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Tank Assassins (and Shadows) are ruining PvP.


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The biggest reason why Tankasins are overpowered is that even when you beat them, you still lose. Tankasin have at least double the survivality compared to most DPS classes..............!!!!!!!!!!!! and there's no way any Tankasin does twice the DPS of any good DPS. !!!!!!!!!! .




hahahahaha i loled so hard....

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Force Shroud needs to change from an on demand ability to activating only when a player enters stealth during combat and it cancels when stealth cancels or the x sec are up.


This would hurt Shadows and Assassins in PvE too much unless they gave them another defensive CD.


I do think something needs to be done with this ability though. Maybe take out the CC Immunity and/or give it a longer cooldown with a longer duration. Like a 2 or 3 minute CD with a 10 second duration would put it more in line with other tanks Def. cooldowns. In PvP it's annoying to deal with this ability once only to have it refresh again before I can finish 'em off.


Other than Force Shroud, I think the tank spec is where it needs to be in terms of survivability. The problem is that their damage potential greatly exceeds that of other tank specs when geared for DPS. I don't know what kind of numbers Shadows put out in PvE tanking gear, so I can't just say "NERF THEIR DAMAGE!", but perhaps lessen their burst and give them more threat generation. There's really no reason a tank spec should have significant burst damage, especially when its peers don't even come close.


As a Guardian in Soresu stance, I can run a Defense or hybrid build, which will give me roughly the same survivability as an Assassin, but I'll have terrible damage to compensate. Or, I can run a Vigilance build(and I do) and sacrifice a lot of the survivability for just a bit more DPS than an Assassin. Either way, the Assassin will have an advantage because they get great base defenses while still retaining the ability to deal solid damage.


All this said, Guardians are a pretty good match-up against Assassins. We don't get completely screwed by Force Shroud, but we have enough yellow attacks to bypass their high defenses. However, in a 1v1 the only way I'll beat a tank Assassin is with either a gear or skill advantage. If I'm fighting someone who is equally skilled in the same level gear, I'll usually lose by a small margin, occasionally winning only when I can crit and shield enough to force them to under 30% first because I have a better execute.


I'm not gonna act like they're invincible gods like the rest of the forums, but clearly there is a problem when a class that already has great group utilty is so potent in both offensive and defensive endeavors. That's my two credits on the subject, anyway.

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So not true, A sin tank can easily get killed by a DPS Jugg.


lol You could not have picked an easier class for a Tankassin to down. My Assassin destroys Guards...of any spec. If you play a Tankassin and are losing to Guards on a regular basis, you're doing it so very wrong.

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