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Bioware, stop adding new features and do something about the graphics!


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It's unbelievable to pay $60 and $15 monthly subscription for a game in 2012 with dx9 graphics. Do something about it, please. The game is great, but it kills me to play it on max settings and still look like I'm playing a 2004 game.


I know your reasons, but you can do improvements in the Hero Engine, since you altered it, with or without the updates. If Turbine did it, than you can do it as well. LOTRO is compatible with dx9 hardware AND dx11 hardware, and it looks really good. SWTOR doesn't.


I love this game, don't wanna get fed of it because when I play Crysis 2 after SWTOR I feel like I jumped 8 years in time.


Thank you, and like I said, I really appreciate your work in this game.

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It's unbelievable to pay $60 and $15 monthly subscription for a game in 2012 with dx9 graphics. Do something about it, please.


Maybe they looked at the financial performance of LotRO and came to the conclusion that the investment required to support both DX9 and DX11 is not warranted by the return?

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It's unbelievable to pay $60 and $15 monthly subscription for a game in 2012 with dx9 graphics. Do something about it, please. The game is great, but it kills me to play it on max settings and still look like I'm playing a 2004 game.


I know your reasons, but you can do improvements in the Hero Engine, since you altered it, with or without the updates. If Turbine did it, than you can do it as well. LOTRO is compatible with dx9 hardware AND dx11 hardware, and it looks really good. SWTOR doesn't.


I love this game, don't wanna get fed of it because when I play Crysis 2 after SWTOR I feel like I jumped 8 years in time.


Thank you, and like I said, I really appreciate your work in this game.


Turbine and LOTRO do not use the Hero Engine.


p.s. Oh and I think the graphics are just fine...

Edited by RickRedOne
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The graphics are fine. Not perfect, but fine for an MMO. It will get better over time (they always do).


DX11 is not going to give you anything remarkable. It will however inject a whole new series of bugs, particularly hardware quirks and dependencies given the thousands of different configurations out there (not to mention all the semi stable beta graphics drivers people jam into their PCs to eek out .5% performance boost for the latest FPS shooter on the shelf).


You can go back to complaining about missing features, bad features, etc. etc. :p

Edited by Andryah
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the teams working on new content are not the same teams doing bug fixes and graphics adjustments. so bw adding new content has nothing to do with the graphics.


i don't know about anyone else but i wouldn't want a writer or artist fixing bugs or writing the code for the graphics engine anyway.

Edited by Nagadeath
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Should have used a better engine in the first place, like cryENGINE, or unreal. or something better than this mess.


Rofl, you people and jumping on the bandwagon, if you actually knew stuff about tech you'd know this engine isn't as bad as people like to claim.

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Should have used a better engine in the first place, like cryENGINE, or unreal. or something better than this mess.


Haha yeah, using a FPS engine in a MMO.......unfortunately it does not work that way. :(


Games with huge environments and huge amounts of people running around in realtime need to use much simpler graphics. SWTOR is quite decent for a mmo. That said, shadows and maybe improved normal maps baked onto armour etc could be improved to make it more awesome! They can look a little flat...

Edited by Thornsbane
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Taken from a friends site.


"Game Engine is Actually Good


I know a lot of people like to make fun of and knock the engine used in SWTOR, but it is actually rather good. Right now ATI and NVidia need to performance optimize their drivers to help the game and engine out, but that will happen.


If you doubt the engine is a good technology or think the graphics are ‘low’ quality compared to Crysis for example, remember this…


The ‘realistic’ engine being compared load ‘small’ areas of textures, and uses load screens when moving in and out of these areas.


They could not seamlessly ‘load’ all the objects and textures that a planet like Tatoonie alone offers, especially at the super high realism level either.


However, the SWTOR engine can load an entire large planet/area with fairly high resolution textures and objects without load screens when moving around. Sure moving from planet to planet incurrs a load screen, but if you had to sit through a load screen even 100meters you moved in the game like you do with MOST MMOs, it would drive you crazy.


SWTOR also uses a bit of stylistic approach, but so does Halo Reach, and people still love Halo, even though it doesn’t try to be photo-realistic.


The engine is also fully dynamic, lighting, shadows, and most reflections are pulled in realtime, unlike tricks many games use of drawing the ‘shadows’ into the textures so they don’t have to render.


This dynamic approach takes a bit more procesing, but offers a lot more realism in the end. For example when you are soaring through the forest on a speeder with shadows on, the light ‘flickers’ off your character and the speeder accurately. It is actually immersive and pretty.


All the cut scenes from the ships flying to the character conversations are dynamically rendered. They could have used ‘canned’ cut scenes as MANY games do, and removed the immersion as the clothes on your character would not match, etc.


This dynamic element and ‘whole’ world without load screen concept gives the ‘engine’ and future of the game a lot of power too. Bioware can ‘easily’ add content and features UNLIKE any other MMO to date because of the engine technology. It also has automatic growth, and in 5 years when we all have uber computers, the engine inherently will allow Bioware to load in SUPER high resolution texture that NO system could use today, and it would be fairly easy and seamless, and keep the game looking ‘updated’ and ‘fresh’.


So give Bioware/Hero and ATI/NVidia time to optimize performance"

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Haha yeah, using a FPS engine in a MMO.......unfortunately it does not work that way. :(


Games with huge environments and huge amounts of people running around in realtime need to use much simpler graphics. SWTOR is quite decent for a mmo. That said, shadows and maybe improved normal maps baked onto armour etc could be improved to make it more awesome! They can look a little flat...


Archeage is using Cryengine 3 and is shaping up to be an awesome MMO

Edited by Kabaal
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Archeage is using Cryengine 3 and is shaping up to be an awesome MMO


Ya looks very cool....aside from the gameplay which looks horrible. And that is going to be a huge tax on any rig.....the amount of people able to play it is going to be severely limited. :( As most people globally dont have great gaming rigs a huge percentage of those that even bother to buy the game will be playing on low graphics settings.....which probably will be pretty similar to swtor.


Love the idea of it though, in 5 years mmo's are going to look incredible. But of course then people will complain they dont look as good as the photo real first person shooters that will be out then.... :)

Edited by Thornsbane
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Ya looks very cool, but that is going to be a huge tax on any rig.....the amount of people able to play it is going to be severely limited. :( As most people globally dont have great gaming rigs a huge percentage of those that even bother to buy the game will be playing on low graphics settings.....which probably will be pretty similar to swtor.


Love the idea of it though, in 5 years mmo's are going to look incredible. But of course then people will complain they dont look as good as the photo real first person shooters that will be out then.... :)


Apparently it runs quite well, it's came a long way from the days of Crysis 1 and is even used on consoles now. We'll see though.

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the teams working on new content are not the same teams doing bug fixes and graphics adjustments. so bw adding new content has nothing to do with the graphics.


i don't know about anyone else but i wouldn't want a writer or artist fixing bugs or writing the code for the graphics engine anyway.


New content needs new graph. The graph team will definitely be a large part of creating new content.

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Oriental MMOGs are all the same.

The only content they have is grind and more grind.


And I suppose all Americans are fat, us Scottish all wear kilts and shag sheep, the French are all called Renee and wear onions round their necks etc etc?

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And I suppose all Americans are fat, us Scottish all wear kilts and shag sheep, the French are all called Renee and wear onions round their necks etc etc?


It is René.


And yes, I am french, my name is René, I smoke cigarettes, I'm wearing a black beret and I am the proud owner of an awesome moustache.

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