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Can different species reproduce in SW?


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Just curious - are there any examples of different species mating and actually having offspring in the extended Star Wars universe? I can think of plenty of Star Trek characters that are mixed species, but not any Star Wars ones.


I'm asking because I'm trying to determine what's realistic for legacy offspring.

Edited by Jornas
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There was some EU examples of Miralukans interbreeding with humans, creating Humans with Miralukan Force Vision. But I think otherwise it would have to depend on the genetic compatability of the species involved.


For instance this would be why you never hear of half human, half sheep monstrosities coming out of Ireland. The seed and the eggs just don't mix.

Edited by Listerman
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Actually just posted something on this in another thread.


Only Humans and Near-Humans can interbreed with each other (so most playable species in SWTOR are compatible).


The more exotic species cannot interbreed with Humans or each other.


Sith and Human interbreeding was only possible because the original Dark Jedi altered themselves with SIth DNA and Sith Magic (Darkside powers) to make themselves unnaturally comparable.


The Entire Sith Pureblood species is direct result of Darkside power and SIth magics.

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  • 4 weeks later...
There was some EU examples of Miralukans interbreeding with humans, creating Humans with Miralukan Force Vision. But I think otherwise it would have to depend on the genetic compatability of the species involved.


For instance this would be why you never hear of half human, half sheep monstrosities coming out of Ireland. The seed and the eggs just don't mix.


You're thinking of Wales.

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Just as a general rule, humanoid species can often mate with one another. Mirialans, Zabrak, and as of the latest rendition of canon in Star Wars: Clone Wars, Twi'leks can mate with humans too. Sith have been known to mate with humans, as have Chiss.


If you are talking about the Episode I think you are, the Clone deserter could not have mated with the Twi'lek female.Her kid(s) were far too old for that to have happened. Granted I have not kept up with this last season so I may have missed something. But everything I have read about this indicates that Twis' have a differant genetic makeup, therefore they cannot reproduce with any race except Twi'lek.


Zabrak, Mirialan, Human, Rattaki, Kiffar and even Miraluka can interbreed. There are other near human species as well.

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in fact most near human species (chiss, twi'lik, mir, zabark, etc) are decended from human sleeper ships that were sent out from coruscant adn corellia in the verry distant past


Interesting, I've never read that before. But given that when an alien species mates with a human the offspring is usually closer to human, visually, it would imply that humans have the dominant gene.

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Anakin flirting with Ahsoka tano his own padawan before he marry padme


Jabba and Leia (albeit a forced relationship / slavery)


Humans dating Aliens in that coruscant bar scene, or Aliens dating Aliens on Mos Eisley Cantina

Edited by dprijadi
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Anakin flirting with Ahsoka tano his own padawan before he marry padme


Jabba and Leia (albeit a forced relationship / slavery)


Humans dating Aliens in that coruscant bar scene, or Aliens dating Aliens on Mos Eisley Cantina


Uhm, Anakin married Padme before he got a Padawan, also I never saw him flirting with her

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There was some EU examples of Miralukans interbreeding with humans, creating Humans with Miralukan Force Vision. But I think otherwise it would have to depend on the genetic compatability of the species involved.


For instance this would be why you never hear of half human, half sheep monstrosities coming out of Ireland. The seed and the eggs just don't mix.


no they come from scotland!!!

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  • 2 years later...
There was some EU examples of Miralukans interbreeding with humans, creating Humans with Miralukan Force Vision. But I think otherwise it would have to depend on the genetic compatability of the species involved.


For instance this would be why you never hear of half human, half sheep monstrosities coming out of Ireland. The seed and the eggs just don't mix.


yes there were instances with that THOUGH the half breeds between a human and miraluka would be rare and would cause the offspring to not only have mutations but also be considered an outcast to the miraluka people.

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Anakin flirting with Ahsoka tano his own padawan before he marry padme


Jabba and Leia (albeit a forced relationship / slavery)


Humans dating Aliens in that coruscant bar scene, or Aliens dating Aliens on Mos Eisley Cantina


There is a difference between mashing parts together and getting off spring from doing so.

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Anakin flirting with Ahsoka tano his own padawan before he marry padme


Jabba and Leia (albeit a forced relationship / slavery)


Humans dating Aliens in that coruscant bar scene, or Aliens dating Aliens on Mos Eisley Cantina


but Skywalker got married to padme immediately after Geonosis?

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