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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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...some of the folks from SWG might disagree and I can't argue that never having played it.
I played SWG quite a lot. SWG was way more "Star Wars breaking" than SW:TOR is. It completely obliterated the canon of the three first movies. And it got even worse when they made Jedi available to everybody.

For Star Wars fitting lore, I'd take SW:TOR anyday over SWG, without thinking twice.


And I'm also an old fart who saw "A New Hope" back then.

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I am against removing it. I hate the fact it effects pvp. But there are many players that want to take part in the event and they rightfully should have that choice.


There needs to be a way that players that dont want to take part if events like this can opt out of them.

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Sorry Mum! :)


Yeah and no and yeah......meh......I guess I can be glad they developed this zombie stuff early on and get it outta the way, so I don't have to suffer through this for years ( lets hope).


Heh. Don't you hate it when older people make sense? I know I do and I am one. Hard to flippin' argue with 'em...at least as I was raised. :p


This was a relatively simple event to do for 'em. That's why I am hoping they won't be discouraged by some of the really nasty stuff people who don't like are saying. I want to see them do more...many more! And I want to see them really dig into the lore and go with it.

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Did you read the post in full? I even offered a suggestion for a PROPER story. Obviously you did not. Plus you quoted third party 'semi' official literature which cannot be taken as CANON. Period. I really hate comments like this.
I see what kind of fan you are now, all right, nothing wrong, but...

No matter what YOU think the canon should be, everything I told in my previous post is approved by Lucasfilm as being canon. What you think only matters... for you. I respect your opinion, I respect that you don't like some stuff, but stop pretending it's not canon just because you don't like it - because that I can't respect, since it's nonsense.

There are people who didn't like the prequel movies either (maybe you're part of them) and pretend only the 3 original movies are "Star Wars"... well, those people are also wrong. The canon Star Wars timeline expands over millenniums, way beyond what the 3 years of the original trilogy encompasses.

Edited by Korrigan
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I played SWG quite a lot. SWG was way more "Star Wars breaking" than SW:TOR is. It completely obliterated the canon of the three first movies. And it got even worse when they made Jedi available to everybody.

For Star Wars fitting lore, I'd take SW:TOR anyday over SWG, without thinking twice.


And I'm also an old fart who saw "A New Hope" back then.


Ah, thanks. I do recall the 'Net ripples with the NGE business but didn't go into further than "wow, bunch of people REALLY upset by this". Don't recall what was occupying my time at that point.


Thanks for clearing me up. :)

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You could look at it another way. :) Where you call it a "Biofail", I see it as an opportunity to address the "no one ever talks to anyone it's like a SRPG" grouse. People are talking now, sharing vaccines, information and hell, even sharing the plague. Heh.


And making up for shortcomings can be a good thing sometimes...it stretches us. But all that philosophical codswallop aside, I understand your gripe but I think it offered a good opportunity to interact with others. I saw one fellow trying to sell vaccine and I thought the mob was going to rip him apart BUT at least it was as it can be in SWTOR sometimes...utterly quiet.


And you're most welcome, I would have been glad to help.


Yeah I guess the increase in communication is a valid point PRO the event. But again: I am not against A event-on the contrary, just stop wasting time dedicating soooo much resources to a theme that matters NOT. Rakghouls are a joke of KotOR. As stated plenty of times. I want epic stuff and want it now, as I do not inted to waste years with this game as I did with WoW. I am beyond that. Let's hope its over soon, and they come to senses at BioWare(FAIL!!!!!). :D Could not resist as I really hate the devs at present. :D

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Ah, thanks. I do recall the 'Net ripples with the NGE business but didn't go into further than "wow, bunch of people REALLY upset by this". Don't recall what was occupying my time at that point.


Thanks for clearing me up. :)

SWG was already lore breaking before NGE. Also Lucasfilm never considered SWG content to be canon, to the opposite of all the content of the KOTOR games before and of SW:TOR now.
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Yeah I guess the increase in communication is a valid point PRO the event. But again: I am not against A event-on the contrary, just stop wasting time dedicating soooo much resources to a theme that matters NOT. Rakghouls are a joke of KotOR. As stated plenty of times. I want epic stuff and want it now, as I do not inted to waste years with this game as I did with WoW. I am beyond that. Let's hope its over soon, and they come to senses at BioWare(FAIL!!!!!). :D Could not resist as I really hate the devs at present. :D
You are again wrong here... you seem to think that only what you think matters should matter, and everything else is crap. Very bad way of thinking, specially for someone old enough to have seen A New Hope in movie theaters. "I want it now" won't do you any good (I learned that as a kid... long ago). In a MMORPG, a game made not for you, but for millions of players, you will sometimes get content you like, and sometimes some you like less. You'll have to accept that the world, including for this game, doesn't revolve around what YOU want.

You can bet that considering the success of this event, Bioware will continue this storyline.

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Yeah I guess the increase in communication is a valid point PRO the event. But again: I am not against A event-on the contrary, just stop wasting time dedicating soooo much resources to a theme that matters NOT. Rakghouls are a joke of KotOR. As stated plenty of times. I want epic stuff and want it now, as I do not inted to waste years with this game as I did with WoW. I am beyond that. Let's hope its over soon, and they come to senses at BioWare(FAIL!!!!!). :D Could not resist as I really hate the devs at present. :D


This may be naive on my part but what the hell, I'm sure someone'll gleefully tear me a new one but isn't LA able to object if BW goes silly buggers on content?


And I respect the devs. This is not an easy job at all. In fact devlopment at that level pretty much consumes one's life (yes, I know, they chose to do it :) ) and I respect that they are working toward attempting to provide entertainment for people who have become very, very jaded over the years. Then again, I'm a bit prejudiced in that direction by working in and around dev. CS/TS and fora for most of my working career.


And I got a whole hellvua lot more patient with age. LOL!

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I see what kind of fan you are now, all right, nothing wrong, but...

No matter what YOU think the canon should be, everything I told in my previous post is approved by Lucasfilm as being canon. What you think only matters... for you. I respect your opinion, I respect that you don't like some stuff, but stop pretending it's not canon just because you don't like it - because that I can't respect, since it's nonsense.

There are people who didn't like the prequel movies either (maybe you're part of them) and pretend only the 3 original movies are "Star Wars"... well, those people are also wrong. The canon Star Wars timeline expands over millenniums, way beyond what the 3 years of the original trilogy encompasses.


I just hate the Starkiller trilogy. (Yes I am aware there are only two games but we all know TFU III is coming)

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I see what kind of fan you are now, all right, nothing wrong, but...

No matter what YOU think the canon should be, everything I told in my previous post is approved by Lucasfilm as being canon. What you think only matters... for you. I respect your opinion, I respect that you don't like some stuff, but stop pretending it's not canon just because you don't like it - because that I can't respect, since it's nonsense.

There are people who didn't like the prequel movies either (maybe you're part of them) and pretend only the 3 original movies are "Star Wars"... well, those people are also wrong. The canon Star Wars timeline expands over millenniums, way beyond what the 3 years of the original trilogy encompasses.


Yeah they butchered with the prequles a lot that is true. A lot could have been made/told much more sensibly and with more depth(the development of Anakin and Amidala's love story seemed rushed, Jar Jar Binks was an insult to anyone's intelligence, and the scene with Mace Windu and Palpatine in Episode 3 could have been soooo much more but I can live with that and still enjoy the movies). Calling my opinion nonsense albeit understandable and fully explained and coherent is a clear sign of ignorance and thus I will treat you in the same way from now on. And it's MILLENNIA not MILLENIUMS btw. :) Plus you obviously don't know but the original 3 movies spanned a lot more than 3 years. LMAO This is actually kinda laughable. Get your facts straight boy. :)

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I still don't understand how people are managing to explode in the first place, I keep trying to, but the plauge just keeps bugging out and never moves past the state it is in. :confused:


It seems that the more you move around (zoning etc.) the more likely it is you'll remain in the "lightheaded" stage and not progress to the "feverish/gonna explode" stage. People are saying if you get stuck in the first phase, get a vaccine, use it, right click on it, get re-infected and it should go fine.


Don't hurt me if that doesn't work. :)

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Problem with this event is... NOT for all. I'm low level and what can I do other then get sick and die??????? I can't get to Tatooine............. the hell?! :mad:


Yeah, that is frustrating isn't it. I ran into that in WoW. Cool stuff happening and I couldn't do anything with it except fall over a lot. LOL!


Eh, this is not likely to be the only event...keep on playing and next time around you'll be able to participate. What's your highest level char.?

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I just hate the Starkiller trilogy. (Yes I am aware there are only two games but we all know TFU III is coming)


I just finished reading two of the books...was a bit...uhm...I can't think of a good word actually. Stretched? Like an idea occurred and was reverse engineered to cover the idea?


Not sure why so many like Starkiller, I was bemused. But hey, to each their own.

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You are again wrong here... you seem to think that only what you think matters should matter, and everything else is crap. Very bad way of thinking, specially for someone old enough to have seen A New Hope in movie theaters. "I want it now" won't do you any good (I learned that as a kid... long ago). In a MMORPG, a game made not for you, but for millions of players, you will sometimes get content you like, and sometimes some you like less. You'll have to accept that the world, including for this game, doesn't revolve around what YOU want.

You can bet that considering the success of this event, Bioware will continue this storyline.


I know. Full aware. Totally agree. Very sad about it. Another game I ditch because of that and another childhood dream thrown in the dust, trampled and destroyed. Maybe I am too idealistic. Probably to my grave but AT LEAST I AM TRUE TO MYSELF! How about you? ")

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Yeah they butchered with the prequles a lot that is true. A lot could have been made/told much more sensibly and with more depth(the development of Anakin and Amidala's love story seemed rushed, Jar Jar Binks was an insult to anyone's intelligence, and the scene with Mace Windu and Palpatine in Episode 3 could have been soooo much more but I can live with that and still enjoy the movies).
Your opinion, respectable so far. No problem here.


Calling my opinion nonsense albeit understandable and fully explained and coherent is a clear sign of ignorance and thus I will treat you in the same way from now on.
I don't call your opinion nonsense. I say that if you pretend your opinion prevails over what Lucasfilm says is canon, then yes, you talk nonsense. You can disagree with Lucas, hell, I do on many things too (I notably dislike the whole "resurrected emperor" storyline), but if Lucas says it is canon, well, then it is, no matter what I think, which doesn't stop me from skipping that part I don't like. Unlike you, I don't pretend holding the ultimate truth about SW and everything else is crap.


And it's MILLENNIA not MILLENIUMS btw. :)
Sorry, but English is not my first language and I sometimes make mistakes. I suppose you speak German and French as well as I speak English, right?


Plus you obviously don't know but the original 3 movies spanned a lot more than 3 years. LMAO This is actually kinda laughable. Get your facts straight boy. :)
A New Hope storyline + destruction of the first Death Star : 0 BBY/ABY.

Destruction of the second Death Star : 4ABY.

So you are right, the first three movies span over 4 years, not 3, my bad (actually a silly miscalculation from typing too fast). It's not really "a lot more" though, just 4 instead of 3... seems to me that you should revisit your information source too, specially before using condescending name calling against other people.

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I just finished reading two of the books...was a bit...uhm...I can't think of a good word actually. Stretched? Like an idea occurred and was reverse engineered to cover the idea?


Not sure why so many like Starkiller, I was bemused. But hey, to each their own.

The books are pretty bad indeed, because they simply try to tell the story of the games, straight as it is. It's poor writing. The games are pretty good though, and there the story makes a lot more sense.

If you want to turn a game into a book, you have to do better than just copying the game.


We are going seriously out of topic though, so this discussion is over for me - back to the Rakghoul plague! :)

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I just finished reading two of the books...was a bit...uhm...I can't think of a good word actually. Stretched? Like an idea occurred and was reverse engineered to cover the idea?


Not sure why so many like Starkiller, I was bemused. But hey, to each their own.


It's Sam Witwer.


The man is a genius actor. Have you seen him in the American version of Being Human or his role as Doomsday on Smallville?

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It seems that the more you move around (zoning etc.) the more likely it is you'll remain in the "lightheaded" stage and not progress to the "feverish/gonna explode" stage. People are saying if you get stuck in the first phase, get a vaccine, use it, right click on it, get re-infected and it should go fine.


Don't hurt me if that doesn't work. :)


Yeah, unfortunately it just re-bugs for me 75% of the time, seemingly even if I just tab out of game and back.


If you don't zone (or use any sort of loading screen, such as quick travel, or tabing out of game) at all for the duration it generally doens't bug....... but that's a lot of time on tatooine doing not a lot. :(

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The books are pretty bad indeed, because they simply try to tell the story of the games, straight as it is. It's poor writing. The games are pretty good though, and there the story makes a lot more sense.

If you want to turn a game into a book, you have to do better than just copying the game.


We are going seriously out of topic though, so this discussion is over for me - back to the Rakghoul plague! :)


Yeah, we are OT on this, I agree. I didn't know that they were "to fit the game/movie". That exactly explains how they felt.


/shuts up about this as well and apologises for the derailment.

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It's Sam Witwer.


The man is a genius actor. Have you seen him in the American version of Being Human or his role as Doomsday on Smallville?


No...and no. I don't have television and don't live anywhere near a cinema. No (sigh) Netflix either. I could download 'em I s'pose but meh our connectivity is not the greatest.


Yes, I DO live on the backside of nowhere.


Oh...I must confess, I just accidentally nailed someone in game. I apologised, gave 'em 10 vaccines and am going to see if my connect allows for Tattooine today.

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