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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Then help encourage the Griefers to stop, as we are all in this together.


I do report griefers. Here, in this case, I really don't think that a mechanic that BW themselves put in the game (the Plaguebearer Quest) is going to be actioned by BW as "griefing".


I suspect that BW is shaking their heads and making a note that there are some folk who really do need "extra" protection and will consider "opt-out" options in future. I hope so but in the meantime trying to shoehorn an opinion that flies in the face of BW's design is an exercise in futility.

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Considering it has exceeded 1000 posts three times and been reopened so that this is the fourth iteration of the thread, I'm nothing but amazed...


Obviously, it's not being monitored - except for the autoscript checking for certain keywords.

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It is a fun event, and it didn't cause any hindrance in any way to my play. I honestly can't see how it could be an issue with others.


When someone flags you for PvP on a PvE server because of it, and then immediately kills you because you apparently opted for PvP by having someone explode on you, it causes a few issues. Why would I use a vaccine to keep myself from PvPing when I'm on a PvE server? I want the infection, I do NOT want to get dragged into a fight.


If Mike Tyson sneezes on you, does that mean you have to unwillingly go twelve rounds with him in the ring?

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Actually, 2k per serum for something that was uninvited by another Player is a hinderance, be it a small or large percentage of the total purse.


And Griefing gaining a foothold in the MMO is a cost none should have to pay; hope those caught are banned.


I am curious, what type of server are you playing on?

The RP server i am on is having a blast. I wonder if the "griefing" is mostly centered around some specific type of servers.

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Obviously, it's not being monitored - except for the autoscript checking for certain keywords.


Oh, it is being monitored...or at least was up 'til night before last. :) I had a message deleted for being a bit too "wandering" off topic. :) And fair play...it was.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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I am curious, what type of server are you playing on?

The RP server i am on is having a blast. I wonder if the "griefing" is mostly centered around some specific type of servers.


I got ganked (about 15 times whilst trying to get the hell outta there) on Tattooine on Sunday on Frostclaw (PvE/EU). I had no idea how it happened and kept trying to get somewhere where there weren't a bunch of 50s in a kill-frenzy. LOL! It was mad crazy!

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I'll be glad when the 24th hits. Last night my wife and I were playing on Tatooine where our next story quests were and were literally chased around Anchorhead after getting off our ships by three people trying to infect our characters because they were screaming in general TWO NON INFECTED WITHOUT VACCINE and the only recourse we had was to find the cantina and log. I absolutely love a game that encourages griefing of this level on a pve server. :rolleyes:


I truly hope the next time they do a world event it has absolutely no mechanism that encourages griefing and having your character be affected by something you choose not to participate in.


I have trouble believing this really happened.


1.) They cannot control when they explode.


2.) For pocket change (especially for people questing by Tatooine level), 6 hour immunity stims are plentiful. Then you could have laughed at those two players.


There is absolutely no reason to log out and claim disgust because two people were supposedly trying to chase you down. Even if they did explode, you would have ran out of the range of their infection before they exploded.

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When someone flags you for PvP on a PvE server because of it, and then immediately kills you because you apparently opted for PvP by having someone explode on you, it causes a few issues. Why would I use a vaccine to keep myself from PvPing when I'm on a PvE server? I want the infection, I do NOT want to get dragged into a fight.


If Mike Tyson sneezes on you, does that mean you have to unwillingly go twelve rounds with him in the ring?


I am on an RP-PvE server and I got flagged a few times, i don't PvP and I didn't get any extreme issues with getting flagged. It is actually quite common to see people of different factions flagged and not pouncing on each other. I guess some servers have more immature people than others.

Edited by Naholen
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And see...I think there are a lot of players like this who donot like the way the event was done which can disrupt the play of others to the extent it does. Many donot come to the forum and complain. But the hassle does exist and could have been easiliy avoided with the right design of the event.


The entire point of a world event, especially a viral outbreak event, is to disrupt normal gameplay.


If it does not disrupt gameplay, then historically, such events are referred to as disasters as many people are clueless that the event ever happened until it is too late or over.

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My wife and I are avoiding fleet like the plague as well as home worlds because infected people are there as well trying to spread the infection. We could not even play last night after being chased around Anchorhead by people trying to affect us. This event is having literally the opposite effect for us that you are describing.


Why didn't you just pop an immunity stim and laugh at them for 6 hours?

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Oh, it is being monitored...or at least was up 'til night before last. :) I had a message deleted for being a bit too "wandering" off topic. :) And fair play...it was.


You were probably reported, I've been.. three times :eek:

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You have not been keeping track of this thread much it appears. The major issue is the spread of it to the Fleet. If it had been contained on Tattoonie, then this tread would not even exist.


Then it would not have been much of a world event, would it? It would have been a zone event, not a world event.


I'm sure the CDC and equivalent disease control centers of the world wish real life pandemics would stay quarantined to their respective countries too - would make everything neat and tidy to clean up.

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I could not care less if you believe me or not. I have no idea what those people were doing around the spaceport. Perhaps they were on their way to fleet to join in the mutual blow up fest or something. All I know is they started running after my wife and I and one of them shouted that in general. After that my wife and I got on speeders and found the cantina and logged after we looked back and saw them chasing us. You belief or disbelief is immaterial. It happened and we had to stop playing as a result.


So why didn't you just use an immunity stim?

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You were probably reported, I've been.. three times :eek:


If I was, I didn't get slapped for it (e.g. no private message).


I have been warned (not infracted) once and I still don't understand what I did. LOL! I quoted someone who'd said something pretty rank and I think the poor tired mod didn't notice I'd not said it.


Or...I am just an idiot and missed what I did wrong.

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Then help encourage the Griefers to stop, as we are all in this together.


They are not griefers.


If you are questing or doing PvE, pop a stim.


If you are PvPing, just go PvP. The random small stun that happens once every 10 minutes is insignificant. If you absolutely feel that you must be virus free while PvP'ing, then go idle on your ship and queue for PvP. If you don't have your ship, then I'd posit that you should be questing until you get your ship rather than doing PvP anyway.

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Why didn't you just pop an immunity stim and laugh at them for 6 hours?


Because our characters on that server are absolutely broke after buying speeders and leveling up crafting? This game has a plethora of credit sinks. I refuse to spend 2k credits on a stim that doesn't last through death and only lasts six hours. With training, speeder costs and crafting I believe I have around 7k total on that character and you expect me to waste about a third of my life savings on ONE stim that I'd have to rebuy if I die and only lasts six hours? :eek:


And to add my wife and I are able to do almost all heroics including 4s and the bonus series on planets. So we should have in theory more credits than most at our level for finishing all quests and doing heroics.

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Then it would not have been much of a world event, would it? It would have been a zone event, not a world event.


I'm sure the CDC and equivalent disease control centers of the world wish real life pandemics would stay quarantined to their respective countries too - would make everything neat and tidy to clean up.


They can make it as flashy, and noisy as they want if they want me to see it. But it should not force me into PVP mode if I do not want to.


The problem is forcing people into something they do not want to do. Would you like an event that allows me to force you into a PVE operation? or a PVE flashpoint? or space combat? No, I would not think so...


Edit: Just to clarify. I'm not saying the event should be removed, but it should just be tweaked so you cannot be forced into PVP. And that should apply to future events.

Edited by Raximillian
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Because our characters on that server are absolutely broke after buying speeders and leveling up crafting? This game has a plethora of credit sinks. I refuse to spend 2k credits on a stim that doesn't last through death and only lasts six hours. With training, speeder costs and crafting I believe I have around 7k total on that character and you expect me to waste about a third of my life savings on ONE stim that I'd have to rebuy if I die and only lasts six hours? :eek:


And to add my wife and I are able to do almost all heroics including 4s and the bonus series on planets. So we should have in theory more credits than most at our level for finishing all quests and doing heroics.


Ah so mid-20s and newly come to Tattooine. Yeah, I can relate. I had one character who was parked there when this all began and thought, well, hell...I'm level appropriate, I'll just have a go.


15 ganks later. LOL! And yeah, right after buying the speeder training(thanfully that's a bit cheaper now) and speeder, there's a level or so there where things are tighter than usual but it passes pretty quickly.

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Most of the people who have complained about this event do not know the dynamics of it. And instead of researching it, they have chosen to complain about it.


It is easier to scream that you are a victim and require special protection then to take a few moments to think and take action. Pretty sure the "chasers" got a pretty nice laugh. Not very manly, though...

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I am on an RP-PvE server and I got flagged a few times, i don't PvP and I didn't get any extreme issues with getting flagged. It is actually quite common to see people of different factions flagged and not pouncing on each other. I guess some servers have more immature people than others.


I'm on a RP-PvE server as well and my experience is the same as yours.


The only time I remember getting flagged during this event is when I was standing in a big infection circle at the Jawa vendor on Tatooine and I exploded on some flagged Imperials. I stood there for about an hour trading kills as we would kill each other off when we reached the feverish stage. I was rather surprised that we still earned DNA that way but considering the stupid high prices for the green-black crystals - I suspect they knew people were going to kill trade,

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I am curious, what type of server are you playing on?

The RP server i am on is having a blast. I wonder if the "griefing" is mostly centered around some specific type of servers.


I play on PvE, but the Griefing (ie; having the infection forced upon you) is occuring on all types of servers, I believe. It seems that if some mechanic can be explited, it will.....

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