a 2nd downtime in as many days. Quit with all the arrogance and name calling. If you don't agree with the OP go start a thread on how little downtime SWTOR has compared to other MMOs instead of trying to belittle the complaints of other paying customers.



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so apparently you did not pay an initial price when you bought the game? i have been playing the game a month i paid for the game and prepaid for 3 months so ive spent over 100$ on this game so far and this is the 7th time this has happened since i have started. 7 times as in 2 times this week, 2 times last week once the week before and 2 the week before that. thats a full week so the 15 beans only covers 3 weeks instead of the 30 days as advertised, not saying this is a game changer for me i do love this game and i have gotten time and have played but i do feel this is just a bit extensive, my main issue is i do not want to see this game lose any more accounts i would like to see it get bigger and bigger instead of smaller and smaller, they already have tons of dead servers due to population decreases and this is not going to make that any better .


Leaving the pvp rewards changes the way they were would have cost them more customers than would quit over an extra 2 hour and 15 min down time. And the ones that would quit over an extra couple hours a week to fix major issues are the type of people that the game would do better without anyway.

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Shall I grab my silver spoon as well. Like I said, do YOUR homeworks... I did mine already.


And like I said the interwebs a big place, I have done some looking and on ALL the official posts I could find there was nothing , so either you are smoking something, or you are pulling facts out of thin air, care to prove me wrong?

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lol you actually are ok with 28 hours of downtime in three weeks ?


ok i give up :)


For me anyway it's not the downtime (maintenance is needed i know) it is the fact that almost everytime they add any patch (not just an update, but a small patch) they screw the job up and close down 2 or 3 days later to fix it.


That is my complaint, rank amateurs they are making themselves look imo.


lol at least its not like that one time in EQ2 where the servers were down for like 2 or 3 days straight!...actually i think they did it twice....



It better not end up that way BW.... >_>

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Leaving the pvp rewards changes the way they were would have cost them more customers than would quit over an extra 2 hour and 15 min down time. And the ones that would quit over an extra couple hours a week to fix major issues are the type of people that the game would do better without anyway.


Yeah, looking at the patch log, some of them definitely should have gone in ASAP. I just think they should try to implement rolling patch deployment on times with less traffic per region.

Edited by UltimateLemon
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And I've had 24 hours downtime in the 112 hours of game time that I have had available to play. So 78% uptime for me. Not good at all.


Never said I was okay with it. Let's now count it in with my free time instead of 24 hours a day...

Let's pin free time on 5 hours a day average. It means I only had 80% server availability (theoretically)


(Filler cause of quotes, filllleeeeeeeeeeeeer)

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so apparently you did not pay an initial price when you bought the game? i have been playing the game a month i paid for the game and prepaid for 3 months so ive spent over 100$ on this game so far and this is the 7th time this has happened since i have started. 7 times as in 2 times this week, 2 times last week once the week before and 2 the week before that. thats a full week so the 15 beans only covers 3 weeks instead of the 30 days as advertised, not saying this is a game changer for me i do love this game and i have gotten time and have played but i do feel this is just a bit extensive, my main issue is i do not want to see this game lose any more accounts i would like to see it get bigger and bigger instead of smaller and smaller, they already have tons of dead servers due to population decreases and this is not going to make that any better .


And not to brag, or think i'm more entitled to opinions than you buuuut.... you paid a lil over $100, good, I payed $162 for the collector's addition, and an additional 6month sub. I should be just as upset as you if i were being wronged or ripped off, but despite me paying atleast $100 more than you did, i am not, cause I know these games need downtime expected or not. I agree with you totaly on seeing this game get bigger, but they can't do that without inputing things that should have been in upon release. I was a major fan of the game till it came out. I stopped playing for a couple months after the earlly release week and another 2 weeks after. The reason was because the game was flawed, unfinished and there was little to do with the functions/opyions. They have made it better within a couple months, enough for me to stand coming back after paying over $200 before seeing it.


While I feel the pain of those that want the game to flourish and bugs to be fixed, I can't sit here and flame bioware when they are actually doing it. Not instantly like this world wants it, but they have done alot. Instead of comparing downtimes to the time YOU personally CAN play, lets throw the fixes and content added into the equation and see what we get.

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My bad I paid 30 dollars for 90 days not 30 dollars for 86 days? sorry for the math.


Stop complaining. The game will be 100% usuable at 2am. Quit your job, leave school, go on the dole, do what you need to do to get the product you are paying for.

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Except the world event issue with vendor overcharging, all of these could have waited until Tuesday


The sound issue makes people quit the game and relog freequently. The more times someone has to quit the game for some reason, the higher the chanses they don't come back.


Considering they said on Monday that the PVP issues would be addressed in a couple days, no they could not. The sad part is the didn't even fix everything they said they would. Or at least according to the patch notes they didn't. They have had ninja fixes before.


They already lost several (probably thousands) of customers over 1.2 pvp changes and if they went back on their word (again) they would lose even more.


Just because you don't think the changes were needed at this time does not suddenly make you the representative for the majority of the playerbase.

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And like I said the interwebs a big place, I have done some looking and on ALL the official posts I could find there was nothing , so either you are smoking something, or you are pulling facts out of thin air, care to prove me wrong?


It was said before this in a Q&A blog, but this is new and didn't see it so I stand corrected, but here's the new news bout regional server downtimes.


Rtwozero - Any plans to implement region by region maintenance times?


Blaine Christine (Sr. Producer, Live Services): At this time there are no plans to implement separate maintenance times by region. Star Wars: The Old Republic is a global service with no restrictions on a player’s server choice.


Unfortunately the trade-off is that we have to maintain a single service environment, which leads to global maintenance periods. We are very sensitive to the fact that we are limiting play time once per week with a global scheduled maintenance.


We have carefully examined global peak times and the number of players affected by our planned downtime. Those of you that have been with us since launch may have noticed that the first few patches were scheduled at 4 AM CST; we very quickly adjusted to 2 AM CST. The reason for this adjustment was an analysis of the peak time play patterns by region that resulted in the current start time.


We understand that this is especially concerning to players in the European and newly opened Asia/Pacific server regions. We will always do our best to minimize the downtime, but it is the only way that we can perform critical service updates on the game client and on the game’s network infrastructure, underlying platform systems and so on.


Thank you for bringing your concerns to us – we will always listen and do our best to make adjustments when possible, but at this time, we have to move forward with a single global maintenance period.

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There you go, let's start yet another thread on the same topic. You do know they shut down topics of the same nature and revert us back to these. Thanks for playing, try again.


On the same topic? Not at all, your topic would be on how little downtime SWTOR has in comparison to other games, clearly a subject you feel very passionately about, and clearly a totally different topic to this particular thread.


FYI I couldn't care less about how much downtime WOW had in the 17th century, or how much Rift has or any other game. I subscribe to this game, this is the game I pay for, and so this is the game I'm concerned with. Paying customers have a right to complain about a product they pay for, regardless of how petty or unrealistic those complaints might be. Whether or not you agree with the OP, he is exercising his right to complain about a product he pays for. You however are not, you are just insulting and belittling people you don't agree with.

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"Corrected an audio issue that could cause a loud, perpetual "jet engine" sound that is most noticeable on the Republic and Imperial Fleets."

I think that update not enough. When you are in group many sound fxs are missing.

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so apparently you did not pay an initial price when you bought the game? i have been playing the game a month i paid for the game and prepaid for 3 months so ive spent over 100$ on this game so far and this is the 7th time this has happened since i have started. 7 times as in 2 times this week, 2 times last week once the week before and 2 the week before that. thats a full week so the 15 beans only covers 3 weeks instead of the 30 days as advertised, not saying this is a game changer for me i do love this game and i have gotten time and have played but i do feel this is just a bit extensive, my main issue is i do not want to see this game lose any more accounts i would like to see it get bigger and bigger instead of smaller and smaller, they already have tons of dead servers due to population decreases and this is not going to make that any better .


Except you are not representing it correctly.


Yes, the patch to implement 1.2 caused more downtime than normal.


BUT that is fairly common in the MMO world. Major patches often incur longer downtime to implement AND have issues in the hours or days following that need to be corrected.


However instead of "days", it is hours. Not only hours, but in this instance--do to the unforseen downtime last week--you were compensated for the downtime. While servers were down for 8-ish hours, compensation of 24-hours is being given. AND, provided you meet the criteria, you're also getting another 30-days free.


Keep in mind that normally the maintenance windows do not last as long as they are stated to possibly be. I've seen 4-hour windows where they actually were only down for 45 minutes, and 8 hour windows actually only ranging from 4 to 8. You can count on there being a maintenance window on Tuesdays (US time). Other downtime is either emergency hotfix/patches or announced long in advance.


So, shall we look again at the argument again and see who's coming out ahead on this deal?


However, if you really feel that a few hours even a couple days a week is robbing you of a day of play-time each occurance, I'm sure you can try petition Bioware for a refund of that 50 cents a day cost . . . .

Edited by Onyx
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On the same topic? Not at all, your topic would be on how little downtime SWTOR has in comparison to other games, clearly a subject you feel very passionately about, and clearly a totally different topic to this particular thread.


FYI I couldn't care less about how much downtime WOW had in the 17th century, or how much Rift has or any other game. I subscribe to this game, this is the game I pay for, and so this is the game I'm concerned with. Paying customers have a right to complain about a product they pay for, regardless of how petty or unrealistic those complaints might be. Whether or not you agree with the OP, he is exercising his right to complain about a product he pays for. You however are not, you are just insulting and belittling people you don't agree with.


Ok well I'm insulting and belittling people who are too weak to stand up for themselves. Paying monthly for a game that you claim to not be able to play, or has too much downtime for you, or is not meeting your expectations is like throwing your face into the bullies fist. Sorry for belittling such a strong sense of character these qq'rs hold oh so high. Go join the kids that don't have anymore lunch money, ima take yours and go lvl some more, thx bye

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