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What level do you think sentinel becomes viable for PvP


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I'm admittedly new to sentinel (been commando up to this point) and just wanted to know at what point a sentinel can be a useful member in WZ's. I'm currently level 15 and have played some WZ's but I feel like my toolbelt is pretty empty (i guess that'll probably get a "duh" response). I was just curious if there's a level where you unlock ability "X" that is the tipping point for becoming a genuinely useful team member.
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Sorry, I should have specified that I'm going Watchman spec. It's a blast after playing ranged dps for so long. I got stomped pretty well in the WZ's that I played, but I can already see the potential with a full arsenal of abilities. It's also quite a nice change of pace having so many instant abilities after standing there as a commando waiting for so many abilies with cast times.
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Technically you'll be pretty "useful" in a team-based sense starting at 14. Spammable snare means you're a pretty good peeler, and you're damage is still quite good overall.


But as others have mentioned, you turn a major corner at 40 when you get your final talent. At that point you also have Stasis and Pacify, as well as a bunch of support talents. Two more levels and you get Awe, and at 46 you pick up Dispatch. From 46-49 is the golden era, where you'll probably dominate everyone if you understand how to use your class. Make friends with good tanks and healers. If you can get one of each in a WZ with you that you can trust you'll be able to destroy pretty much anything you come into contact with.

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After 40/43 due to 31 pointers/focused slash, awe, force camo, and guarded by the force. This is especially true for combat since most of the skill tree doesn't work reliably without blade rush at all, though it quickly becomes the most dangerous spec because of the cheap, and fast direct damage, and being far harder to kite than anything else before, and especially after the buffs.
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