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Penalty for leaving a warzone early.


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plenalties for leaving such as like the OP is suggesting means that my War hero toons will not be queuing and I will log in for my twice a week raids and will give up on PVP. they have already done much to suck the fun out. a deserter debuff because i just got another freaking Huttball match and I just cant stomach another; no thanks. as I said that will equal no more queuing up.
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Leaving a warzone before the match ends should cost 500 warzone commendations that gets distributed to the people you abandon in game. I don't care what the excuse is. I don't care how bad the match looks. When people leave warzones early it screws the people you leave behind as well as the people who end up back-filling the match you raged quit.


So I DC, get kicked back to character selection, the game randomly crashes, or windows restarts my computer and I lose two to three hours worth of commendations? Go **** yourself OP. I would quit the second something like this got implemented.

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Leaving a warzone before the match ends should cost 500 warzone commendations that gets distributed to the people you abandon in game. I don't care what the excuse is. I don't care how bad the match looks. When people leave warzones early it screws the people you leave behind as well as the people who end up back-filling the match you raged quit.


if it cost 500 for leaving no one would join and this is an utter stupid idea. people have the right to leave because this reward system is pathetic. no one wants to give it everything they have and at the end of the game get 20 comms.

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People wouldn't be so quick to leave a match early if they had to pay warzone coms to do so. Therefore it would cut down on the losing matches you get thrown into.


Would not have to worry about being thrown into a losing WZ no one will be queing up for them to begin with. Hate to break this to you but casual SWTOR players outnumber the hardcore people even though everyone will say they are hardcore anyways.

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Im sorry OP, but when you pay my sub I might put a bit more effort into making a WZ more fun for you. ~25 comms for loosing is a waste of my time. If my team is loosing badly and were just getting farmed, there is no way i'm sticking around. Pre 1.2 I would have stayed. Now? Lol, i'm out of there faster then a new guy in a prison shower. I'm not meaning I leave every game I loose, because unlike some people I don't give a **** if we loose, so long as i've had fun. Pay my sub and I'll stick around in a farm fest.
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If you leave a Warzone match you should


X. Lose all commendations you have

X. Lose all PvP gear you have

X. Lose all valor points (reset to valor rank 0)


If you leave a warzone 2 times in a row you should


X. Not be able to log in for 1 year

X. While not being able to log in, you still have to pay for the 1 year


If you leave a warzone 3 times in a row you should


X. Get a delete penalty that deletes your main character and all other character you have created

X. All friends you have on your friends list, and in your guild should also suffer a Delete penalty

X. You could get up to 100 years in jail, or if you live in US you could face Death Penalty


//Zomg Hardcore gamer (Aka Moms basement "Fail in real life" Weak and insecure.


Casuals rule the market, without us there wouldn't be games out there.

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If you leave a Warzone match you should


X. Lose all commendations you have

X. Lose all PvP gear you have

X. Lose all valor points (reset to valor rank 0)


If you leave a warzone 2 times in a row you should


X. Not be able to log in for 1 year

X. While not being able to log in, you still have to pay for the 1 year


If you leave a warzone 3 times in a row you should


X. Get a delete penalty that deletes your main character and all other character you have created

X. All friends you have on your friends list, and in your guild should also suffer a Delete penalty

X. You could get up to 100 years in jail, or if you live in US you could face Death Penalty


//Zomg Hardcore gamer (Aka Moms basement "Fail in real life" Weak and insecure.


Casuals rule the market, without us there wouldn't be games out there.


Wow that seems a little harsh! ROFL LMAO

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I stuck one out today, got 11 medals, lost the match and got 42 comms and 257 creds. I'm soooo glad I didn't quit.


Wow again, that's quite a reward for all your hard work and commitment! Fight the good fight it's all worth it in the end!


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The penalty for leaving a warzone should be immediate log from game, and your account frozen until one of the following occurs:


1. A representative of Bioware knocks on your door with a burly bouncer type and asks you many personal questions including but not limited to, your brand of tooth paste, the type of beer you drink and of course the last time your were visited by little green men.


2. You give all your PVP gear to the first noob you meet as soon as they let you log back in, or be locked out again within 15 mins.


3. You roll an opposite faction toon and grind to 50 within a (1) week period and PVP with this new toon exclusively.


4. You promise to never leave a warzone again or you will donate one of your kidneys to a nearby hospital.


This should put the fear of GOD into anyone even considering leaving a warzone for anything besides your wife nagging you to come to the table dinners ready!


I thought this was just a game, I could be mistaken!


Copied from another post of mine!

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Penalty for leaving a warzone is just stupid. All that would happen if there was a penalty would be people afking in the warzone which is imo worse than getting a new player. You would likely end up vote kicking that player and be in the exact same position as if they had just left on their own.
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penalty for leaving a warzone is just stupid. All that would happen if there was a penalty would be people afking in the warzone which is imo worse than getting a new player. You would likely end up vote kicking that player and be in the exact same position as if they had just left on their own.



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so what most of you are saying is... you want the same reward as the winners or you are going to keep wuitting warzones. this just sounds stupid to me. these quitters of warzones are so self centered. they basically want to get free gear win or lose. most of you are blowing smoke to begin with cause in a losing match i average 70 comms. the rewards for losing is not near as bad as what you people are saying. maybe if you were better at PvP you would earn more comms by getting more than 1 medal. most of these people that quit will just type in chat for the first couple minutes telling everyone they suck then leave the warzone. well if those people would not spend time typing and go try to fight they would earn more medals to earn more comms.


we all know this is all wishfull thinking cause these people that quit warzones think they should be entiled to the same reward as the winners or else its not worth their time.


personaly i want a penalty put in place for one reason only.....to make these people stop queing all together.


people leaving hurts in too many ways. it causes other people to que into a WZ that is already lost. i don't blame the people that this happens to one bit for leaving. it was not there game to start with. then it also causes the ones that stay to deal with the fact they wont have much of a chance to win. don't get me wrong i have que'd into a few that we made come backs and won. for the most part it will be a loss when these people quit.


only people that should be punished are the ones that start a match and use the leave warzone button or afk out.


no penalties for people that que into a warzone in progress and leave or afk out.

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