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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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The Q&A they posted, did 'touch' on a couple concerns I had, but not in any useful way other than "yeah, its coming in the future sometime". Which is all they need to answer for chat bubbles!
It's very disheartening that they don't even say that.


My only hope is, with all this huge UI changes they have coming in 1.2... chat bubbles is in that (since its an important UI element).
Yes. But does Bioware even know that chat bubbles are in fact a (G)UI Element? Of course, we don't know, as they are ignoring the issue completely and not responding to anything chat bubble related for whatever mysterious reason. The optimist in me wants to think the reason is because they want to announce chat bubbles big time as a surprise for us really, really soon, but the realist has a really bad feeling about the silence...of the lambs.


However I know I will be let down. I have zero faith in their UI team, if all their prior games are any indication of their skill.
I mirror this sentiment. The GUI Design is violating almost every GUI design principle there is, the team has huge trouble even adding new preferences options for things that already work in the .ini file or to copy object properties from objects on which they already work to other ones and so on. It's really not good.

If you consider that they have allegedly rejected job applications for the TOR GUI team by talented GUI designers/programmers for the (G)UI team in the past due to "not enough prior experience in the gaming industry" (although they have played tons of MMOs before and know what's needed in a MMO GUI) that would have likely done a much, much better job, it's even sadder...


Bioware, if you want to prove me wrong, I dare you to simply add an option to enable chat bubbles for /say, /yell and /emote chat ASAP. But I'm starting to doubt your sorry excuse for "GUI programmers and designers" are even remotely capable to do that. ;)

Edited by Glzmo
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If you consider that they have allegedly rejected job applications for the TOR GUI team by talented GUI designers/programmers for the (G)UI team in the past due to "not enough prior experience in the gaming industry" (although they have played tons of MMOs before and know what's needed in a MMO GUI) that would have likely done a much, much better job, it's even sadder...


Honestly, I do not consider their GUI team as having the kind of experience needed and have right to turn away those who are better then them. I can safely say every single Bioware game I have played, has had some of the worst in-game interface designs. The only thing I've seen them do pretty decent, was the dialog wheel. However that is but a tiny thing amongst a sea of functionality.


I've seen startup companies do better game UI's.

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Now see, these are the things that players worry about that aren't really important to the game at all. This is not a necessity this is nothing more than a WANT not a NEED. Everyone is more worried about all the little "flashy" things that doesn't really improve the game play or help the players in anyway but to make someone happy rather than make an improvement on the actual game mechanics, playability, etc.


Players really need to focus more on the other things right now such-as what they've already started to put in the next patch as in the GCD and a little more UI customization and bugs that actually are helping with game play, etc. People just want, want, want and don't ask for the needs that would actually help EVERYONE. /facepalm /sigh



I think I'm finished with this thread now. *smh*

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Now see, these are the things that players worry about that aren't really important to the game at all. This is not a necessity this is nothing more than a WANT not a NEED. Everyone is more worried about all the little "flashy" things that doesn't really improve the game play or help the players in anyway but to make someone happy rather than make an improvement on the actual game mechanics, playability, etc.


Players really need to focus more on the other things right now such-as what they've already started to put in the next patch as in the GCD and a little more UI customization and bugs that actually are helping with game play, etc. People just want, want, want and don't ask for the needs that would actually help EVERYONE. /facepalm /sigh


Yes, there are many other topics about all kinds of quality of life issues too. The ones you mentioned can just as well be considered as 'want'. We don't NEED better GCD or UI customization. It is merely a quality of life improvement, much like chat bubbles are, and everything else people are suggesting in this suggestion box forum.


And your point in posting about all those other topics in this topic? You must be really hurting about something else, but you didn't even make any clear indication what.


Fact: This is the SUGGESTION BOX forum. Learn to accept it, or just leave this forum entirely and go back to general and troll there.


I think I'm finished with this thread now. *smh*


Dont let the door hit you in the ....

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I came to SWTOR, looking for an in-depth RP experience. So far, the absence of chat bubbles has made RPing in this game nothing short of an impossibility. Therefore, i heartily agree with this petition. If chat bubbles are not implemented into the game by the time my time ends, i will not be adding any more to it.


Don't ignore us, Bioware!

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I came to SWTOR, looking for an in-depth RP experience. So far, the absence of chat bubbles has made RPing in this game nothing short of an impossibility. Therefore, i heartily agree with this petition. If chat bubbles are not implemented into the game by the time my time ends, i will not be adding any more to it.


Don't ignore us, Bioware!

Yes. There appear to be many that also share this sentiment. And most of them don't even post here on the forums, unforunately.

It would be wise for Bioware to pay some attention to the issue and try to add an option to enable chat bubbles as soon as possible.

Edited by Glzmo
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I cant understand how they didnt have it at luanch... Chat bubbles make the game come more to life, and thats just what it needs, at this time the game feels more like a singel player game then it does a MMO.

And for all RPers out there this is something that is rly needed i dont wana look in the corner when i talk to someone, i want to look at where and who is saying what.


As many other said once my sub goes out i wont renew it just cuse of the lack of this small function its slowly killing the feel of the game by making it feels stiff and dead.


Also like some of you said, its so easy to miss if you happend to be on a heavly populated planet where they spam the /1 chat. right now i have to make


1 chat for





Also im in another one for /Rp. are we rly supposed to have all those chats. just feels wrong.


Also noticed someone said that in beta the developers were talking about having this fixed for luanch.... make me wounder how hard can it be and how long can it take.


Its not like they have to reprogram the whole game just for this small thing.


So yes chatbubbles are rly important theres alot more ppl out there that is gona quit cuse of this then there is of some unbalanced and overpowerd skills on some classes etc etc, the lack of bubbles are a small but gamebreaking feature atm.

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Yes, there are many other topics about all kinds of quality of life issues too. The ones you mentioned can just as well be considered as 'want'. We don't NEED better GCD or UI customization. It is merely a quality of life improvement, much like chat bubbles are, and everything else people are suggesting in this suggestion box forum.


And your point in posting about all those other topics in this topic? You must be really hurting about something else, but you didn't even make any clear indication what.


Fact: This is the SUGGESTION BOX forum. Learn to accept it, or just leave this forum entirely and go back to general and troll there.




Dont let the door hit you in the ....



Lol, trolling and don't let the door hit me...For one I'm not trolling it's a voiced opinion like everyone else here and two intimidating for one on the internet and two taking everything so seriously? And to answer your question about something I must REALLY WANT why yes there is and I've addressed those where they needed to be. They were things such as bugs and glitches that "harm" game performance, playability and what not. No, I don't need the UI customization at all it was merely an example as to something that would help out with just about everyone that does the "end-game" things or PvP, etc. and if you don't agree that people are just wanting more and more for a game that is so new then my good sir you are blind. If people want chat bubbles then by all means BioWare/EA will add them if they feel it's going to hurt them if they don't or if they feel it's a necessity but everyone who is playing this game and especially those who "bash" BioWare/EA just because something this small isn't or hasn't been implemented is just plain sad especially for those who are going to stop playing if it's not added soon, I mean come on. For one you have to give them time and two it's TRIAL AND ERROR for them. I'm not saying to not give negative feedback but to do it in such a "hostile" manner is not respectful nor should it be accepted by anyone. I for one think it is sad that we live in such a "fast" or "have it now" society. The faster technology grows along with everything else a lot of people think everything else should be working just as fast if not faster. BioWare/EA teams have worked hard the game and continue to do so and put tons of hours and give up a good part of their lives to make us the consumers happy and to down talk or disrespect them in the manner a lot of people do the way they do is to me just unheard of. I wasn't raised to disrespect anyone for any reason and not to act like someone I'm not and that's what a lot of people are doing in not only this thread but other suggestion threads. I replied to this one because one I didn't want to reply to every single one and two at the time I'd been talking to someone about the chat bubbles (actually a few people). If this hurt you personally (what I said previously) or you misunderstood what I was trying to say then for that I am sorry. Anyways, I'll stop here and I hope this clears up whatever it may have been that you or anyone did not understand I was trying to say, etc. [=


Thank you very much,




P.S. Thanks for pointing out this is a SUGGESTION BOX FORUM.:D

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Ok now 2 months after the launch, I think we can stop believing they'll enable bubbles. Bioware just doesnt' care about us roleplayers, sad but true.


Each day more and more of my roleplayer friends leave TOR, regretful but knowing that some other mmo's will give 'em more tools to make Roleplaying possible. And I think I'm not the only one to experiment that.


I understand their choice... Why should I keep hoping, waiting (which means paying^^) for a bunch of muted devs to enable such a basic however critical feature ?


Let's face it, they just don't give a sh*t :(

Edited by Helsie
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I just find it sad that they don't seem to consider this a priority concern. When in reality, if there is anything that will make me leave the game, this is it. and i'm sure i'm not alone in that sentiment.


You are not alone.


I've already lost a few in-game friends because they got tired of the silence on something they felt strongly about, "not gonna pay for silence". They are pretty sickened by the general lack of RP'r respect this development team has (given the RP crowd is kind of what made bioware who they are today?). Missing chat bubbles was just like the wrapper of disrespect to them, and they bailed.


All I see in updates, or discussions from devs, is pvp this, pvp that, pvp balance here, pvp speed there. Where is the RP love? The social love? This is a bloody M M O R P G ... not BF4.

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I'm glad i'm not the only one. I just find it very hard to believe. Bioware are losing subscribers over something so simple and easy to fix. And they still won't give us a concrete answer about whether or not they are fixing them.


If the bubbles aren't in with the 1.2 UI overhaul, i will be canceling my subscription. And i won't regret it in the least. I came to this game for the RP community. But Bioware are making it clear that they don't care about that community, by ignoring even our most simple requests. it's not like we're asking for the world here.


Come on, devs. you give us specialised RP servers, but you won't make RPing on those servers a possibility? Why bother having the servers in the first place?


/say is useless without the bubbles. it's just /general with a shorter range.

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I must admit that I'm pretty confused with the reason why they shouldn't enable those damn bubbles. Is it just evil ? I dont know, maybe there is some lead designer that hates online roleplaying among the staff...


Or perhaps it's a stupid bet ? "So let's see how long roleplayers will pay while we obviously don't do anything to fix their problems !"


Haha... you won this one Bioware. You just loose many customers but... you won this one :)


Oh, I almost forgot : keep doing all your best to equilibrate PVP just as many others devs did before you. That way you won't be estonished the day you'll end up like Mark Jacobs.


Don't think anything magical is running the market, blizz's managers just have brains...

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Still can believe we are coming into the third month and there is still radio silence on this big issue for me. BW you are testing my patience and I have been an avid defender of you guys through the troll wars post launch. PLease dont make me look like an idiot.





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trying to keep this on front page


Yeah, it tends to get drowned out with the "Fix Ilum" threads. Like... what is broken with it? I went there, it's working. I was killing things, having some fun, got bored since pvp is a mini-game. Went back to the cantina and couldn't socialize with anyone easily due to lack of chat bubbles.


Decided to say screw end game, and rolled another alt to fiddle around with in this solo-esque game.

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Just imagine we had them and everybody used them, what kind of hell would that be

Well that’s not likely is it ,because probably over 90% would have the option turned off.

There are a lot more important things need fixing or adding before this.


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