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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 WZ's no longer fun


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:(I am not enjoying pvp post 1.2. Since there is no lfg, I have taken solace in killing pubs, and sadly, empire for fun in this game. I am reasonably good at it, my Mara used to zip around the map, killing better geared players with regularity. So, even when my team lost I at least knew that I would make progress and get some commendations, while having fun in mostly even WZ matches.


Now, people are quitting at the first sign of losing, there are no rewards for losing, this is because the losses are now very one sided. I have yet to win in Novare Coast. It seems like there are many premades out there stomping the living crap out my que solo teams. The result is no progress on my gear, frustration and very little fun. I just got done getting essentially shut out in four straight matches with 21 commendations to account for my time. This is not fun.


I repeat NO FUN!


It follows that there is little reason to play this game, except for my stubborn pride. I hope BW listens to the player base or I fear this game will not see 1.3. I really would be sad, as I have supported BW games in the past, loved KOTOR and would hate to go back to WoW. Maybe I would get alot more done around my house. In any event, it is clear to me that something needs to be done and fast.


Respectfully: Nerdsmasher (Mara), Rhavage (Jugg), Stealthnerf (op)

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I mean the many threads on the topic. If you are a dissenting opinion that is ok.


In any event, like I said, pvp was enjoyable prior to 1.2. Now it is an excercise in frustration, unless you are the one in a premade stomping on the que solo crowd,

Edited by Notannos
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...my Mara used to zip around the map, killing better geared players with regularity...


They buffed your class....FYI.


How much expertise do you have. I think everyone that posts on the PvP forums needs to start posting their expertise stat. Full BM is like 1200 now....if you are still in your Champion gear like half the people on my server....you will get destroyed.


I honestly think half the QQing about 1.2 PvP could have been avoided if BW had buffed Champion gear like they did BM.

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11 wz played.

In all 11 games, faced enemy premade.

All 11 wz lost .


I got enough commendations to buy 2 medpacks


I love 1.2 pvp


I'm beginning to realize that the biggest single problem with 1.2 might be this. In the old system, pre-mades really only had incentive to win three matches. After that, why bother? So they'd all go and level alts in 10-49 pvp after winning their three matches. Or they'd play other characters that maybe they weren't so great at.


In the old system I never saw a particular pre-made more than once in a night. Last night I saw the same pre-made four times. I always lost 80-90% of the time as a solo-que player against pre-mades. But so what? Take the loss and move on. Maybe next game will be against another pug and maybe we'd win.


Now, it's just pre-mades constantly.

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Mara Anni spec arguably got nerfed, carnage got a good buff and my predation sprint that I miss dearly.

But, not the point of my thread. We are getting stomped by premades, and also not rewarded for losses. This equals no progression.


Which is insult to injury.

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I'm not a fan of this patch either with respect to pvp. But I'm willing to give BW time to correct their mistakes, some of which they've already said there will be a patch for. I will reevaluate my position after cross-server queuing has been introduced. If I'm not having fun after that then at least I can say I gave pvp a chance in this game.
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Mara Anni spec arguably got nerfed, carnage got a good buff and my predation sprint that I miss dearly.

But, not the point of my thread. We are getting stomped by premades, and also not rewarded for losses. This equals no progression.


Which is insult to injury.


BW acknowledged this and is doing things to help fix it this week. Read the dev tracker.

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Reverting Expertise back to 1.1.5 with the exception of diminishing returns would go a long way toward making PvP more fun again.


Someone posted a screen shot showing that at 1164 expertise you get:

22.23% Damage Boost

18.18% Damage Reduction

12.27% Healing Boost


This obviously creates a Zerg Fest. I'm still deciding if I Iike Zerg style PvP or not....sort of leaning towards not.

Edited by mSum
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Healers are actually the ones who got the shaft.


yes we did, but i stopped healing pvp and started leveling another toon since it's useless to heal in pvp right now. Though i have not been on to see if it has changed since patch this morning.

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