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Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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I sent a dev a PM asking for an update on Chat Bubbles. That was like 3 days ago. No answer yet :/.


I'm going to go ahead and say that his inbox is swamped with other PMs from players, and he hasn't gotten around to answering my question yet. (I hope this is the case :D).

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I'm an RP player and I have to say - WE NEED CHAT BUBBLES!


There's an incredible lack of immersion when the only way we can roleplay with others is by scrolling through a tiny chat box in the corner of the screen, and sometimes we miss what some people say!


And somehow making the fleet stations look like a comic book is going to help emmersion?? For who?? Having any group area polluted with chat bubbles would be a tragedy.. Nobody NEEDS them.. If you can't talk to people in chat, then perhaps an MMO is not for you..


I don't have an issue with them as long as I can turn them off.. I don't went to see them.. If I want to read a comic book.. I'll buy one.. I have no problem talking to people in this game.. I find it odd that some people do unless there is a little bubble over their heads.. To each their own I suppose..


The problem with this arguement is, it is all based on opinion.. The only fact here is that nobody needs chat bubbles to play this game.. You all are playing it now without them.. Case closed.. Nobody needs them.. You all want them and that is fine.. But nobody needs them..


You do realize that if they add chat bubbles, most people are going to turn them off.. Unless you are on an RP server.. They might actually use them.. Who knows..


In either case.. Yes to chat bubbles with an option to turn them off.. Otherwise none at all.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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I agree 100% ive wanted this to ever since beta, please bioware add them, i find roleplaying without them pointless and frustrating, they add so much more to the social side and after playing MMO's for 10 years and every single mmo iv eplayed having them to now not have them is destroying for me.
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And somehow making the fleet stations look like a comic book is going to help emmersion??

And I'm sure you are one of those people who ride your speeder around on fleet station. Such immersion. Such canon. And walking into a cantina in SWG never looked like a comic book.


This delusion that "OMG ITS GONNA LOOK LIKE A COMIC BOOK!" is just a scare tactic (despite this game already does look like a comic book because of its graphical style).


The problem with this arguement is, it is all based on opinion.. The only fact here is that nobody needs chat bubbles to play this game.. You all are playing it now without them.. Case closed.. Nobody needs them.. You all want them and that is fine.. But nobody needs them..

Your opinion only. Which is not shared by the vast majority of players in all the threads about chat bubbles, including this one.


You do realize that if they add chat bubbles, most people are going to turn them off.. Unless you are on an RP server..

False speculation. The "majority" of players in mmos run the game stock value with very little adjustments. The forum community is only a small grouping of people who actually like their game changed, or changes options, or feature sets. Of that small forum community, maybe four people (in this thread, and the 109 other threads on bubbles since launch) said they would probably turn them off.


So, a minority of the minority will turn the chat bubbles off. So what, four people in a sea of hundreds of thousands of players?


The generic population (all of those you never hear from on forums or even in game) benefit from chat bubbles, as it enhances their vanilla game. They now see that other people in the game are actually talking to each other, face to face. It creates immersion, instead of random people standing facing corners apparently all talking in some tiny chat window somewhere.


As well, without chat bubbles they don't see if anyone is talking to THEM. So they go about their merry way playing an mmo mostly solo. Never experiencing how enhanced community interaction can actually suck them further into a game. Which is good business for bioware, as the more people hooked on endgame socializing, the more subscriptions last (heck, SWG wouldn't have lasted as long if it didn't have endgame socialization vastly due in part to its chat bubbles... its ALL it had haha).


So, coming in here, amongst all this positive support, and saying the majority will turn them off, is pretty stupid on your part. Thanks for trolling.


Oh, and RP is not the sole driver for this. Chat bubbles benefit everyone... even PvP players if you would open your mind to believe it. In SWG during the battle fields, people had chat bubbles on all the time so they could see the leaders shout out commands and direction without losing focus on center screen (where all the important action is going on). People actually would turn off their chat WINDOWS in pvp, so they could see more of the battlefield.


Oh, well, I'm done telling you how wrong you are. Have fun. Bye.

Edited by Frigidman
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Oh, and RP is not the sole driver for this. Chat bubbles benefit everyone... even PvP players if you would open your mind to believe it. In SWG during the battle fields, people had chat bubbles on all the time so they could see the leaders shout out commands and direction without losing focus on center screen (where all the important action is going on). People actually would turn off their chat WINDOWS in pvp, so they could see more of the battlefield.
Well said. Another group of players we also shouldn't forget about for which chat bubbles are even more important are those with certain neurological, visual and neuro-visual impairments that need to be able to have their chat appear where the action is on the screen in order to be able to play. Unfortunately, this group of players tends to be forgotten about as well. I know quite a few people with such conditions that were sadly forced to end their subscription due to the lack of chat bubbles/overhead chat text and would just love to return once the game is made more barrier-free for them, with chat bubbles being a first good step into the right direction.
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And somehow making the fleet stations look like a comic book is going to help emmersion?? For who?? Having any group area polluted with chat bubbles would be a tragedy.. Nobody NEEDS them.. If you can't talk to people in chat, then perhaps an MMO is not for you..


I don't have an issue with them as long as I can turn them off.. I don't went to see them.. If I want to read a comic book.. I'll buy one.. I have no problem talking to people in this game.. I find it odd that some people do unless there is a little bubble over their heads.. To each their own I suppose..


The problem with this arguement is, it is all based on opinion.. The only fact here is that nobody needs chat bubbles to play this game.. You all are playing it now without them.. Case closed.. Nobody needs them.. You all want them and that is fine.. But nobody needs them..


You do realize that if they add chat bubbles, most people are going to turn them off.. Unless you are on an RP server.. They might actually use them.. Who knows..


In either case.. Yes to chat bubbles with an option to turn them off.. Otherwise none at all.. :cool:


Why would most people turn them off? How am I supposed to manage the spam from general because of the lack of an LFG. Along with the spam from trade, AND try to see what people right next to me are trying to say?


I know already what everybodies response will be; make new chat windows. So I'm supposed to make a new chat window for all these, and clutter up the already clunky UI? Right, great idea!

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I know already what everybodies response will be; make new chat windows. So I'm supposed to make a new chat window for all these, and clutter up the already clunky UI? Right, great idea!


More chat channel tabs is not the way to solve this. Local chat bubbles are a must, and furthermore a industry standard.


The UI will see some customization options in the near future, but what we need with that are chat bubbles. It only makes sense.


If you don't like chat bubbles, fine....turn them off. But they should be "on" by default. People who don't like chat bubbles are like left handed people, everything in the world is right handed by default.

Edited by Vandrel-Blitz
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Bump for Chat Bubbles.


SWG did chat right. It was easy to read and did not clutter the screen. They also changed the boarder of the chat bubble depending on the "mood" of the speech (An response in the cold mood would make icicles around the edge.).


It was cool, and I hope for something similar comes to TOR already.

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SWG did chat right. It was easy to read and did not clutter the screen. They also changed the boarder of the chat bubble depending on the "mood" of the speech (An response in the cold mood would make icicles around the edge.).


It was cool, and I hope for something similar comes to TOR already.

Indeed. Star Wars Galaxies may have had it's flaws, but it's chat system including chat bubbles wasn't one of them. It's one of the things Star Wars: The Old Republic should have definitely inherited from it's sadly departed older brother.
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Could a Moderator please be so kind and move this entire thread to the new Suggestion Box Forum? This is a suggestion, thus it belongs there.


Sure, I could repost this thread there, but there have been so many constructive replies and discussion in this five-star thread (also from players who have sadly cancelled their accounts due to the game lacking chat bubbles and are only waiting for chat bubbles to be implemented to pull the trigger and resubscribe) and it would be a shame to start from scratch there.


Thank you very much!

People unsubbing for lack of chat bubbles? *sigh*


Bioware, can I have a rainbow lightsaber crystal?



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People unsubbing for lack of chat bubbles? *sigh*
Believe it or not, I personally know 14 people that unsubscribed before the first monthly payment was due because they couldn't enjoy the game due to the lack of chat bubbles (in addition I know a bunch more players that are thinking about cancellation due to the same reason if there isn't at least an approximate ETA on a chat bubbles option very soon). They also stated it as a reason in the survey they got upon cancellation, so hopefully EA/LucasArts will listen to that. While it may sound ridiculous, I'm beginning to sympathize now that I've finished much of the content in the game and there isn't much else to do - I can really feel that the chat bubbles are missing and making it too hard for me to enjoy my "endgame" of roleplaying and socializing with other players.

Note that every single one of them told me that they'd return once chat bubbles were implemented. Chat bubbles are of great importance to many players, especially socializers and roleplayers but also players of other player types.

They want to be able to enjoy the Massively Multiplayer Online Game that they pay a premium price for the client and a premium monthly fee for together with multiple other players, not just a glorified single player game with minimal multiplayer and co-op elements. I don't think anyone can blame them for that. Chat bubbles are an integral part to improve communication between multiple players, after all.

Edited by Glzmo
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Why would most people turn them off? How am I supposed to manage the spam from general because of the lack of an LFG. Along with the spam from trade, AND try to see what people right next to me are trying to say?


Do you really think people aren't going to spam using chat bubbles?? Play many MMO's?? Chat bubbles will also be used to spam people.. Chat bubbles are not going to save you from spam.. Far from it.. They will just be another venue in which people can use to spam others..


Which is why many people don't want them.. Or at least have the ability to turn them off..

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More chat channel tabs is not the way to solve this. Local chat bubbles are a must, and furthermore a industry standard.


The UI will see some customization options in the near future, but what we need with that are chat bubbles. It only makes sense.


If you don't like chat bubbles, fine....turn them off. But they should be "on" by default. People who don't like chat bubbles are like left handed people, everything in the world is right handed by default.


I was being sarcastic! I'm 100% for chat bubbles ;)

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What's the holdup, Bioware? I know you guys are busy, but just put the chat bubbles from beta back in as an option (even if it's just a .ini tweak for now before you find the time to polish it and add it as an "official option") and you'll make many players happy.
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