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[QOL Issue] Don't flag players for PvP by buffing others flagged for it


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Dear devs,


The situation in game currently is that if you cast a buff on a passing player of the same faction who is currently flagged for PvP, you will also be flagged for PvP.


Considering that many players do not wish to be flagged this way and the steps required to remove the flag (i.e., it's not just a simple turn off option), please would you make it so that casting a buff does not flag you for PvP.


The fact is, players cast buffs on others to be friendly and to help keep them as strong as possible. Since I doubt that anyone wishes to be unintentionally flagged for PvP in this way, players who PvP may find themselves not being privy to the passing buff of strangers simply on account of this.


If this could be rectified, I would be most grateful.


Kind regards


Edited by llesna
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That is a start but does not go far enough. I would love to see an option in the game setup that would allow you to turn off auto-flagging completely. If this flag is set, then you cannot buff or heal a friendly PvP flagged character. You also do not tab target a PvP flagged opposing faction character. You also cannot do any damage (AoE or direct cast) to them. This way you cannot help a PvP flagged character on your faction and you cannot hurt a PvP flagged character from the other faction.


I do not mind people that want to PvP but as a PvE player, i would like to have anything PvP related kept as far from me as possible. By making this an option you can set for the account or even a character by character basis, it will allow the people that like the current setup of auto-flagging to keep it if they wish but will allow those people that do not want PvP under any circumstances to be able to opt out completely.

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Alternatively, simply make it impossible to buff flagged players. I'm all for the idea of making it impossible to affect flagged players in any way if you're not flagged yourself.


As I've also heard some horror stories of flagged players running into AoE damage effects of lone players from the opposite faction just so they could then attack them while they're already dealing with mobs.

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disagree. if you don't want pvp, don't buff a pvper, it's that simple. you can't expect to help a pvper by giving him an edge over his competition, but cry i don't want to be involved. next you'll be saying you should heal a pvper but not get pvp status.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Alternatively, simply make it impossible to buff flagged players. I'm all for the idea of making it impossible to affect flagged players in any way if you're not flagged yourself.


This would be the solution I propose. I understand that they don't want people aiding PVPers without being in PVP themselves. It would be horribly unfair for a non-flagged healer to throw buffs and heals on a PVPer while they fought.


However, sometimes I'll target a PVPer by accident, and all it takes is one misclick to accidentally heal or buff someone (especially with the Trooper/Bounty Hunter's "healing bullets").


It'd be much appreciated if we could just have some option to never do it at all, sort of using the same mechanics of how we can't heal or buff NPCs or Pets (the option gets grayed out, or we auto-target ourselves). It would be much better than having to find a Cantina and stop playing for five minutes.


EDIT: I just had this issue happen, and I took 16 minutes and 34 seconds for the flag to go away.

Edited by ProfessorCaprion
Adding the part after "EDIT"
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disagree. if you don't want pvp, don't buff a pvper, it's that simple. you can't expect to help a pvper by giving him an edge over his competition, but cry i don't want to be involved. next you'll be saying you should heal a pvper but not get pvp status.


Erm, that's contrary to the whole spirit of helping other players out. Just because someone is flagged for PvP doesn't mean they're actually PvPing at the moment, especially on a PvE server. It probably means they also buffed someone and got themselves flagged without wanting it either.


Your logic is just flawed. If someone wants to help someone in a normal context and not be flagged for PvP, it's a sensible suggestion. To imply that an extra buff (keeping the legacy benefits in mind) is going to break duelling PvP is just insane. And yes, if a PvP-flagged player were fighting NPCs, I would want to be able to target and help them rather than let them die without being flagged for PvP for it.


It's called being nice to fellow players. You should try it sometime ^.^


LOL just go for a PVE server mate


This IS on PvE servers. In fact, it occurs even on RPPvE servers. Just because someone has duelled with someone and been flagged for PvP doesn't mean that they don't want to do normal content afterwards and me having to not help them on account of not wanting the PvP flag is just silly.


If you want to be flagged for PvP, it should be because of a PvP area or a duel. You shouldn't get it for helping out a player in a non-PvP context (i.e., normal PvE game situation).

Edited by llesna
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