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Build Links Post 1.2


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So havent actually seen a proper thread about all the new builds that people are rolling with since 1.2 but I would be very interested to see how people are building their characters.


If you guys could post what you are rolling with and then why it would be a huge help to some sentinels for PvE ideas through to PvP concepts.


Cheers all

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This is what I am rolling with currently




Seems to be working well for me, I haven't really tried any other builds though so I can't speak to how it fairs against other builds specifically just that it works well for me. On average I do about 200k damage in WZ and I am in a mix of Champ/Recruit gear. That average should go up though I just got my 2nd BM saber last night :)

Edited by JsunJay
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This is what I am rolling with currently




Seems to be working well for me, I haven't really tried any other builds though so I can't speak to how it fairs against other builds specifically just that it works well for me. On average I do about 200k damage in WZ and I am in a mix of Champ/Recruit gear. That average should go up though I just got my 2nd BM saber last night :)


Not bad but the 2 points in Focused Leap are a waste in my opinion. Better to spread them elsewhere,at the very least put another point in Close Quarters so you can still generate Focus without having to step a bit out of distance from the target.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Not bad but the 2 points in Focused Leap are a waste in my opinion. Better to spread them elsewhere,at the very least put another point in Close Quarters so you can still generate Focus without having to step a bit out of distance from the target.


I really don't seem to run into an issue with the leap being an extra 5m though I do agree it would make for a another good interrupt. And usually unless I am going against another sent or mara most are running away and/or backpedaling hah so the distance is pretty negligible. I usually use leap after they do their knockbacks unless I am stopping someone from capping so distance really isn't a problem there either. I may give that a shot though just to see how the extra interrupt helps as usually even after kick -> choke (w/e the sent name is I forget) -> kick healers usually can still get one heal off. Thanks for tip.

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This is what I am rolling with currently




Seems to be working well for me, I haven't really tried any other builds though so I can't speak to how it fairs against other builds specifically just that it works well for me. On average I do about 200k damage in WZ and I am in a mix of Champ/Recruit gear. That average should go up though I just got my 2nd BM saber last night :)


I would take the 2 points out of Focused Leap and put them in inflammation. You won't need to worry about leg slash or whatever the slow is called if you grab this ability. Everything else looks pretty good.


Focused Leap is definitely not worth 2 points to gain 1 focus IMO. If you are looking for Focus try Jedi Crusader.


Here is my PVP spec : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRMRdfsZGMM.1


I don't think Insight is worth it because of Zen and Searing Saber. I'm also tempted to take 2 points out of duel wield mastery and put them in Master Focus. Not sure how much the 24% damage increase to offhand actually helps. I might have to look at the combat logs to figure it out. People who are not using Master strike are missing out. This ability was good before and it's even better after the patch.


I notice no one every picks up Jedi Crusader and I'm not to sure why. I love this ability. If you can time Rebuke right before a stun, You will gain focus while stunned. It also helps if you are trying to burn some one down that is attacking you. You really do not have to worry about focus when Rebuke is up.


I only like 1 point in close quarters because it helps me Force Leap less. I find I use it by accident if I put 2 points in.

Edited by GaryCartel
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I would take the 2 points out of Focused Leap and put them in inflammation. You won't need to worry about leg slash or whatever the slow is called if you grab this ability. Everything else looks pretty good.


Focused Leap is definitely not worth 2 points to gain 1 focus IMO. If you are looking for Focus try Jedi Crusader.


Here is my PVP spec : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRMRdfsZGMM.1


I don't think Insight is worth it because of Zen and Searing Saber. I'm also tempted to take 2 points out of duel wield mastery and put them in Master Focus. Not sure how much the 24% damage increase to offhand actually helps. I might have to look at the combat logs to figure it out. People who are not using Master strike are missing out. This ability was good before and it's even better after the patch.


I notice no one every picks up Jedi Crusader and I'm not to sure why. I love this ability. If you can time Rebuke right before a stun, You will gain focus while stunned. It also helps if you are trying to burn some one down that is attacking you. You really do not have to worry about focus when Rebuke is up.


I only like 1 point in close quarters because it helps me Force Leap less. I find I use it by accident if I put 2 points in.


those 2 points you are putting into Jedi Crusader are better spent going into Master Focus IMHO. Especially for PVP master strike is a huge damage dealer and adding the extra %dmg and the added reduced CD it to me is a must. As far as switching Focused Leap to Inflammation I agree that is a good point. Focus is really never an issue so not having to hit leg slash everytime would help a lot.

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This is my preferred build under the current patch:




Its essential to get the 30% aoe dam reduction and the extra damage for master strike. Thats why i only have 1 point to put into Close Quarters. But often in pvp your enemy will try to run away or will do a pushback, then 5 meters is ok.


I agree. However I use my build for PvE too, as opposed to respec just for a mere few points of changes... so I have 2/2 close quarters. BUT in PvP 1 is all that's really needed, tho imo not wasted either. And AoE red since I don't have Force Fade anymore definitely added that.


MS is part of rotation now so CD and 8% increase is very noticeable. Inflammation now imo is really a focus saver more than Focused Leap because it becomes your primary slow and is part of your rotation anyways. You still have Leg slash as back up or when Caut on CD or it's been cleansed.


Focused Leap - honestly depends I see argument for having and not having it. More useful in PvE with a 0m leap where it can be a interrupt/focus builder over gap closer.


I have 1 point in Crusader over 3/3 in Dual Wield. Seriously 12% more offhand how it is, is hardly worth it I'd rather have a chance at more focus.

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